Chapter 110

Chapter 110 My young master is called Wang Hu (second more seeking subscription)

“Second son, why don’t you go to my yard to take a break? Or are you coming back tonight?”

Li Chao asked cautiously.

“Just go to your yard and have a rest, otherwise it would be troublesome to run around.”

Fan also nodded and spoke bluntly.

Hearing this, Li Chao’s expression showed a hint of joy, and he quickly led Ying Ziyi through the sword casting room and into the courtyard.

Although Li Chaojie said it was a bit dirty here, in fact, the winner still rarely saw the mess. But here is relatively quiet, with a few flowers-flowers and grasses planted around it, and it is peaceful.

“Second son, please sit down!

Li Chaoyao quickly took out a chair and said respectfully.

“Brother Li, you don’t have to be so polite, just speak straight.

Yingzi also glanced at Li Chao and said with a smile.

“Woolen cloth!

Li Chao’s expression was stagnant, but immediately waved his hand and said, “Second Young Master, you have misunderstood.”

Really “it’s okay? Then forget it.”

Winner also said with a smile.

Suddenly, Li Chao’s face hesitated for a while, glanced at the direction outside the door, gritted his teeth and said, “Second Young Master, I want you to do me a favor.”

“Let me help?”

Winner also revealed a hint of surprise and said.

“The villain offended, but asked the second son for help.”

Li Chaorui looked terrified, but still said firmly.

“You said, I will listen.

Winner also looked at Li Chao and asked slowly.

Li Chao took a deep breath, looked serious, and said, “Second Young Master, I want to follow your side.

This is a big opportunity, so Li Chaorui kept flashing this idea in his mind.

“Follow me? So, what ability do you have?”

Winner also asked with a smile.


Li Chao said wow, indeed, he was except gradually. Even if you encounter an enemy, he can’t protect the winner’s safety.

“For the sake of your sincerity, let me show you a way. If you want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, you are obviously too late. You have missed the best time to practice martial arts. Even if you practice martial arts now, your achievements are very limited. If you want to follow me, your outstanding personal ability is absolutely indispensable.”

The winner also said slowly, paused, and spoke again.

“I can give you a chance to learn organ skills!”

Suddenly, Li Chao’s face was stunned: “Organization?”

“Yes, if you want to follow me, learning mechanism art is the only way. In addition, you have learned mechanism art. Even if you are not strong, you can kill the enemy on the battlefield. effect.

Fan also nodded and said.

“Then how should I learn?”

Confused on Li Chao’s face, he couldn’t help asking.

“If you think carefully, I will introduce you to someone who is the only master in the world. Now you don’t have to rush to answer me, it will not be too late for you to think about it. Tonight before I leave. Just give me an answer.”

Winner also looked at Li Chao quietly with his eyes, and spoke frankly.

“Second son, there is no need to think about it, I have decided! Please let me learn organ skills.”

Li Chao’s eyes flashed with a firm look, and said.

Winner also smiled and said, “Well, tomorrow I will take you to meet someone. Under his guidance, if you are really talented, you can have good skills in less than three years. By then, even if you face thousands of soldiers alone, it is not without the possibility of resistance.

“Organization skills, so strong?”

Li Zhaorui was very surprised.

Of course, “When you see it, you will understand more deeply that mechanism skills are not as simple as you think now.”

The corners of Winner’s mouth curled up slightly, saying meaningfully.

The organ technique is indeed extraordinary.

If the organ skills have reached the level of perfection, it is not impossible to fight the army!

At that time, Li Chao will link up the organs and may become Yan Ziyi’s right-hand man.

Just as the two were discussing, a little boy dressed in grey cloth walked in from the gate of the yard.

As soon as Xiao Si stepped into the gate, he saw Win Ziyi, his eyes brightened, pointed directly at Win Ziyi, and said arrogantly: “Boy, it’s you, you have taken the time for Brother Li to cast the sword today? ”

“Who are you?

Winner did not speak either, but Li Chao was full of anger and spoke bluntly.

“Are you the son of Brother Li? It’s none of your business, just go away.

……For flowers………

Xiao Chu looked disdainful, and came directly to the Winner.

At this moment, Xiao Si noticed the person standing behind Ying Zi. He was suddenly surprised by two peerless beauties, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, and couldn’t get back to his senses.

For an instant, an icy breath enveloped the young man. He shuddered, he recovered, looked at Ying Ziyi, and said with nostrils up to the sky: “Is it you, the time that Brother Li cast the sword today? Is it all wrapped up?”

“That’s right.

The winner also nodded plainly. Li Chao’s father’s time for casting a sword would indeed only be casting a sword for him today. It can also be said that the other party was covered by him for one day.

“Then please go out and discuss with Brother Li. First help my young master cast a sword. As for your affairs, let’s pause now.”



In the small words, the expression was full of commands.

“What are you talking about? Get out of here!”

Li Chao’s face was angry, and he pointed at Xiao Duan and shouted.

“Brother Li, you are making trouble for yourself. Do you know who my young master is? If it weren’t for your brother Li’s gradual level, it would be because of his weird temper that my young master would have been here. Removed.

Stoudemire sneered and sneered.

“Take everything down here? Who does he think he is?”

Li Chao’s face became more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said.

“Brother Li, I advise you not to trouble yourself. Otherwise, your Li family will suffer. Don’t think that you have a bit of sword-making skills. You can put on a pose in front of my young master. I tell you, it’s not enough! My young master is angry and raises his hand casually, and your sword-making pawnshop will have to be razed to the ground!”

Stoudemire’s eyes flashed across Supreme Glory, and he raised his head high, speaking bluntly.


Li Chao was full of anger and his face flushed.

At this time, Winner also looked at the young man, with a hint of interest on his face, and smiled: “Who is your young master?”

“Boy, don’t scare you when you say it! Listen!”

Xiao Leng sneered, as if anticipating the sluggish and horrified expressions of these people, opened his mouth full of yellow teeth, and said very arrogantly: “Chengbei Wang Family, have you heard of it? My young master is called Wang Hu!” the door.

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