Chapter 106

Chapter 106 I am the master of his master! (second more seeking subscription)

Winning Ziyi’s words made both Wang Zeyu and Li Chao stunned with panic on their faces.

Immediately, Li Chaoyao said quickly: “Brother Ziyi, now is not the time to fight fiercely, your strength is indeed very strong. That’s right. But the power of the empire is not what you can imagine. Master Zhongche, he It is also the celebrity of His Majesty the First Emperor. If you offend him, you will definitely die miserably.”

“Yes, although I don’t want to admit it, brother, I still have to remind you. Now Lin Jiu has become a subordinate of Master Ling of CRRC, using the power of Master Ling of CRRC to fake tigers! And you, maybe he wants it. The first object to be killed was to kill the chicken and the monkey.”

Wang Zeyu looked ugly, and said after a sigh.

No matter what the two talked, Yingzi’s face was very calm, even with a slight smile, which made them impatient.

At this time, everyone surrounded was also flustered.

“Young Master Lin, let me go, I’m not familiar with them. I didn’t offend you either!”

“Yeah, we are just watching the game. Now that the gambling is over. There is nothing wrong with it, so let us go.”

“Young Master Lin, you have a large number of adults. Don’t worry about what we said just now, just let it out as a fart.

All the people who were watching before, faced this kind of power, they were all subdued.

It is a fact that the status of people who can enter Zuiyunlou is not low.

But there are three different identities, and the identities of these people are dozens of grades worse than that of Lin Xue.

Naturally, under the severe situation where Lin Beggar dispatched such a force, they quickly separated their relationship and just wanted to leave here.

Facing the words of many people, Lin Guan was unmoved. He looked at Wang Zeyu and sneered: “Young Master Wang, are you going to set off a repeat offender? You are a serious crime!”

“You! Lin Wan, I admit that I’ve seen it. But don’t do things like this.”

Wang Zeyu looked angry and shouted.

“Absolutely? I just want to kill this kid, what can you do to me! I can do even better, even if I put your young master here, your royal family dare not say anything!”

Lin Xue sneered and said bluntly.

Lin Wan’s words left Wang Zeyu speechless, his face flushed and he dared not refute it.

And Li Chao was also timid, and took a few steps back with a frightened expression.

Only Winner, standing motionless, just looking at Lin Xue, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he said flatly: “When will a group of dogs under Zhao Gao appear stupid like you!”

“Who do you say is a dog? Who is an idiot! Boy, when death is near, dare to be arrogant!”

Lin Wan was angry, her face gloomy.

Suddenly, Wang Zeyu was shocked by what Ying Ziyi said. He hurriedly pulled at the sleeve of the winner, and hurriedly said, “Brother, stop talking nonsense. If you talk again, the trouble will be even greater. Even if I wanted to protect you at that time, I would be powerless!”

“Brother Ziyi, you, you should run away, let alone, my heart can hardly withstand your fright.

Although Li Chao was timid, he did not abandon the winner and left.

This move made Winner also feel a bit surprised.

It seems that not everyone is afraid of power. At the very least, Li Zhaorui and Wang Zeyu, facing Zhao Gao’s might, can remind him to escape here as soon as possible.

No matter what kind of persuasion, the winner won’t move.

Upon seeing this, Wang Zeyu sighed heavily: Brother, you still don’t know the power of the empire. Do you think that the power of a person can really fight the empire? Then this world will not be the world of the empire. It’s the world of martial arts practitioners. The force of terror that cannot be reversed by manpower is the army!

Seeing Ziyi’s movements, Wang Zeyu was anxious and helpless, and felt deeply helpless.

In Wang Zeyu’s view, the winner is also about to suffer.

If the winner also chooses to run away, there may be a high chance that he will survive after escaping from Xianyang.

But now, seeing the steadfast body of the winner, Wang Zeyu can only sigh helplessly, it’s over.

It’s all over.

Winner is also destined to die here.

Thinking of this, Wang Zeyu felt uncomfortable.

“Brother Ziyi, why can’t you bear it!”

Li Chaorui also kept thinking in his heart, annoyed. He gritted his teeth and squeaked as he looked at the peaceful Win Ziyi. He also believed that Winner was also a martial artist, and he had no idea how terrifying the power of the empire was. That’s why the other party can keep such a calm attitude.

Faced with the impatient expressions of the two, Ziyi also smiled. He looked at the expressions of the two, patted each other’s shoulder lightly, and smiled: “The one who can kill me is not born yet!”


Wang Zeyu and Li Chao sighed heavily. They believed that the strength of winning Ziyi was the strength of that first-class warrior.

However, they knew better in their hearts that the strength of first-class warriors was placed in front of the empire.

It’s just a little ant, how can it shake the whole world!

After seeing the expressions of the two people, Winner knew what they thought in his heart. He didn’t care, turned around and looked at Lin Xiao, whose face was full.

Yingzi also had a calm face, and stepped closer to Lin Wan’s direction.

At the same time, when Winner took the first step, the corners of his mouth moved slightly: “Have you ever seen a dog dare to bite his master? And, I am his master’s master!”

Looking at the back of Ying Ziyi, Wang Zeyu and Li 290 Chao were shocked, and the last words of Ying Ziyi were still echoing in their minds.

“I am the master of his master!”

The boldness of this sentence and the aura of the smell of letting me leave the two of them unable to recover for a long time.

The sound was not loud, but it resounded like thunder in their ears.

What does the meaning of this sentence mean?

The two didn’t understand, but they could hear the powerful confidence in the words of Winner.

What kind of self-confidence is it that makes the winner not afraid of the power of the empire?

The two were puzzled, and they couldn’t understand either.

The development of the matter left the party concerned, Wang Zeyu, in a daze, unable to guess the next move.

Who knows that a gambling fight can cause such serious things.

Under the gazes of the two, the winner also walked slowly to Lin Wan’s front, and said calmly: “You want to kill me?”

“Do it! Kill him for me!”

Lin Xilian looked at the winner coldly, completely ignored the winner’s words, and had no intention of answering.

But his order directly affirmed the question of Ying Ziyi.

Regarding the winner who has destroyed his plan time and time again, he now wants to drink his opponent’s blood and eat his opponent’s meat.

As for killing the opponent, in his opinion, it is cheaper to kill the opponent.

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