The fighting did not end until dawn, but this was a hardship for the people of Yongcheng. The whole night was filled with roars and screams, which made people unable to Even when I fall asleep, I feel anxious.

The entire street was covered with corpses, and the ground was stained red with blood. It was not an exaggeration to say that the blood flowed into a river. The county guard had also been captured. He resisted, but was knocked unconscious by Meng Tian.

"Young Master, my rescue is late, please forgive me...."

Meng Tian, who was covered in blood, walked up to Fusu. After a night of fighting, countless defensive soldiers died in his hands. Even though he had experienced hundreds of battles, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

The Golden Fire Cavalry is also worthy of being the most powerful army in the Qin Dynasty. Each one has the strength to block three from one. There are only a hundred casualties, and the soldiers brought by Fusu also suffered casualties of more than a thousand.

"General Meng Tian is so polite. If you hadn't arrived with the Golden Fire Cavalry, I would have died in the hands of these thieves."

Fusu solemnly helped Meng Tian up, with a look of gratitude on his face, and a flash of light in his eyes. He was helpless.

From beginning to end, he had no idea that Meng Tian had followed him to Yongcheng. Everything was kept in the dark. Needless to say, it must have been arranged by his father.

"Young Master, the king is also worried about your safety, so he asked the general to follow you."

Looking at the helpless look in Fusu's eyes, Meng Tian knew what he was thinking, and then spoke seriously

"Gu knew that without his father arranging the general, Gu now had his head in a different place, so the general didn't think too much about it, he just felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that Lu Buwei's remnants of the party survived, and they were still hidden so deeply."

Fusu Diandian He looked at the county guard who was being guarded by soldiers, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. He tried to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. These people really deserved death.

He believed that if it weren't for him being arranged by his father to come to Yongcheng, these people would probably be dead. It will not be exposed.

However, Fusu is sure that his father must know about Yongcheng and the governor. Whether it is to train him or for other purposes, he doesn't know, and he doesn't dare to think too much.

"indeed..."Meng Tian also nodded with emotion, but he also felt that this was normal. Lu Buwei used to be so powerful that he had many followers.

No matter how much the king tried to kill them all, there would always be one or two that were missed. However, what shocked him was that these people's crazy actions, in order to support Su, the most important thing was to rebel.

However, all this seems so ridiculous. His behavior has always been seen by the king as just a joke.

"By the way, General Mengtian, I wonder if it is the same as Yongcheng over there. How is the third brother now?"

Fusu suddenly remembered Ying Chen who had set out from Xianyang with him. Since his father sent the two of them to the two places, there must be a purpose. What about Yongcheng and Pingyang like Lu Buwei?

Thinking of this, Fusu felt a little bit. Worried, because Ying Chen did not lead any troops this time. Even though he knew that this third brother was very skilled in martial arts and his men were the same, he still couldn't help but worry after hearing Fusu's words and looking at his worried expression. Meng Tian's expression was a little weird. The eldest son was actually worried about the third son. This seemed a bit unnecessary.

"It can be said that Pingyang is not much different from Yongcheng, and can even be said to be worse. According to the information obtained by the general, although the local county governor is not a rebel, his rights have been evaded and imprisoned in the mansion. Local officials, including the prison guard All the censors were bribed..."

"What about the third brother?"

Before Meng Tian finished speaking, Fusu looked at him anxiously. If Pingyang is so bad, then Ying Chen is not even more dangerous.

"Eldest Young Master, in fact, you don’t have to worry about Third Young Master at all." Meng Tian smiled and shook his head, then continued.

"As soon as the third son arrived in Pingyang, he happened to save the local county guard, and then used thunder to take down the leader of the rebel bandits, who was the local county captain."

"Then he borrowed the majesty of the local county guard and directly raided the homes of Pingyang officials and exterminated their clans. No one could escape. The officials involved, plus the defending troops, were killed by the third son, more than 40,000 people...."

Fusu was completely stunned, his eyes widened. The third brother was not in danger. Instead, he relied on his own ability to solve Pingyang's troubles and eradicate all the rebels.

Looking at Fusu who was stunned, Meng Tian also smiled bitterly, and then continued:"Not only that, the Third Young Master also came to the door in person with the genealogy of Pingyang County Lieutenant, and no one was missed, and he buried them all."

"Third brother, is this murderous intention too serious?...."Fusu murmured to himself. Although he knew that rebels should die and the laws of Daqin were the same, he still felt a little cruel. After all, this was to punish the entire clan.

"Eldest Young Master, please don’t say these words casually, otherwise it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the King and the Third Young Master...."

Meng Tian looked at Fusu carefully, but sighed in his heart. He was still too kind. Although the Third Young Master's methods were a bit cruel, he believed that the king would definitely agree. The two father and son really have the same temperament.

"I understand, but I just feel that the third brother is a bit murderous. After all, this is 40,000 lives." Fusu nodded, and then shook his head.

The rebels did deserve to die, but those who did not know were innocent, and he did not He doesn't agree with this method, but he also knows in his heart that his father will definitely agree with Ying Chen's approach.

"Young Master, you must not be merciful at this time. According to the laws of our Great Qin, the rebels will be punished by the nine tribes. This is the case in Pingyang, and Yongcheng is no exception, including the defending army...."

"General Meng Tian, I understand, take action now to avoid long nights and many dreams." Fusu took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice

PS: Qin Shi's timeline was originally wrong. I also said it on the day the book was opened, and it may change a lot. The plot, because after all there is an extra protagonist, the plot will definitely change. This is inevitable. If it is still the same as the original, it will be boring. You don’t want the plot to be different from the anime, right?

_Feilu reminds me. You: Three things about reading - collection,

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