The next day.

Zhao Chen walked out of the bedroom refreshed.

It’s a feeling of joy in my heart!!

The harsh words I had put down back then finally came true.

Thinking of the scene when Sister Yan Fei called daddy yesterday, it was so refreshing.

Although Sister Yan Fei doesn’t know what dad means? There is a suspicion of fraud, but it does not prevent me from feeling comfortable.

Go into the hall.

Unexpectedly, Moon God, Xiao Meng, Xiao Yi, Yan Ling Ji, Xue Nu, Duan Murong, Hong Lian, Nong Yu, Ming Zhu, Hu Yu, etc. were all waiting in the lobby.

Moreover, several of the girls had heavy dark circles under their eyes, looked a little haggard, and were a little depressed, as if they had not slept well!

Guren and other girls: We didn’t sleep at all.

Isn't this nonsense?

Encountering such a thing, they can sleep well only then there will be ghosts.

Who among the people sitting here doesn't have feelings for Zhao Chen? That's it. There are several others who didn't show up here due to identity issues?

All we can say is that Zhao Chen is really guilty.

Seeing him come in now, the resentful eyes of the women would drown Zhao Chen to death!

"Ahem, why did you get up so early?"

"Little brother, looking at your smiling face, you slept well last night!"

The tone was as resentful and resentful as if Zhao Chen had done something to feel sorry for him.


Sister Lingji, what's going on with your tone of"I'm always confused and then give up"?

I feel like you're some kind of scumbag when you say that.

"Young Master!!"

"Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen!"

"His Royal Highness, you must have been very comfortable last night!!"

Zhao Chen:……………………

"Well, have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten yet, I'll tell the waitress"Four Two Seven" to prepare it!"

"Already prepared"

"Okay, let's go to the dining room to eat! I will also send some red date porridge to Sister Yan Fei later."

Zhao Chen's unintentional words once again made the girls resentful.

Unfortunately, there is no way. Who makes them inferior in skills?

How could Zhao Chen not know what the girls are thinking?

He just doesn't know how to face it.

Accompany After the girls had breakfast and comforted the girls a little,

Zhao Chen entered the chat group and prepared to contact Wang Ye.

But when he entered the group, he found that they were teasing Qian Renxue again.


The prompts of the chat group

【Ding! Qian Renxue uploaded"Eight Spider Soul Bones" and gained points! 】

Qian Renxue:"Damn it, damn it, why is such a precious soul bone worth only one point? This is the most important soul bone of the protagonist of Luck!"

Qian Renxue:"This chat group is so discriminatory to us in Wuhun Continent. Come on! This is naked discrimination!"

Li Yunlong:"Hahaha, big girl, you have a miserable day, it's so funny!"

Qian Renxue:"Cry! This is how I managed to ambush Tang. San, beat him away, and then cut off the attached soul bone he got by chance. As a result, the chat group gave me such a big shock. It's all because Tang San is so rubbish, even his chance is rubbish."

Yun Miao:"Pfft hahaha!! Forgive me for laughing unkindly.

Xiaoxue'er, you are so cute. Come on, let sister Tie Tie comfort you."

Zhang Sanfeng:"Old Taoist, although your world seems to be well done , but your attack methods are extremely low-level and your use of energy is too poor. I am afraid this is the most fundamental reason."

Wang Ye:"No wonder it is called a hydrogen world. This may be the reason! So, are you all? He is a hydrogen man."

Qian Renxue:"……………………"

Martial Spirit World, Martial Spirit Hall.

Qian Renxue's bedroom.

She sat on the bed, watching everyone in the group jump away, and gritted her teeth angrily. Of course, it was not towards the group members, but towards Tang San.

It's really embarrassing for you to return the protagonist.

Why do I feel so hopeless!

What can I do? This world is too hot, resources and everything are worthless, I feel uncomfortable with mushrooms, woo woo woo!!

Qian Renxue picked up an angel doll and whimpered it twice.

Walking to the mirror, she looked at her stunning face, with long golden hair, a golden headband on her forehead, and golden angel wings on both sides of her hair.

Wearing a gorgeous golden dress, with slits underneath to reveal her long snow-white legs, and golden high-heeled boots, she can be said to be extremely gorgeous, and her noble temperament is undoubtedly revealed.

She thought of Zhao Chen.

My appearance is no worse than that of the three women around the Crown Prince!

Unfortunately, I am really a hydrogen person.

It seems that the only way to stand out in the group is to…………

Alas, I wonder if His Highness the Crown Prince would like to have his own world?

A hydrogen world, a world where even chat groups don't look down on it.

Without any resources, can His Highness the Crown Prince take a fancy to it? unless…………

Not sure what she was thinking of, Qian Renxue blushed and continued to look at the group.

She wanted to ask @Zhao Chen, but she was a little hesitant.

Right now.

Zhao Chen spoke in the group.

Zhao Chen:"Wang Ye, are you in Wudang now? What time is it over there now, and how much time is left until the Luotian Festival? @Wang Ye."

Yun Miao:"Boss, the boss has shown up, these days What are you doing in Tiandu?"

Zhao Chen:"How many days have it been? It has only been one day since I uploaded the elixir."

Yun Miao:"Ah, it has been three days here."

Zhang Sanfeng:"Two days have passed here, Lao Dao."

Li Yunlong:"It's been three days here."

Zhao Chen:"I see, it seems that the time flow rate is different in each world!"

Wang Ye:"Mr. Chen, why are you asking this? I have only been to Wudang Mountain for four years. Yue, there is still more than half a year before the Luotian Dajiao!"

Zhao Chen:"Really? Then what are your plans now? You have learned the Fenghou Qimen, and now you know what will happen in the future, so you don't plan to do anything What?"

Wang Ye:"Mr. Chen, just ask if you want to do anything! If I can help you, I won't refuse."

Zhao Chen:"Okay, I'm being hypocritical. I think you agree to let me go to you. world?"

Wang Ye:"???? Mr. Chen, why did you come to our world?"

Zhao Chen:"Study!"

Wang Ye:"What do you mean? Mr. Chen, are you also interested in the Eight Wonders?! This should be impossible. Although the Eight Wonders are powerful, none of them can surpass the ones you uploaded. You also feel this way.…………"

Wang Ye suddenly stopped talking. He thought of the scene where Zhao Chen was buying the skills of group members in the group.

Zhao Chen:"You misunderstood. Although I am indeed interested in the Eight Wonders, it is just a little bit of interest. What I am really interested in is modern knowledge. I plan to go to the reading libraries of those famous universities to study various subjects. , and also visit Grandpa Yuan and learn about hybrid rice, which will be very helpful to Daqin."

Although Zhao Chen has also been studying rice in recent years and has been very successful, he is still a little behind the sage in the professional field. , so he planned to pay a visit so that he could wait for the more powerful Zajia Rice.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry.

Zhao Chen:"And I need your help for this. Isn't your family the richest family? It's easy to apply for a few passes for me!"

Wang Ye:"Mr. Chen, you promise not to disturb the alien world, otherwise, I This is considered to be luring a wolf into the house, I'm afraid even the Heavenly Master can't stop you!"

Seeing this, Zhao Chen was not angry and continued. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Chen:"Don't worry, I really don't like those things about your alien world.

Apart from an old heavenly master, and I don't want your help in vain, those things One hundred pills, ten cultivation pills for you, one grandmaster pill or one piece of Qi Men Dun Jia Kung Fu, how about it?"

Yun Miao:"Boss, you come to our world, I don't need so many pills. Only give ten other pills, five cultivation pills will be enough."

Qian Renxue:"Boss, I only need two pills."

Zhang Sanfeng:"Come to our world! Just give the old Taoist one master pill."

Ying Zheng:"Zhao Chen, come to my world! I will make you a king, and my world has a prescription for the elixir of life. Just give me a practice method."

Ying Zheng No. 2:"Zhao Chen, Come to my world, and I will make you a king."

Lin Fengjiao:" guys are really…………When the big boss comes to Pindao's world, you can watch Maoshan Taoism. Pindao only needs five cultivation pills."

Xu Shizi:"Well... you can also come to our world. I'm on my way back to Beiliang now. I welcome the boss."

The reward that Zhao Chen said directly made all the group members excited.

Wang Ye:"You... you are too shameless! Mr. Chen, it’s settled, I agree with you coming to our world, but you can’t……"

Zhao Chen:"Don't worry, I won't take action against strangers unless you agree. However, if they offend me, they can't blame me."

Wang Ye:"This is natural. If someone really offends Mr. Chen , , then it’s up to you."

Zhao Chen:"��, I will simply pack up and go to your world, you just need to agree.........."

Wang Ye:"Okay, pack it up, just join me in the group"[]

Zhao Chen was about to leave the chat group.

But Qian Renxue was in the group.

Qian Renxue:"Zhao Chen, can you wait a moment, boss?"

Zhao Chen:"Xiaoxue, what's the matter?"

Qian Renxue:"Boss, I plan to destroy our world Sell it to you, how much can you pay."

Yun Miao:"????"

Yun Miao:"Xiao Xue'er, are you okay? It turned out that……"

Qian Renxue:"I can't help it. Who made our world so bad? The hydrogen world can't afford to hurt it!"

Zhao Chen:"This……"

Zhao Chen did not answer Qian Renxue’s question immediately, but contacted Willpower’s mother again

"Willpower Mom, what would I do if I got a world?"

Zhao Chen transmitted the information from Wuhun Continent.

Soon, there was news from Willpower's mother

"After conquering that world, you can refine that world, and then you will become the only true god in that world, and then you can also grant gods to the people in that world to manage that world on your behalf.

And that world is very strange. There are many special laws, such as the law of martial arts, the law of losing soul rings, the law of soul bones, etc. Although these laws are not very powerful, they are the unique laws of that world. The so-called thousands of laws, rules These rules can help you realize the Tao. Your contact with these laws will also help you realize the Tao."

"Well, it’s all for my benefit, doesn’t it help Willpower Mom?"

"Of course there is, but because that world is too weak, it is still a continent, a star field, and even a small universe. It can help me a little, but only a little, but it will be very useful to you.

Therefore, no matter how you calculate, you won’t lose money, so I can agree to it."

"What about the child of destiny?"

"Don’t worry, after you sign a contract with the group members and open the understanding shuttle door, the moment you step into that world, the child of destiny in that world will become you."

"Ah, is there such a thing?"

"Do you think your grandma Chaos is a vegetarian?"

Hearing this, Zhao Chen once again felt the benefits of a strong background and relaxed completely.

Then he clicked on the two-world shuttle door in the chat group again. Party A entered his world and Party B's martial soul world. The chat group prompted that 40,000 points were needed.

At this moment, Zhao Chen was speechless.

The Bright Sword World can be considered an ordinary world, but even so, the Wuhun World is not even comparable to the Bright Sword World. It seems that the Hydrogen World is indeed well-deserved.

Zhao Chen:"Qian Renxue, Xiaoxue, if If you just buy the shuttle door between the two realms and open the passage between the two realms, I can give you the two exercises you need, plus various cultivation resources you need, including pills, weapons, etc. Zhao

Chen:"If you agree to let me refine the 4.6 Martial Spirit World, after I become the only true god in your world, I can grant you the title of god, become my god, and manage the Martial Spirit World on your behalf. At that time, You will truly achieve immortality and live as long as the martial soul world. From now on, all my techniques and cultivation resources will be provided to you in unlimited quantities, as much as you want.

I would never be stingy with my own people."

Seeing this, Qian Renxue's heart skipped a beat, and her little heart almost jumped out of Xiong Da.

She never expected that the boss would be so generous. She didn't know that the world of refining could make her a god, and his cultivation The supply of resources is unlimited.

To be honest, Qian Renxue's heart is beating wildly.

In fact, it's not just Qian Renxue, but other group members' hearts are beating wildly.

Yun Miao:"Boss, are you telling the truth? Zhao Chen:"

Of course, why are you also interested?" Yun

Miao:"Then can I also become a god?" I also want to live forever and live as long as heaven!

Zhao Chen:"Of course!" Yun

Miao:"Then I...just wait!"

Zhang Sanfeng:"Master Zhao, even if we are not children of destiny, can we still agree with you to refine the world?"

Zhao Chen:"This is natural. In fact, your destiny changed the moment you joined the chat group, and the emergence of the shuttle door between the two worlds is actually a convenience, a constraint, and an opportunity for you."

As long as you agree with me to refine the world, then after I enter your world, the children of destiny in your world are no longer children of destiny."

Members of the crowd: So that's it, then we can make a good plan.

This is the voice of everyone. It's hard for anyone to resist the temptation of immortality and the same life as heaven!

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