Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 206 Burn the Arasaka Pagoda to ashes!

Sure enough!

A flash of light flashed in Lin Chao's eyes.

Now the confrontation between military technology and Arasaka has reached a white-hot stage.

Even small-scale combat troops have begun to fight in groups and attack strongholds on both sides.

The stock price has fallen again and again, and the market value of military technology between the two sides is only more than 700 billion, and Arasaka has been exposed because of the Oracle scandal.

From the original nearly 900 billion directly fell to less than 700 billion.

On the contrary, as the three giants of the military industry, Kang Tao, which appeared the latest and has the lowest market value, took advantage of the period of the battle between the two sides to lose a lot of business that originally belonged to both sides.

The market value has also soared from less than 600 billion to more than 800 billion.

It has become the first of the three giants of the current military industry!

"One Six Three" If all of these come to this time, military technology will not be used.

Then even if they win against Arasaka, they will have to be overwhelmed by Kang Tao from now on, and it will be difficult for them to turn over.

Thinking of this, Lin Chao nodded: "Tonight?"

"That's right, I'll watch the news later.

In a simple sentence, after speaking, Slox hung up the communication and went offline.

While Lin Chao turned on the TV, he made another encrypted call.

This time I called Lai Xuan.

"Lin Chao? Are you ready to do it?"

Arasaka Lai Xuan came up with a sentence, which made Lin Chao a little confused.

what's going on?

Do you even know about Arasaka?

The TV was turned on, and Channel 54 on the TV was reporting the current military technology and the battle of Arasaka.

"Military tech claims that they will sanction Arasaka for what they did in the oracle."5

"In order to ensure that the people of the world will not be freed after death and will be threatened by Arasaka."

“At the same time, Military Technology calls on major companies around the world to join forces against Arasaka and expose the conspiracy under the mask of hypocrisy. 55

Good guy, pork heart with shrimp!

Lin Chao nodded secretly.

What a military technology, this trick can really be used.

He is famous for his apprenticeship. As long as he succeeds on his own side, Military Technology will definitely take advantage of this momentum to stop the falling stock market.

It is not impossible even to overtake Kang Tao and return to the world's No. 1 throne.

"How's it going, how's your preparations going?" Lin Chao asked.

Arasaka Laisuan replied: "People have already gone to the Crystal Palace with a 'gift'. For this, I have paid a lot of money on the EU side."

"The new Relic is also ready, and Johnny Silverhand can be downloaded via Oracle."

"As for the Arasaka Tower... the defense is very tight, you can only break in if you want to get in, I can't help you with that.

"It's enough to send a 'gift', the rest is not important." Lin Chao smiled.

The so-called gift is a tactical warhead with a yield of several thousand tons.

The main reason is to prevent the failure of his own side, so as to directly destroy the server.

It's an insurance measure.

"Have you really thought about it? If the oracle is gone, it can be rebuilt, but after that, Arasaka has entered the countdown to destruction.

"At that may not be able to escape the accountability of the board of directors, or even pursue them.

There was an inexplicable gleam in Lin Chao's eyes when he looked at Arasaka Lai Xuan.

In order to prevent Ott from escaping through an internal secret channel, Lai Xuan needs to reward himself with everything and bet everything.

Facing Lin Chao's question, Lai Xuan finally showed his first smile after seeing Lin Chao.

"I thought very clearly, maybe fate let me be born in the Arasaka family just for this moment. 35

"Lin Chao, although you are a bit rude, but... thank you.

"Good luck."

After speaking, Lai Xuan hung up the communication.

Johnny didn't know when he appeared on the sofa opposite, took off his sunglasses and wondered what he was thinking.

"Knowing Mo Lin, when I first heard about that kid and the Tielong Gang, I was still thinking, 'A son from a rich family, he's just looking for fun. 55

"I, Johnny Silverhand, have never admired a few people in my life...

"But now I have to say, Lai Xuan is really fucking good.

Lin Chao nodded slightly.

Indeed, perhaps in the game, Lai Xuan looks like a villain because of the shaping of the plot.

But in fact, in such a distorted society, he was born into such a terrifying family.

How many people will give up the power and money that thousands of people look up to on the cloud, or even their own life, for some unknown people?

Lin Chao asked himself, he is a relatively selfish person, at least he can't do this.

Perhaps the vast majority of 99.999% of the people in this world can't do it.

But Lai Xuan did it.

And it's done so thoroughly.

Lin Chao stood up and exhorted:

"Don't go there tonight, Shockwave and I are going to do something very important.

v, Judy, and Lin Huohuo looked at each other and nodded.

they know.

Once Lin Chao is going to bring the shock wave, then there is indeed a big thing to do.


Lightning pierces the night sky.

The torrential rain seems to be trying to wash away the sins of the city.

In the sky, a floating car was slowly driving towards Arasaka Tower.

With the car door wide open, Lin Chao rubbed his 2.1 with his claws and sat on the edge of the floating car with his legs clasped outside the car, enjoying the view of the city at night in the heavy rain.

Johnny was sitting next to him, gulps smoking a cigarette that didn't exist in his hand.

"Fuck, I already feel the blood boiling."

"It reminds me of that night fifty years ago."

"The night that Arasaka Tower was burned to ashes?" Lin Chao asked with a chuckle knowingly.

Johnny nodded: "Yes, the scenery is really beautiful.

Looking at the Arasaka Pagoda that was getting closer, and the air defense facilities that had already aimed at the shock wave on the roof, Lin Chao's mouth raised a wanton arc.

"Then let us burn this Arasaka to ashes today!"

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