Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 193 Slap in the face, too slap in the face

Died by accident in a riot?

Hearing this, the bodyguards on the opposite side immediately sneered with disdain.

what's going on?

Are you threatening them?

You know, they are the elite members of the military tech black ops squad!

Although it can't compare with those special combat departments that have undergone full-body prosthetics transformation of the frontal troops.

But that's definitely the best of the best!

Just relying on this unremarkable boy in front of him?

Do not make jokes!

In addition to these bodyguards, Holt also sneered: "It's a lot of courage, it seems that you don't have to live until the end of the speech!"

"Threatened them to die by accident? Good boy..."

"Come on someone, this person intends to create chaos, ready to disrupt the event scene!


As soon as Hott said this, the entire army outside the rest area suddenly began to be restless.

Soon more than a dozen full-body prosthetic armed personnel, plus two pilots wearing ACPA, came over with weapons.

"Mr. Senator, please explain the situation.""

Holt pointed to Lin Chao and shouted loudly: "It's this person, who just kept saying that this event will have a riot! 35

"This man must have had a plan! He has a problem! 35

An armed man looked at Lin Chao.

I saw Lin Chao dressed as a bodyguard, standing quietly behind Jefferson, where does it look like it will cause a riot?

But given that Holt had already explained the situation, a non-commissioned officer led by him still walked up to Jefferson and gave a military salute.

"Hello Congressman Jefferson, glad to see you all right.

Just one sentence, and a judgment is made.

Obviously in the mind of this sergeant, Jefferson's status is much higher than that of Holt.

After all, people are not fools, and it is still possible to distinguish who is a good person and who is a bad person.

Even if the votes in their hands, occasionally due to some unavoidable circumstances, they will vote for people who are not sincere.

"Thank you for your concern, Corporal, the situation is like this...".

Jefferson succinctly recounted what happened just now.

No favoritism is expected.

The sergeant nodded: "Thank you for the information.

After speaking, he looked at Lin Chao and reminded: "Sir, please pay attention to your words in the future, it is easy to cause misunderstandings, even if the reason is that you are threatened.

Lin Chao smiled and nodded.

There's nothing wrong with what people say.

Then the non-commissioned officer turned his head and returned to Horton again: "Mr. Horton, the matter has been found out, this person is not a threat."

Then he looked at the bodyguards of military technology and issued a warning:

"If we find out that someone has used force without authorization at the event, it will be sanctioned, no matter who it is.

After speaking, the sergeant returned to the team with his subordinates and became alert again.

A storm returns to calm

All that's left is Horton's angry face.

Jefferson, who has not opened his mouth to participate in the two disputes, will finally speak.

He looked at Horton and said sincerely: "Mr. Horton, the eyes of the people are sharp, I hope you can understand this truth.

"If I do lose to you, I hope you can remember this and think about how to formulate and implement policies in the future."

"Oh, by the way, remember not to use the power of the army indiscriminately, otherwise it will only drag Night City into the quagmire of war.

After speaking, Jefferson and Lin Chao passed by Holden.

Only Horton was left standing there, his face turning blue and purple.

Slap in the face!

Too embarrassing!

Obviously it was the army he called over, but he didn't give him any face at all, but instead he stood on the side of others?

You know, too, although it's only the deputy chief now.

But it's the deputy director's post!

Theoretically speaking, these troops are all to be dispatched by him!

He looked up at the sergeant just now.

It's a pity that people wear full-coverage ACPA exoskeletons, not to mention appearance.

Not even the slightest bit of the whole body is exposed, even if you want to take revenge!


Horton stomped his feet fiercely, causing his fat body to tremble.

The bodyguard on the side persuaded: "Mr. Horton, I advise you to prepare your speech later.

"If you fail to be elected chairman, the things that military technology promised you just now won't count.

|| What will Arasaka do to you, I don't need to remind you?"

"Humph!" Hearing the bodyguard's words, Holt snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the backstage of the meeting.

As time passed, the crowd around the event site became more and more restless.

Until ten o'clock in the morning, the speech starts!

One after another, the candidate members came to the stage to make generous speeches.

Make promises to the cameras and the people below that they can't keep.

And these people below cheered for a while.

Even if they knew in their hearts that these words were nothing more than the words of politicians, they were still willing to buy it.

Maybe they feel that just listening will numb their nerves that they are tired of the city and can't do anything about it?

Soon, it was Jefferson's turn to take the stage.

Lin Chao, who was waiting on the side, also raised a heart.

If those who are fleeing AI and Yeshi's company want to start, now is undoubtedly the best time!

As time passed by, Jefferson appealed on stage about his great ideals and the expected implementation process.

Unlike other MPs, his tone was full of sincerity, and he did not make any decisive promises.

There is only sincerity that everyone can see.

The cheers of the people in the audience reached a climax at this time.

It seems that these already numb people also know who they use as tools, and who really thinks about them.

And just when Jefferson was about to step down, the sound of a shock wave suddenly appeared in Lin Chao's mind!

"Master! Found a suspicious signal, trying to intervene in the military local area network!

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