Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 168: Leave Night City and target Shengjing City!

Good guy, as soon as Lin Chao said this, the three of them expressed their willingness to walk with Lin Chao.

Ling Xiaohan also nodded: "No problem, there is no problem with the aircraft arranged here, and there are more people. 35

"However, I think you should take care of your family first. 35

Obviously, Ling Xiaohan is referring to the Jefferson couple who are currently living in Lin Chao's house, and Michiko Arasaka who is a hostage.

"Mr. Jefferson, if you don't dislike it, you can come to Kang Tao during this time.

"As Mr. Lin's friend, Kang Tao is willing to help you out of the predicament.""

Hearing Ling Xiaohan's words, Jefferson looked at Lin Chao subconsciously.

In the past, he was very reluctant to cooperate with these big companies.

But now the situation is special, if he refuses, he will never be able to escape the pursuit and brainwashing of Yeshi Company and AI Gate.

In addition, for him now, Lin Chao is almost the most trustworthy person in the world.

Because if Lin Chao wanted to, he could play around with the memory backup he just used, but he didn't.

Seeing Jefferson looking at himself, Lin Chao nodded slightly: "Kantao is trustworthy, and Kangtao's security system is also perfect.

"I don't dare to say more, it's okay to stay for a few days until I come back.

"As for Michiko..." Lin Chao's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at Arasaka Michiko.

"You wait for me."

With that said, Lin Chao left the conference room and sent a communication request to Lai Xuan.

"Lin Chao? What's the matter?"

Arasaka Raisin still had a drooping look on his face.

Lin Chao didn't care too much about this, but asked directly: "How are you doing over there, I'm going out tomorrow, and I can't take care of Michiko.

"Is that so..." Arasaka Raisan said after thinking for a moment:

"Then let her come back, I'm about to be annoyed to death by the old guys from Dove... By the way, Michiko and her... how is it".?"

"Don't worry, I ate and drank well and gained a few pounds, and I can't wear my original clothes anymore," Lin Chao replied.

Arasaka Lai Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "Well, let them go directly to the Arasaka Pagoda tomorrow morning, and keep an eye on the secrets. Luo

After speaking, the communication hangs up.

Lin Chao returned to the conference room after laughing and explaining a few words to Takemura Goro, and then came to Ling Xiao Han.

"It's all arranged, when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning at four o'clock, I will send a special floating car to pick you up."

The crowd nodded.

After Ling Xiaohan left, everyone started to pack up.

This trip is expected to take three to five days.

Neither long nor short, you still have to prepare something.

The next morning, Jack took his bag and felt the villa early.

Not long after, a floating car from Kang Tao also arrived on time.

Before Lin Chao could ask a question, the shock wave on the other side had already sent the information of the floating car to his personal network.

can be seen from the information.

Although this floating car seems to be unremarkable, in fact, a perfect shielding method has been done inside.

Make sure that the network signal does not enter the car.

This is good news for the Jeffersons.

In the floating car, Ling Xiao Han also followed.

After everyone got into the car, she glanced at Lin Chao up and down, and asked uncertainly, "I remember you saying that Ye's Company's facility is in the suburbs of Watson's North District?"

"That's right." Lin Chao nodded.

"That is to say, the explosion in Watson's North District last night was for this reason?


Hearing this word, everyone couldn't help but look at Ling Xiao Han at the same time.

And Ling Xiao Han didn't explain too much, just turned on the TV in the car.

"According to Ye's Company, an underground fuel pipeline in the suburb of Watson's North District, which it belongs to, exploded and produced a large amount of harmful exhaust gas."

"The citizens of Night City are requested to stay away from this area as much as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"The above is reported by News Channel 54 for you."

Looking at the place circled on the map on the news, Lin Chao nodded:

"That's right, it's here. It should be that Ye's Company didn't want people to find out about the problems here, so they lied and said that the fuel pipeline exploded."5

"In other bombed that place?" Ling Xiaohan's eyes were so weird.

She clearly remembered that what Lin Chao said at the time was to sneak in.

And now that such a big move is made, isn't he afraid to startle the snakes and disturb those A1s?

At this time, not only Ling Xiaohan, but also others looked at Lin Chao a little strangely.

Lin Chao shrugged and said helplessly: "What can I do, even if the defensive means there is me, it is difficult to get in without making some trouble.

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, no matter how much they investigate, they can't find any clues."

'`|| For them, this is nothing more than an internal accident caused by security personnel turning into cyber madmen. ""

After hearing Lin Chao's words, everyone was relieved.

Ling Xiaohan said with a wry smile: "It made me worry for nothing, can you tell me in advance about such a big event next time?

"Damn, I'm not improvising.

The floating car galloped, and soon came to a Kangtao facility on the outskirts of Night City.

This is arguably one of the safest facilities in Konta near Night City.

Ling Xiaohan's office has always been here.

As for the Kangtao Building in the Civic Center, it's just a pretense.

At this time, on the landing platform of the facility, a transport plane with several large vector engines was ready and ready to take off.

Before boarding the plane, Lin Chao called Jefferson.

At this moment, Elizabeth was not with him.

It can be seen that after the two regain their memories, some gaps are inevitable.

(get Zhao)

As for how to deal with it in the future, that is the matter of the husband and wife.

Lin Chao urged: "Try not to show up during the period before we come back, if you have any questions, you can contact me through him.

Having said that, Lin Chao sent the Shockwave's communication method to Jefferson.

"The call between you is completely confidential, you don't have to worry about it."

"Thank you, Lin, I'm glad that Night City has a character like you." Jefferson sighed sincerely.

Lin Chao nodded with a smile, and then followed everyone to board the aircraft.


Between the light blue flames spewing, the aircraft quickly climbed to altitude.

V and Jake looked at the shrinking night city outside the window, and their hearts were full of anticipation and anxiety.

This is the first time they really leave here and go to another continent.

For them, it was a completely new and unknown world!

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