Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 150: Stealing was discovered!?

The sky was bright, and the forest fire was raging and lying in the bed.

At this time, she didn't seem to have the arrogant look of last night, and let Lin Chao hold her in his arms.

"Stinky scumbag, this is the last time, you know." Lin Huohuo muttered in a low mood.

While playing with Lin Huohuo's hair, Lin Chao asked, "Why? Don't you like it?

"No, we do this, sister v she..." Lin Huohuo did not continue.

But the meaning to be expressed is obvious.

Since coming to the villa, v has been nice to her.

Even when she knew at the time that she was here for other purposes.

Although Lin Huohuo thinks she has a superior background, she has never had the delusion that others should take it for granted~.

For those who are good to her, she has always kept in mind

Her parents also taught her this way since she was a child.

But now, she has done something very sorry.

If I say that the night before yesterday, it was because I was eager to perform the task, and I was careless when I drank too much.

Then yesterday she was about to leave Night City, but she finally returned to the villa.

Even while awake...

"Stinky scumbag, if you don't want me to go, can we still do as we did before, just pretend that the past two days... never happened.

While talking, Lin Huohuo's tears flowed out unconsciously.

A scumbag on his mouth.

But if there is no Lin Chao in my heart, how can I go back to the villa again because of a dinner.

The aircraft is not without professional chefs from Kang Tao.

Even though she has ten thousand reluctance in her heart now, she can still tell what is right and what is wrong.

Looking at Lin Huohuo's appearance, Lin Chao sighed, hugged Lin Huohuo's arm tightly, and comforted:

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter."

"I will give you a result that will satisfy everyone."

"Okay, then I...wait!

Lin Huohuo raised his head and looked at Lin Chao.

"Who is everyone referring to? That Panam of Adekado?"


Seeing that the newly built backyard was about to catch fire, Lin Chao rolled over and got out of bed.

"You rest first, I'm going to make breakfast!

"You come back! Scumbag!

Lin Huohuo got up and was about to chase after her, but she couldn't help but go blank as soon as she moved.

"Hey... it hurts!"

"It seems that I really can't walk today, bad Lin Chao, wait for me!"

Lin Chao was busy in the kitchen humming a little tune.

Next base, he couldn't help but be unhappy.

After a while, breakfast was ready, and V and Michiko Arasaka also walked out of the room.

"Lin, what happened last night? I heard voices in the living room." V asked casually with a glass of milk.

Lin Chao laughed and said: "It's nothing, Huo Huo is back.

"You're back? That's good." V also smiled.

It can be seen that she was also quite uncomfortable about Lin Huohuo's departure.

After all, who doesn't like a beautiful girl with a high double quotient, lively and cheerful?

But immediately, she was sensitively aware of some problems.

"Lin, you just said... Huo Huo?"

"Uh... what's wrong?" Lin Chao looked at v in confusion

v approached Lin Chao, the smile on his face was a little more inexplicable.

"You're wrong, so wrong!"

"It turns out that you are all called Huo Huo, why did you suddenly start calling 'Huo Huo'?"

"I think about it... Well, it seems that the day Huo Huo left, you changed your name?"

"Could it be that... the reason why Huo Huo left before was because of your reasons?"

Hearing v's analysis, his face was shocked!

good guy.

As expected of the woman Lin Chao "squeezed" out, she is really smart.

Just a title, almost tossed him off?

"Looks like I guessed something... Hmph, you seem to be a little dishonest lately." V ​​smiled and looked into Lin Chao's eyes.

After watching for a while, v wrapped his hands around Lin Chao's waist and leaned into his arms.

Just when Lin Chao was bewildered and didn't know why V suddenly hugged him, he suddenly felt a pain in the soft flesh around his waist.

I saw V's hand like a vise, pinching Lin Chao's waist.

"Early in the morning, I smelled of Huo Huo's room and I slept there last night?

0.・・・・For flowers・・・

"Okay, dear~ Can you start faster than me?

"I guess, it was already done the night before? That's why Huo Huo left?

"It hurts!" Lin Chao pushed away V's poisonous hand with a smile, and then explained: "Well, it's actually an accident..."

"The night before yesterday, Lin Huohuo suddenly started drinking me...

Lin Chao began to explain what happened while soothing v.

The more you listen, the more weird your face becomes.

There is such a thing!?

Although the whole process is somewhat dramatic, v still has no doubts about Lin Chao's words.

Although this guy took a lot of care, he was still very responsible.

Besides, she had already known Lin Chao enough during this period of time, and she wanted to understand it even more.

In this world, Lin Chao will undoubtedly stand at the highest position, and that will be an existence that even companies look up to.

A true god among men.

Such a person is now making breakfast for himself every day, and even pulling himself up from time to time to express his love.

It's just incredible.

Look at those so-called bigwigs, women are just a toy that is boring to play a second time.

Say it again.

If it weren't for Lin Chao, she wouldn't know which trash can in Night City would have stinks by now.

After being reminded by Misty, she became "the first woman to climb the lighthouse".

She may have to pay more, but also get more.

As for jealousy and jealousy, these petty tempers, it's still harmless to play such a small thing every now and then, so...

"As punishment, don't touch me and Huo Huo for the next month! She belongs to me during this time!


Lin Chao was stunned.

Unexpectedly, in the end, v actually gave himself such a hand.

Should she be happy or sad?

A month... fortunately I can still...

"By the way, don't look for that Panan! Don't think I don't know about you and her!

v glanced at Lin Chao coldly, then raised his head and pushed Lin Chao away, and went to the table to eat.

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