Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 137: Scumbag, don't resist~

As a result, an IQ emergency dropped.

A battle of wits and courage with the air.

The two of them went to the wine table inexplicably... it was actually a coffee table.

In order not to just drink, Lin Chao also fried a peanut and patted a cucumber.

As for wine...

"That's it!

I saw Lin Huohuo take out a bottle of white wine with a "bang".

Lin Chao took a closer look, what brand of wine, he did not know.

But the alcohol level...57

"I said Lin Huo Huo, I have no problem with this wine, but are you sure you can drink it?"

Lin Chao looked weird.

57 baijiu, even good gentlemen, few dare to drink it vigorously, right?

Is this really ready to fill yourself up?

Lin Chao narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

If you want to take the liquor test and drink more yourself, it's like telling a joke.

Not to mention that this little girl can't drink more than ordinary people.

Even if it is possible, relying on the black light virus, it is true that a thousand cups cannot be poured, right?

I'll have to see what tricks your little girl is playing.

"Come on, as a man, of course I have to have a drink first, I'll do whatever you want.


A sip of liquor into his throat.

Lin Chao's side and the enterprising wine were completely absorbed by the black light virus, which was already in a state of starvation, before it could flow into the stomach through the esophagus.

Seeing Lin Chao finish his drink, Lin Chao filled up Lin Chao again with his enthusiasm, and raised his glass and said:

"Um... that... anyway, the food you cook is not bad, keep working hard, cheers!"


You can't say a toast, so don't force it?

How come it looks like he is drinking with his boss.

Xiaolin, the performance last quarter was good, and I will continue to work hard in the next quarter.

I can qnmd it.

Although he secretly complained in his heart, Lin Chao still had a dark face as he stared at his own forest fire, raised his head and drank the white wine in his glass.

And when he looked like a forest fire again.

It turns out that her cup was empty too.

Taking another look at Lin Huohuo's face as usual, Lin Chao was startled.


Could it be that this little girl is hiding something? Is it so drinkable?

Before Lin Chao could react to what was going on, Lin Huohuo quickly poured on Lin Chao again.

"I think about it, that... I hope you..."

"Stop!" Lin Chao hurriedly said to stop Lin Huohuo's idea of ​​continuing to say a toast.

Not because of anything else.

Don't talk about toasts with all the stuff she said.

To be an ordinary person, it is estimated that she will be beaten for a few more words.

"Stop talking, can I drink?"

After speaking, Lin Chao drank the liquor in the glass again, and then looked at Lin Huo Huo and said:

"I've drank it all, why are you raising whales here?"

"...Ah, am I still drinking?

Looking at Lin Chao's sharp eyes, Lin Huohuo shrank his neck.

"Okay, I'll go upstairs if you don't drink." After saying that, Lin Chao put down his glass and was about to leave.

How can the forest fire agree.

It took a lot of hard work to get on the road, but Lin Chao couldn't just leave.

"Oh, I drink! Can't I drink?"

In desperation, Lin Huohuo closed his eyes and drank a large glass of white wine...

"Cough cough!!!

What followed was a sharp cough.

The spicy liquor rolled down his throat like a boiled knife.

Such a violent stimulus made Lin Huohuo flush with his neck and face for a while.

Seeing this scene, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Lin Chao's mouth.

Not right!

The cup that Lin Huohuo drank with himself just now was definitely tricky!

Otherwise, there was nothing to do just now, but now the reaction is so violent.

Thinking of this, Lin Chao glanced around.

Sure enough, a pool of water stains came into view under the table.

good guy!

Where are you playing with him?

But this forest fire is also true, such a good wine is poured out, it's a waste!

Lin Huohuo coughed for a while, and after eating several mouthfuls of cucumbers, he pressed down.

Seemingly aware of his inappropriateness, Lin Huohuo quickly explained: "I just choked, it's not a big problem, let's continue!

"Continue just keep going."

Lin Chao took the initiative to raise his glass this time.

"Come, drink!""


Lin Chao put down the wine glass, and sure enough, the wine in Lin Huohuo's glass disappeared again.

The water stains on the ground were even bigger.

Lin Chao didn't care about that either.

Play, anyway, I can afford it here.

As for Lin Huohuo... From the look on her face, it was obvious that she had suffocated more than a tael of strong liquor, and now the spirit of the wine was turning upward.

It is estimated that after a few more bites, she will immediately fall down...

"Come on, keep on going!"

Since then, they both felt that the other party was in the light and they were in the dark, and they began to watch TV and say a mess of toasts.

Double after glass, bottle after bottle.

Of course, Lin Chao drank half of these wines, and the forest fire poured half of them.

So much so that the drink on the ground was almost dripping to Lin Chao's side.

But even so, Lin Huohuo was forced to drink three or four glasses of wine under Lin Chao's eyes.

At this time, her eyes were blurred, and her pretty face was flushed.

He looks like he's biting his tongue when he speaks.

Seeing that the time had come, Lin Chao, who had long pretended to be drunk, suddenly leaned on the sofa and started talking nonsense.

Then the voice got smaller and smaller, only humming and chirping occasionally, with a look of "I'm already drunk."

Of course, it's fake.

He wanted to see, Lin Huohuo, a girl who inexplicably drank his own wine, what was he trying to do.

"Hey... big... big scumbag, wake up.

Lin Huohuo put down the wine glass, stumbled to the sofa beside Lin Chao, and sat down weakly.

"Wake just drink...drink too much?

Lin Huohuo vigorously shook Lin Chao twice.

But I don't know if it's because Lian Chao is too heavy or what.

Lin Chao didn't shake, but she was dragged by herself, half leaning on Lin Chao's body.

It seems to be due to the effect of alcohol.

At this time, Lin Huohuo not only did not get up quickly, but twisted his body and leaned on Lin Chao in a more comfortable position.

She stretched out her hand swayingly and pinched Lin Chao's big face.

"Stinky scumbag, bad... bad scumbag, no matter how good you are, aren't you being fed... by this lady? 39

Lin Chao, who was pretending to be drunk, pouted inwardly.

It's all like this, and I don't know who is more.

But then again... Lin Huohuo seems to be quite... seductive after drinking too much?

Squinting at Lin Huohuo, whose clothes were somewhat messy, his pretty face was slightly red, and his eyes were blurred, Lin Chao suddenly felt a little dry.

Say something.

Lin Huohuo's skin is definitely the most delicate he has ever seen together.

White and shiny, with a slight blush, Caucasians are envious when they see it.

Not to mention the touch.

It would be perfect if there was no mouth and no words.

The more I think about it, the more I feel up.


Lin Chao couldn't help swallowing.

Anyway, this little girl drank too much, or...

Forget it.

This girl looks like she has no personnel, maybe it was specially protected by Kang Tao, who wants to be a link with which big company?

Don't you like to write like this in urban novels?

But then again.

Don't you feel good about yourself? What other big companies are you looking for?

Is it because Lin Chao is not awesome, or is the few bullets he put in his backpack from military technology not scary?

Lin Chao thought with a bit of taste.

The two were in this state, one pretended to be drunk and the other was really drunk for ten minutes.

Just when Lin Chao began to wonder if Lin Huohuo planned to sleep on him like this, Lin Huohuo suddenly got up.

"Yes... Right, I really want to forget something..."

The forest fire was lost in thought.

Simply, the alcohol pouring into her brain has not completely closed her mind.

She picked up things that were almost forgotten in the corner... part.

As for the rest, they all flew to where they were drunk.

"Genetic information, give me... give me your genetic information.


Lin Chao was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that Lin Huohuo squatted down and started to untie his belt.

"Stinky scumbag, don't resist, this is my mission."

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