Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 127 The bigger enemy, the ultimate purpose of AI!

Although Lin Chao's words were cloudy and foggy, Takemura Goro and Arasaka Michiko didn't understand much, but they were a little confused.

Unlike them, Johnny, who had been eating melons on the side, appeared beside Lin Chao and couldn't help asking:

"Lin, make it clearer, kid, there is a bigger threat than the company in this world? Could it be Otto? Hahahaha. 99

Lin Chao grinned and glanced at Johnny and said, "Seeing that you are in good shape, you will be joking.

"It's alright, I'm not a ghost or a ghost, no matter how good I can be." Johnny laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Although you are joking, you are right." Lin Chao said as he threw the processed vegetables into the pot.

"It's Ott. 35

..." Johnny's smile instantly solidified on his face.

Then his eyes gradually became suspicious.

"Fuck, this is impossible! Ott also helped us destroy the oracle..."

"Wake up, she didn't help us, but for herself." A clear smile appeared on Lin Chao's face.

"For him, the data soul in the oracle is her best supplement.

"That can only mean that she is coveting the oracle, and how did she become a threat?" Johnny still looked resentful.

Lin Chao shrugged and said helplessly: "I can tell you what I know first, believe it or not, anyway, we will always get closer to the truth."

"you say."

Lin Chao put the super good dish on the plate, and then explained lightly:

"Relic knows, in fact, this thing is incomparable in the eyes of the wandering AI outside the black wall."5

"It has the ability to transform DNA, so that the soul of data or even AI has the ability to have a body.

"You can't deny that, can you?

Johnny nodded solemnly.

Indeed, if it weren't for Lin Chao's situation, it would be weirder.

I am afraid that now his body has been transformed by Relic, and it is easier to accommodate himself.

"But based on this alone, can we infer that the AIs are all staring at Relic?" Johnny asked the most crucial question.

"I tell you very clearly that the AIs are playing Relic's idea, but I won't be able to show you the evidence for a while. 35 Lin Chao's thoughts returned to his previous life.

When he was playing the game, he discovered a very strange detail.

That is, all the ai who are related to the protagonist v know that v will die soon because of Relic.

And this secret, v only told the friends around.

If it is said that Drumman is because of the detection system on the car, it is better to explain.

But even Brandon, the smart vending machine, knows that, which is weird.

By looking through the settings and synthesizing the speculations of the big guys on the Internet, Lin Chao finally came to a terrifying conclusion!

AI is surreptitiously investigating v and Relic's situation!

Even Otto's entry into the oracle was driven by the AIs behind the scenes!

And the hand that pushed this matter is the Voodoo Gang!

Johnny's face changed and changed, obviously, after Lin Chao's reminder, he also thought of something bad.

After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but say: "According to what you mean, Ott's entry into the oracle is not just for those data souls.

"Yes, and Relic's full set of technologies." Lin Chao remained calm.

"In this way, they can achieve the ultimate goal of comprehensively covering human consciousness with AI based on Relic technology. 99

"Of course, when I say 'they' I mean the AI ​​that's on the side of Ultra, or part of Ultra."

"If successful, most humans will be replaced by AI by then.

"There are no disputes or suspicions, there is only efficient cooperation and division of labor, and everyone is a screw in this 'machine'.

This time, Johnny finally couldn't sit still.

"Since your kid knows what the hell Otto is up to, why did you get her into the oracle?"

A bright smile appeared on Lin Chao's face.

"As the saying goes, we can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, and we can't take her out when she's outside, right?"

Looking at Lin Chao's smile, Johnny only felt a chill rush through his body.

" have already planned this on Tama? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Lin Chao squinted at Johnny, and said disdainfully, "Just you? You have to let Ott read it out after you've finished talking to you. Save it."5

"I feel that you look down on me a little."

"You feel right, I just look down on you."

In the end, Johnny, who had no room to retort, disappeared.

Only Lin Chao continued to prepare dinner.

But at the same time, his thoughts were surging wildly.

There are too many undercurrents in this world, and the company is always only a threat on the surface.

But from the word "cyberpunk", you can find many, many crises lurking in the dark.

"Cyber" in Cyberpunk translates to "network"

The origin of the word comes from the Greek "Kubernetes" which means "helmsman", with the meaning of control.

Earthworld in 1948.

The father of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, used the term "Cybernetics" in his book Cybernetics: or the Science of Control and Communication in Animals and Machines.

So the word usually appears in English as the prefix "Cyber" to represent things related to the Internet or computers.

However, people seem to only remember the literal meaning and forget the important point that Wiener is trying to make in this book!

A person with a biological system actually has a feedback mechanism similar to that of a machine.

Humans can be controlled like machines, and machines can learn like humans.

Therefore, in this world, AI's peeping on human beings can be said to exist in the setting.

It's not that Lin Chao is guessing here.

Of course, if only a name says nothing.

Then there are other things deeper enough to prove that the world is not as simple as it seems.

The chip Sandra wanted to retrieve from the cut kidney contained questions about the Yeshi Group's HK-13 experiment.

And what is the connection between the prefix HK of this code and the online ghost town located in the eastern HK city and founded by OTT with the help of 100 Kangtao?

Is the character "Blue Eyes" a real person or a puppet?

Why does the name of the Morgan black hand appear in his root directory folder.

And in the set of "Cyberpunk One Red", what role does Europe's super AI Europa play in it.

These things are enough to show that the water in this world is still very deep.

Even a hardcore player like him should be careful.

After all, that's all he knows about the game.

More things have not had time to dig deep, they came to this world full of crisis behind.

Once he took a wrong step, or dragged on for a long time, the already crumbling black wall was completely broken.

Then humanity will be doomed.

This is also the fundamental reason why he will contact military technology to attack Arasaka tonight.

He wants to promote the occurrence of the company war as soon as possible under reasonable circumstances.

Taking advantage of the fact that the wandering AIs are not ready, this disaster that will come sooner or later will be spawned in advance.

In this way, at least the odds of winning will be greater.

At least it is better than the preparation of the roaming AI, when human beings need to face the double destruction of war and the Internet.

ps: Brothers, don’t underestimate the cyberpunk worldview, a worldview that has been continuously improved since it was proposed in 2013. The water is not generally deep.

Also, Ultra is really not a good stubborn, but in the content of the game plot, he has helped v and is not hostile.

Her ghost town and night market company are inextricably linked, as well as the wandering AI outside the black wall!

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