Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 124: Nobuo Miyamoto, who doubts life

Hearing Lin Chao's arrogant words, Miyamoto Nobuo's face darkened.

He said coldly: "I will use actions to tell you how ridiculous the words just said.

"Oh? Are you so sure that what I said won't become reality?" Lin Chao asked with interest.

Nobuo Miyamoto nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I firmly believe in my martial arts."

Here, Takemura Goro saw that Miyamoto Nobuo's attention had been attracted by Lin Chao, no longer delayed, spared Miyamoto Nobuo and went straight to Michiko!

"You don't want to touch Miss Michiko's hair!"

Nobuo Miyamoto shouted angrily, and swung his two knives to take Goro Takemura's two vital points!

In the face of such a fierce offensive, under normal circumstances, Goro Takemura could only choose to dodge rather than fight.

This is the advantage of the double sword!

However, at this time, Goro Takemura didn't even look at Miyamoto Nobuo.

It seems that these two tricks are not the slightest threat to him.

"Humph, stupid!"

Miyamoto Nobuo roared angrily, adding some strength to his hand again.

But in the next second, a scene that he did not expect at all appeared!

"Do I agree that you are leaving?"

"Ding ding..."

Accompanying Lin Chao's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Miyamoto Nobuo suddenly felt a huge force that he couldn't resist coming from his double knives one after another.

I saw Lin Chao holding a knife in one hand, 100 rolls, and completely destroyed his offensive.

He even turned him to face him.

With the claw on his shoulders, Lin Chao pointed slightly at Miyamoto Nobuo: "Your opponent is me.

"Let me come quietly, how did you make me regret it. 99

"Hmph, as you wish!" Nobuo Miyamoto raised his eyebrows coldly.

He was very clear.

If he doesn't get rid of Lin Chao quickly, he's afraid he won't be able to save Miss Michiko.

"Take it! 99

With an angry shout, Miyamoto Nobuo killed Lin Chao with two swords like lightning.

The next second, the knife light flashes!


In the dense rain-like collision, Miyamoto Nobuo and Lin Chao kept moving.

A pair of hands can't see the entity even more quickly.

Only by virtue of the dazzling knife light, the location can be vaguely distinguished.

However, even under this storm-like attack, Lin Chao still had a smile on his face.

Holding a sword with one hand, Miyamoto Nobuo's attack and defense were impeccable.

At the end of the round of attack, Miyamoto Nobuno burst back and opened the distance.

Breathing heavily, when he looked at Lin Chao, the contempt in his eyes disappeared.

It was replaced by a look of apprehension and fear.

This man... actually took all his attacks with just a knife in his right hand!

Even moves that are theoretically impossible to parry and block, there are no exceptions!

Not only that.

What's even more terrifying is that he didn't see any shadow of genre moves in this man!

It seemed as if he had never learned the knives at all.

The reason why he was able to completely crack his moves was not to understand his first-class skills in two days.

It's a real "know what he's going to do and stop it.

Such a thing is easy to say.

But if he really wants to implement it, even if he faces an expert who is proficient in swordsmanship, he can't do it.

In an instant fight, it can still be accurately intercepted after the opponent makes changes.

This requires a reaction speed that a normal person can't have at all!

Even if the top-level prosthetic body is implanted, it is absolutely impossible.

This man... who is it?

Nobuo Miyamoto's heart shook.

But even so, his hands that clenched the sword still did not relax in the slightest.

Lin Chao buckled his ears and said with a smile, "It's not indecent to come and go, now it's my turn?"

Miyamoto Nobuo's body was shocked.

Because the moment Lin Chao's voice fell, his knife moved!


A cold light pierced through the void and stayed firmly in front of Miyamoto Nobuo's neck.

While Miyamoto Nobuo subconsciously blocked, the long sword was only raised in time.

Gently patted Miyamoto Nobuo's cheek with the blade, Lin Chao shook his head slightly: "If I hadn't kept my hand, you would have died just now.

After finishing speaking, Lin Chao regained his sleep and assumed an attacking stance again.

As for Miyamoto Nobuo, after taking a deep breath (ajcb), he raised his knives to get rid of distracting thoughts and concentrate fully.

This time, he must intercept this man...


The sleep stayed in front of Miyamoto Nobuo's belly.

The two swords he was about to defend were not able to touch Jue.

"You've died twice.

Lin Chao once again put away the long knife.

Next, is the hanging again and again.

Miyamoto Nobuo's face also turned paler every time.

Every time, Lin Chao is just a knife, so that he, who claims to have inherited the second-class first-class and extremely enchanting talent, has no power to resist.

And in the process, he also gradually discovered.

In front of this man, he seemed to have become a child.

No matter what kind of tricks, all of a sudden it became so ridiculous and funny that it didn't work at all.

The gap between himself and him, although it seems only so certain.

But it is like a moat, insurmountable.

This is absolute suppression in terms of power and speed!

After an unknown time, Goro Takemura's voice came from Lin Chao's communication.

"Lin, I have already succeeded.

"Okay, we'll meet at an agreed place then."

Lin Chao hung up the communication and put away the sleep and claw grinding in his hands.

Looking at Miyamoto Nobuo at this time, he just stood there fixedly, looking at the long sword in his hand.

I don't know what to think.

Suddenly, Miyamoto Nobuo chuckled lightly...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 35

The laughter grew louder, and a line of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

These are tears of excitement and excitement!

Lin Chao looked at Nobuo Miyamoto suspiciously.

I thought to myself that I wouldn't play too much myself, did I really make this kid stupid?

However, Nobuo Miyamoto laughed for a while and slowly looked at Lin Chao, his eyes flashing with madness and joy.

"You are very strong, or in other words, among the people I have met, you are the strongest, none of them.

He touched the tears from the corner of his eyes, and then said with emotion: "You really made me cry, but please don't misunderstand."

"These are tears of excitement, I haven't faced an opponent as exciting and desperate as you in a long time. 35

"Let's go, but please also remember that I, Miyamoto Nobuo, will one day kill you with the double blades in my hands!

After finishing speaking, Miyamoto Nobuo put away his two knives, Chao Lin Chao bowed slightly and turned to leave.

Lin Chao was left alone with a confused look on his face.

"Is paranoia so scary?

Scratching his head, Lin Chao shook his head for no apparent reason, then jumped off the coaster and mixed into the crowd...

He had just left on his front foot, and Miyamoto Nobuo, who had a flustered face on his back foot, ran back again.

After looking around for several times, after not finding Lin Chao's figure, Miyamoto Nobuo hammered his palm in annoyance.

"Damn it! While patronizing the duel with that man, he forgot to ask them where they took Miss Michiko!"

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