Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 114 Military Technology Headquarters, Furious Donald!

"It is reported that a violent explosion occurred in the Free State on the west coast yesterday afternoon.

"Relevant personnel revealed that the explosion was caused by the leakage of a certain chemical agent.

"The location of the accident is relatively close to Night City. Please prepare in advance for tourists who plan to go to Night City in the near future."5

"The above report is from the Liberty Times.

At the beginning of the night, the city of Washington on the east coast, skyscrapers towered, and various neon lights rose into the sky.

At first glance, it seems to be so similar to Night City.

At this time, the light signs of many buildings were reporting the accident news that happened in the independent Free State yesterday.

Glancing at the news upstairs, a black guy with a red and green haircut put on his hood and turned to leave.

In the distance in his direction, there is an incomparably huge industrial park.

Its area is even comparable to half the city of Washington.

Although it is an industrial park, there are still flashing lights in it, and there are even commercial streets.

All kinds of people wearing military technology uniforms and intelligent AI are busy inside.

Even if it is night.

Here, is the headquarters of military technology.

It is also the home of this super behemoth with assets of 1.2 trillion euros.

Half an hour later, the black guy came to the edge of the park's fence.

Looking at the fence that is more than ten meters high and covered with power grids and cameras, the young man smiled.

I saw a flash of 100 blue light in his eyes, and the camera slowly turned to other directions.

When he saw that there was no one around, the young man jumped up to a height of more than ten meters!

Easily cross the Gundam wall that could have blocked the Prosthetic Enhancer.

However, he didn't die. As soon as he landed, he happened to meet a defender who was patrolling.

"You are... woo woo..."

Defenders are about to draw their guns and send a message to the security department.

But the black guy who was not far from him the next second suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then he snapped his throat.

At first he thought it was hopeless enough.

But then, a scene that made him even more desperate and frightened appeared.

I saw countless black and red flesh and blood vines pouring out of the black guy's body, and they did not hesitate to plunge into his body.

The next moment, his world was completely plunged into darkness and nothingness.

And the original black guy disappeared, and only the defenders who were recovering were left in place.

The defenders were stunned for a while, and then seemed to come back to their senses.

After looking around, he walked straight towards the main building of military science and technology...

At this time, in the conference room on the top floor of the building, the burly middle-aged man was furious in front of the virtual images.

"This is your work? You said that a mosquito can't get in?

"Look, everyone's fucking parked the floating car! The whole factory was blown up!"

In the face of the man's roar, the rest of the people projected over you look at me, and I look at you.

Eventually a blue-haired woman who looked to be in her forties stood up and said: "We were on our guard.

"But the other party's hacking methods were very clever, and without attracting anyone's attention, they hacked the surface network.

"That's why we didn't..."

"It's all excuses! 39 The man roared and interrupted the woman's speech.

With a cold face, he said in a cold voice: "Don't you know how important Kansas is to our military technology?

"I know... I know..." The woman lowered her head, not daring to look directly at the man's hawk-like gaze.

"Since you know why not to strengthen security!" The man kicked away the expensive seat in front of him.

"That's our trump card against Kang Tao's gang of yellow-skinned monkeys!

"He couldn't help but bring Kangtao's intelligent weapon technology and the most advanced unmanned algorithm in the East!

"But now these things are all fucking gone!"

"It even got bombed to the sky with a complete assembly line! 55

In the face of the man's anger, everyone present looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to speak for comfort.

Because this man is none other than Donald Lundy, the big boss on today's military technology table.

As for what's behind the scenes...

In fact, military technology was completely assimilated by the old beauty as early as the end of the fourth corporate war.

Therefore, it can be regarded as half of state-owned assets.

Or half a super enterprise controlled by other capitalists.

Bi (ajcb) is actually a thoroughly capitalist country here.

So who is the big BOSS behind the scenes, there is no need to say more.

After a moment of silence, Donald Lundy, who had vented a lot, seemed to finally calm down.

He weighed it in his heart and commanded:

"Go and prepare the construction plan for the new assembly line, and deal with the fishing reels!

"I don't want to see our stock price crash tomorrow morning!"

"Also, the next time I say I'm going to have a meeting, come to the conference room for me!

"I don't want to see these blue ghost projections anymore."

"Don't make excuses for me, think about why people everywhere can find a way to get past when Kangtao is in a meeting.

"And some of you are downstairs and project it to me, fuck!

At the end of the meeting, Donald rubbed his aching temples, and at the same time relieved his just irritable mood.

After explaining it to the following, the next thing is to report to the above.

Simply, he still held a small part of the news revealed by Kansers in his hand, including the video of the man named Lin Chao.

I believe that the video alone can save myself from the above accountability.

After carefully arranging his clothes again, Donald took a deep breath and opened the meeting program again.

This time, his projection appeared in a secret conference room with no windows.

At this time, there were five old white men sitting in the conference room.

"Donald, I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation.

One of them spoke quietly.

There wasn't even any emotional fluctuations in his tone, making people unable to hear joy or anger.

Donald said respectfully: "I have already investigated this matter..."

He described exactly the information he had just received from his subordinates.

At the same time, he added: "Although it is only a superficial network, the ICE of our military technology cannot be easily breached by the other side."5

"Because of the incident involving Canthus and Kanto, we have every reason to suspect that the hacker was Ott Cunningham.

"This internet ghost was helping Kangtao build an internet 'ghost town' in Xianggang"

"Well, if it is Otto Cunningham, this matter is not surprising." Another old man said after hearing the words.

Hearing this, Donald was secretly relieved.


"But don't be too happy too soon." The old man raised his eyes and glanced at Donald, narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"It's best if you can spit out something that can save your life, otherwise you know, there are a lot of people who want to sit in your position.

Donald's heart froze, and then he quickly found the video that Kansas had sent him on his personal network.

"I have a special news here, everyone will be interested, please take a look at this..."


Before Donald could finish speaking, a long knife flew out of nowhere and pierced his brain directly!

And the video being uploaded was also forced to stop!.

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