Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 102 Invincible Shockwave!

Watching a good show?

Lin Huohuo was stunned for a moment, then looked out the window.

The surrounding environment became more and more desolate, and the firepower of the chasing troops below became more and more unscrupulous.

"Sister, that's not right, shouldn't we run towards the city? This floating car is not obedient when it is critical, and it's over..."

Lin Huo hurriedly stomped his feet.

Normally, they should fly directly in the direction of the city in a situation like this.

In this way, under the deterrence of armed defense forces and terrorist mobile teams, these pursuers will definitely stop.

Even then they would be brought back for interrogation.

But with Kang Tao as a backer, these are just a formality.

V stroked the forest fire's dark hair, and comforted: "This holy sword is not yours. 99

"It's not mine? No wonder I can't even get in...hs, isn't it?"

The more Lin Huohuo thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

I always feel as if I have neglected "083" and overlooked some details.

Seeing that the neighborhood was deserted, V no longer hesitated, and directly ordered:

"Shockwave, here it is. 99

"Yes! 99

Hearing the electronic sound in the carriage, the forest fire was even more confused.

Who is Shockwave?

The smart Al of this car?

Not waiting for the forest fire to figure out the current situation, the floating car turned its head and descended rapidly.

"Landed? Are they going to surrender?

Watching the height of the target drop rapidly, the faces of the armed forces of Team B showed joy.

At the same time, the weapon in hand will no longer fire.

The order given above said, it is best to live!

"Boss, our external communication has been cut off!

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, the task is important.""

"Broken machines always go wrong.

"The hood is bright. Although the one inside is not the main target, one of them is also a professional mercenary. 35

"Hurry up, they've already landed!"

"We found two targets, female, left a few to search the floating car, and the rest and I went to chase people.

Seeing that the two targets got off the car and ran across the hillside, the chasing soldiers slammed the accelerator harder.

However, just when they were about to approach the floating car that had landed.

Something they will never forget happened!

"Clang bang bang bang..."

In the sound of metal friction, the floating car that was parked quietly in the same place turned into a mechanical giant with a height of more than eight meters.

The sturdy energy cannon on the right arm made the hearts of the people who saw it chilled even more.

After the transformation, the shock wave directly launched an attack without hesitation.

"Zi... pass! pass! pass! pass!'

After a short period of charging, a burst of energy cannon spewed out.

What followed was a huge roaring vibration.

The unsuspecting armed men were caught off guard.

In the face of the shock wave's incomparably ferocious firepower, they have no room to parry.

"Damn it! Hidden! Hidden!"

The surviving armed men were stunned.

What the hell is this shit!

It was never mentioned in the information that their floating vehicle could turn into a giant robot, and it still had such great combat power!

"Look for a bunker! Quickly find a bunker!"

"Fire cover!"

"chug chug chug...

After the first wave of offensive, the remaining armed personnel finally began to organize a counterattack against the shock wave.

However, the real despair did not come completely until this time!


Amidst the loud noise, an energy bomb easily blew up the bunkered vehicle, blowing the two armed men hiding behind the vehicle into pieces.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people left the vehicle one after another.

Originally, they thought they could use the vehicle as a cover.

Unexpectedly, it was completely bombed in just one shot.

It seems that this is not enough fun, before the shock wave wiped from the waist and pulled out a slender magnetic whip.

The right-hand energy cannon raged.

The left hand swings the magnetic whip.

The shock wave's huge body of more than eight meters rushed into the ranks of the armed personnel, raging wildly.

For a while, screams, exclamations, gunfire, explosions... one after another.

The situation on the entire battlefield was completely one-sided.

The guns of the Kangtao armed personnel could not even penetrate the outer armor of the shock wave.

Shockwave's weapons can ignore cover.

Any of his actions can easily cause fatal injuries to these armed personnel.

Behind the slope, even if V was told by Lin Chao, he had a general idea of ​​the Shockwave's combat power.

But at this time, she couldn't help but feel numb in her scalp.

In front of this real fighting machine, human beings are so insignificant.

I really don't know, how Lin Chao subdued such a terrifying guy and allowed him to stay in his garage honestly.

Even V is like this, not to mention the forest fire that knows the existence of shock waves for the first time.

"This... what is this thing? The latest model of a battle robot?"

"No, if any company has the ability to manufacture such a weapon system, there is no reason Kang Tao would not know."

"What's more, this kind of deformation system is very difficult to realize..."

Lin Huohuo's whole person is stupid 0...

As a researcher, for the first time, she felt that her cognition and knowledge were so poor.

This completely unequal battle did not last long.

In just a few minutes, a group of armed personnel was wiped out under the raging shock wave.

Seeing that the threat was lifted, Shockwave regained its holy sword form.

On the other side, V also came out from the back of the hillside with the forest fire.

The first thing that came out, Lin Huohuo ignored the mess and went straight to the shock wave.

First a lot of laps around the body, and then there was a lot of banging and banging to observe carefully.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see any difference in this holy sword.

The inspection was fruitless, and she had to turn her attention to the armed men who were chasing them.

"Really... Kang Tao's person!?"

Looking at the familiar equipment on the ground, Lin Huohuo's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes full of pain and disbelief.


Why did the men from Kang Tao come back to attack here?

In the morning, there was also news that gentle measures would be taken.

Why is it like this now.

Besides... are you still here?


Seeing that Lin Huohuo's mentality was about to collapse, this was the sudden call of the communication.

It was her mother, Ling Xiaohan.

"Huohuo! Huohuo, are you alright? I scared my mother to death..." Looking at Lin Huohuo on the other side of the screen, Ling Xiaohan was relieved.

She was struggling with the new order from the headquarters just now, whether or not she should let her daughter execute it.

As a result, the 2.1 side received the news that Lin Chao's villa was attacked by heavy weapons and turned into ruins.

The most important thing is that during this period of time, Lin Huohuo's communication could not be connected, and it showed that there was no signal.

This made Ling Xiaohan so frightened that all kinds of horrible scenes could not stop appearing in his mind.

After all, it was all a false alarm.

"Mom...what the hell is going on?" Lin Huohuo, who was full of grievances, burst into tears.

From the beginning, I felt aggrieved by Lin Chao's inexplicable bear, and now I feel betrayed by the world.

This made her unable to bear it any longer and burst into tears.


"Didn't we say yes, we want to have peaceful contact.

"Lin Chao... he's a scumbag, but... he's a good guy. 99


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