At the deepest part of the high school, Eiji was walking on the road leading to the Hongxing Palace.

According to Yega Masamichi, if Tengen wants to see you, it is very easy to find her.

Go to the only mobile building deep in the high school.

Push the door and go in, take the elevator, and then walk to the root of the tree and a door will appear.

If you push open the door and see Tengen, it means Tengen wants to see you, if you can't see her, it means Tengen doesn't want to see you. If Tengen doesn't want to see you, it's useless no matter how long you look for her.

The barrier technique in Jujutsu Kaisen is very magical. Depending on the different techniques and constraints used to set up the barrier technique, the barrier can produce a variety of magical effects.

From the simplest one that prevents ordinary people from observing the situation inside the tent, to the barrier that only blocked Gojo Satoru at the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting, there are even barriers that can interfere with time and space.

For example, the barrier inside the cursed spirit that trapped Meimei and Utaha for 1 hour, but two days passed in the outside world.

Therefore, as long as Tengen refuses, almost no one can find her in the countless barriers of Hongxing Palace.

Unless the barrier technique is similar to her level, such as the noose.

Push open the door, and you will see a twisted jungle.

The trees in this area did not grow straight.

Instead, they were like snakes tangled together.

Or like twisted braids with their heads disconnected and extending in other directions.

What was even more outrageous was that there was not a single leaf in this forest.

Countless twisted trees that looked like dead branches but were still alive were like the devil's claws reaching toward the sky.

"Why would a great and glorious character who is respected by the world of sorcery live in a place like the devil's world?"

Yingzhi was speechless.

Shouldn't the righteous live in a normal place?

Shouldn't people like Tianyuan live in a palace, a temple, a courtyard or a secluded wooden house?

Why did he start competing with the devil for a place to live?

To be honest, it's so difficult to distinguish between good and evil in this world.

After complaining, Yingzhi walked straight towards the elevator.

Bang, bang.

There was a loud collision sound from the old elevator.

This sound made Yingzhi wonder if the elevator would suddenly break down.

"Is there no one to maintain this place on a regular basis?"

Remembering that Tenriko's bloodstains had not been cleaned up for 11 years, Yingzhi was speechless.

How socially anxious is Tianyuan? Can't he find someone to clean and maintain the facilities regularly?

Walking to the root of the tree, pushing open the door, and passing through a long passage, Yingzhi entered a pure white space.

In the center of the pure white space, a thumb with four eyes was standing there.

Yes, it was a thumb.

Tianyuan's clothes were quite simple.

When Yingzhi saw it for the first time, he even thought that Tianyuan had cut 5 holes in the sack and crawled in.

Normal clothes have sleeves and trouser legs, and you can see the limbs.

Tianyuan's clothes don't have them. Just like the holes cut in the sack, Tianyuan's hands and feet stick out directly from the holes, so you can't see the outline of his body at all.

In addition, Tianyuan is holding her hands at the moment.

The whole person looks like a cylindrical body with a thick bottom and a round head. Netizens are not wrong to call her a thumb.

"What's wrong? The heir of the Zenin family.

Tianyuan looked at Yingzhi who stared at him after entering and felt a little strange.

"It's nothing, I just heard that Tianyuan was originally a kimono beauty, and now this posture is really a bit......"

Yingzhi tactfully complained about Tianyuan's appearance

"Haha, although I can live forever, I can't age. When you live to 500 years old, you will also grow up like this."

Tianyuan responded to Yingzhi with a smile.

For a moment, Yingzhi felt that Tianyuan seemed to be just a kind-hearted old man.

"That's really scary, but I'm a man, so it doesn't matter."

"Having this mentality is good and conducive to longevity."

"Lend me your good words"

"You're welcome. Those little guys said you were here to report something important. What is it?"

Yingzhi didn't hesitate to take out the investigation report prepared by the Injutsu Director Council from the shadow.

Tianyuan began to look through the investigation report carefully.

Yingzhi was also silently observing the barrier on Tianyuan's body.

That's right, Tianyuan's appearance is not her real appearance, but the body she created with the barrier connection technique.

The function of this body is to gather together the consciousness that should have been scattered throughout the world to ensure that her consciousness will not dissipate.

Tianyuan's body should still be in the big tree in the center of Hongxing Palace to maintain its evolution.

"Able to control powerful cursed spirits, a large number of cursed objects, gravity spells, seams on the top of the head, and open fields......"

Tian Yuan's gaze lingered on the suture line for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion

"There is only one person who can do this, a magician who has survived from thousands of years ago - Nozomi"

"That Buddhist instrument that symbolizes compassion and salvation?"

Yingzhi continued Tianyuan's words.

"That's right"

"Why did she attack Astral Plasma? Do you have a grudge against him?"

"That starts with the purpose of the child of Nozomi."

That child? It seems that Tianyuan is older than Nozomi.

Yingzhi's shadow condensed into a table and chairs in front of the two of them, and then took out some tea and snacks.

The two sat down on the chairs.

"The purpose of the child is to force all the humans on the island to evolve together, and the method of evolution is to assimilate all the humans on the island with me."

"Assimilation similar to astral plasma?"

"Indeed, but it is different from astral plasma. I don't have a good relationship with ordinary people. Once I assimilate with them, my will will be disturbed. If I assimilate with all the people in the island nation, the huge malice will instantly flood the world after losing its restrictions."

"I see."

Eiji understood.

In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, whether it is incarnation or any other behavior, the body is originally���The souls of all beings will never completely dissipate.

That is why Geto Suguru could resist Nosozo at the call of Gojo Satoru, and Ryoumen Sukuna had to kill Miki Fushiguro with the power of Fushiguro Megumi to make Fushiguro Megumi's soul collapse.

Even Ryoumen Sukuna could not destroy Fushiguro Megumi's soul after occupying his body.

Not to mention Tengen.

In addition, this world is a world dominated by curses, and Nosozo wants to create the ultimate cursed spirit formed by the cursed power of 100 million people.

‘I don't know which is stronger, this cursed spirit of assimilation of 100 million people or the evil of this world in the Holy Grail. 'The evil of this world in the Type-Moon Holy Grail is the malice of all human beings in the world, but it is actually more like the concept of the Holy Grail manifesting.

It is the result of Angra Mainyu making a wish to bear the evil of this world for the world, and then the

Holy Grail manifested the evil of this world. Its upper limit depends on the Holy Grail that materialized the evil of this world.

‘Considering the difference in combat power between the two worlds, the evil in this world should be stronger. I have never seen the assimilation of a billion people into a cursed spirit in my previous life. I wonder if the one-eyed cat has updated to the assimilation of a billion people into a cursed spirit now. Will the whole show end after defeating Sukuna?'

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