After Ye Mo Zheng Dao brought Fuguro Shier to the classroom, Medea returned to her room.

This was a storage room granted to her by Ye Mo Zheng Dao.

Medea transformed it into a small temporary magic workshop.

Standing in front of the door, Medea first looked around vigilantly.

After making sure that there was no one else around, Medea relieved to untie the barrier at the door.

The next moment, a room that countless king chefs yearned for appeared in front of her.

On the left side of the room were several plastic models of the same size as Altria.

Even the figures were restored exactly the same.

Some of these models wore Altria's classic blue and white skirt armor.

Some wore the domineering armor after the blackening in the Sakura line.

Others wore the dress that Medea and Altria wore in the game in the plot.

The model's face was not a white plastic head without facial features.

Instead, it was Altria with different expressions carefully carved by Medea.

In the cabinet opposite the door, there were a large number of life photos of Altria that Medea secretly took in her daily life.

The cabinet on the right contained the Altria figurines that all king chefs dreamed of.

The style and workmanship are so exquisite that everyone who likes figurines can immediately perceive the intention of the maker.

Finally, there is a table in the center of the room.

There are many magic props on it.

However, they are different from the various strange props of witches in people's impression.

Many of the magic props in Medea's room are obviously modern products.

For example, spray guns, table lamps, chemical reagent bottles......

Medea entered the room and quickly closed the door. Then, with a speed totally unbecoming of a magician, she appeared in front of the important wooden table in the room.

"Next is the time for Altria to replenish her energy for today."

Medea clenched her fists and placed them on her chest, her face flushed with excitement.

Then a crystal ball that she had taken out from somewhere was placed in the middle of the wooden table.

As Medea began to control the crystal ball,

Altria's figure on the training ground also came into Medea's sight.

"Ah, so handsome, Saber in uniform."

After a brief conversation, Ye Moth brought some wooden swords, long sticks and other training equipment.

Then Altria came to the training ground first.

"Is it great to be the first one to see Saber's heroic figure?"

The picture on Medea's crystal ball has been locked on Artoria.

She was even more excited when she saw Artoria and Fukuguro Shier standing opposite each other.

"What if that beast-like man hurts Saber?"

Medea suddenly felt a little worried.

This was not because she did not trust Altria's strength.

It was simply because she was worried about the person she loved.

In Medea's opinion, it would be unforgivable for Fushiguro to hurt Altria even a hair.

"If Saber gets hurt, how will I punish you, Fukuro?"

A demon seemed to appear behind Medea.

Only at this moment did Medea really look like a terrifying witch.

"How about cursing him and making him have bad luck all the time?"

Several scenes emerged in Medea's mind.

Fushiguro Shier, who was walking listlessly on the road, was targeted by a large truck that suddenly lost control. Fushiguro Shier tried to avoid it but his foot slipped and he was hit by the truck.

He went to the supermarket but the bread he wanted to buy was sold out. He could only buy some instant noodles and sausage to go home. He was hit by a falling vase when passing by a residential area.

He stepped on an Ole Gei while walking. When he went home and wanted to make instant noodles, he found that there was no fork or seasoning packet in it.......

In an instant, curses flashed through Medea's mind one after another.

"Very good, it's decided."

Medea clapped her hands and showed a very cute expression on her face.

Then she continued to look at the picture in the crystal ball.

The fantasy time is as long as you want. If you miss the touching moment of Altria, no amount of time can make up for it.

"As expected of Saber, she can handle that gorilla with ease."

On one side is Altria, who is 1.54 meters tall and weighs only 84 kilograms.

On the other side is Fushiguro, who is over 1.8 meters tall and weighs at least twice as much as Altria.

Such a huge size difference brings an equally huge sense of contrast.

It's like a little girl beating up a weird uncle in a real battle. This kind of contrast is really unbearable.

"How despicable! His sword was taken away, so he must have lost. Yet he still refused to admit defeat. Ah, he even kicked the sand."

Medea had completely taken on the role of a supporter of Altria.

Altria's battle was soon over.

It was the turn of the three members of the improper walking group, Fushiguro Shiro.

Medea had no interest in this.

The crystal ball's perspective was always locked on Altria.

Medea was once again overwhelmed by Altria's cuteness.

In the not very spacious room, Medea was rolling very fast on the tatami with her legs completely shrunk into a ball, her hands were waving around in excitement, and she had nowhere to put them.

"So cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute......"

"Small, powerful, and hungry"

"We must catch her no matter what......."

After a tumble, Medea, with messy hair, blushed and showed an extremely obsessed expression to Altria in the crystal ball.

"Princess dress, maid outfit, Gothic style......"

"I must make Saber wear it for me every day, hehe, hehehe."

Medea, who was completely lost in fantasy, did not notice that the people in the training ground had dispersed. There was a person in the corridor walking towards Medea's magic workshop.

"You are here. Next we will......"

Ye Mo Zheng Dao's voice became smaller and smaller after he saw the situation in the house clearly. His eyes were dazed for a moment under his sunglasses.

A life-size model of Altria.

Altria figurines in various common and uncommon poses and clothes. Photos that were obviously taken secretly were faintly exposed in the cabinet, and Medea who was lost in fantasy.

Medea was petrified.

The most feared thing is the sudden silence of the air.


Ye Mo Zheng Dao raised his right hand to his mouth and coughed softly, then said

"Teacher Medea, after school we plan to go shopping and have fun together. You should also prepare to gather at the entrance of the high school. There will be a car to take us to Shinjuku."

After saying this, Ye Mo Zheng Dao quietly left the room.

‘There are really talented people in the technical college.......’

Ye Mo Zheng Dao thought to himself.

After Ye Mo Zheng Dao left, Medea gradually recovered from the petrification.

The next moment, Medea turned into a steam princess.

A large amount of steam sprayed out from her red face.

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