The negotiating team sent by the Shizu was led by a strong Mahayana man.

At present, the negotiations between the two sides are relatively smooth, and both sides have the subjective willingness to stop the war.

Now it only involves the interests of some details, and no one can make concessions.

For example, whether to return the occupied planet and how to release the captured enemy monks, the two sides are in dispute.

No one wants to spit out the meat they have eaten in their mouths, and they are often red-faced because of this time.

The Mahayana elders led by both sides are not in a hurry, and sometimes they don't even participate, but the monks under them come forward to argue.

Today, the leader of the Stone Clan did not come forward, but stayed in the mansion to have a little romance with a mother stone, and there were many sparks colliding between the two stones.

Just when the two stones were rubbing against each other, a person who did not understand the style and was out of time appeared in the room, destroying the warm atmosphere between the two stones.

"Yo! Are you two busy?"

Zhang He transformed into a black dragon and sat in the room with his legs crossed, looking at the two with interest.

"You! How did you get in?"

The stone clan elder was furious, he was surrounded by people when he was doing things, and he even used this playful tone to make fun of him.

"Don't worry! Continue, this old man has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time I have seen two stones make a small stone!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's amazing!"

How could the dignified stone clan's Mahayana elder be subjected to this humiliation, and he immediately shot in anger.



The two fought in the elder's mansion of the stone clan.

"You! What have you done to me?"

The stone clan elders who were fighting suddenly found that the mana in the body gradually solidified and could not flow.

"Just now, when your two stones were rubbing against each other, I gave you a little poison."

"You are also quite able to carry it. It's only now that the attack has occurred, and I have wasted a lot of effort."

As Zhang He said, a black flood dragon grabbed it with its big claws, crushed the body of the stone clan elder directly, captured his primordial spirit with one hand, and walked away in front of the group of stone clan cultivators.

Needless to say, the Stone Clan naturally has to ask the Black Jiao Clan for someone, and the peace talks cannot go on for the time being.

After Zhang He made one shot, he stopped showing his face and let the two clans develop freely.

He still has a lot to do.

In the matter of the Qiong Qi and Qilin people, there was a lack of people to fan the flames during this time, and things were about to subside.

Also, under the circumstance that the two firms were hidden from the world, the major forces were actually slacking off, and they were not as serious as they used to be.

How can this be done, the world is not in chaos, how can the human race avoid the eyes and ears of various races and secretly develop?

Zhang He took two avatars who had practiced "Eight Nine Mysteries" and wandered around the Tianlu Galaxy, trying their best to provoke them.

On this day, Zhang He wanted to do another big job and kill another poor Qi clan.

It's just that the plan failed this time, and before his bomb was loaded, a poor man had already arrived at the scene.

Zhang He had no choice but to fight with him for hundreds of rounds, and neither side could take advantage.

This poor and odd Mahayana middle-term has strong accumulation and strong strength.

Zhang He is only in the early stage of Mahayana, but since he ate two wood-type spirit root fruits, the fire was born, and the power of the flame more than doubled. In addition, his self-healing ability is so strong that he can hardly be beaten to death.

With the addition of these two items, Zhang He was tied with the opponent, and it would be beneficial to him to continue fighting like this.

The more Zhang He fights, the more he knows how to use his wood and fire magic powers.

After discovering that he was fighting like this, his style of play changed, all of which were fatal.

For example, at this moment, Qiong Qi threw out a sledgehammer.

Zhang He did not dodge or evade, and he smashed his legs with just one blow.

But he also took this opportunity to burn the opponent's arm with flames.

Then Zhang He continued to drag his legless body to fight. The cross-sections of his legs had flesh and bones growing rapidly, and it only took a moment for them to grow back.

However, the recovery speed of Qiongqi's scorched arm was not so fast.

Zhang He gradually accumulated advantages in this way of swapping injuries for injuries, and kept getting injured and recovering.

At the most tragic time, his entire body was blown up, and only one head was left, which was barely intact, but he recovered quickly.

On the contrary, the injuries that Qiongqi suffered every time were not very fatal, but the accumulation of more and more made him unbearable. If he continued like this, he would definitely lose.

He had never heard that the Qilin family had such innate supernatural powers, which was an existence that could not be beaten to death. Fighting against such an enemy made one feel hopeless.

Can't go on like this!

Qiong Qi made a decision as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Even if you can't kill you, so what? There are so many magical powers in the world of immortals!"

A silver halo-shaped treasure suddenly appeared in Qiong Qi's hand.

"Today, I'll let you see the power of the time-space halo!"

This treasure known as the Chronosphere also came from the human race and was refined for the most prosperous human race 100,000 years ago.

It contains the laws of time and space. Although it is not a fairy, it is not much worse than a fairy.

The time-space light wheel can open a long river of time and space, exiling people into the long river of time and space, and can never escape.

Even if you can't kill the enemy, throw it into the long river of time and space, and use time to consume the opponent to death.

Throughout the ages, the most powerful powerhouses have not been able to waste time.

For this treasure, Zhang He had also seen it in the historical books of the human race, but he did not expect it to fall into the hands of the Qiongqi tribe.

Qiong Qi sacrificed the space-time light wheel in the air, and immediately there was a ray of light that enveloped Zhang He.

Zhang He felt that an irresistible force was sucking him into it, and even if he used all the mana of the Mahayana period, he could not escape from it.

Now I can only try to communicate with the space.

Sure enough, although the space-time aura is powerful, it still can't handle space. Zhang He can sense space, which means that he can enter and exit space freely.

This way, it doesn't seem to be scary anymore.

He saw that Qiong Qi was urging the wheel of time and space with all his strength at this moment, and it seemed that he could no longer be distracted.

He released a clone from the space, replacing his original position, and was soon sucked into the turbulent flow of time and space, while his own deity entered the space in an instant.

Zhang He's deity returned to the vicinity of the battlefield through the nearby spatial coordinates.

When he came back, he saw that Qiong Qi was pushing the time and space halo with all his strength, completely attracting his avatar into the long river of time and space.

Spiritual treasures like the Chrono-Space Aura require a lot of mana and mind.

At this moment, Qiong Qi focused all his energy on manipulating the magic weapon, so that Zhang He himself returned to the battlefield from behind without knowing it.

How could Zhang He miss such an opportunity and kicked Qiong Qi directly from behind, kicking Qiong Qi into the area controlled by the light wheel of time and space.

Qiongqi didn't understand until he died, he saw that the time-space aura had already sucked Zhang He in, how could it emerge from behind him.

It's just that there is no time for him to think about it now. The huge suction force of the long river of time and space came and sucked him into it.

The space-time light wheel flying in the air lost the mana support of Qiongqi, and the light quickly disappeared, turning into a silver light wheel again, floating in the air.

Facing the lost human treasure, Zhang He has the right and obligation to take it back.

Zhang He stretched out his hand to probe, and the time-space light wheel flew back, and he took it into his hand and put it into the space.

After taking away the treasure, Zhang He continued to fly as a unicorn for a long time, and flew near a unicorn planet before he dodged into space.

Only at this time did he have time to look carefully at this newly acquired spiritual treasure.

Even if it is a spirit treasure, there are high and low quality. For example, this time-space light wheel is far from being comparable to other spirit treasures.

This Lingbao is not much weight in the hand, and there are complicated patterns engraved on it.

It's just that he can't refine it for his own use now, because its original owner hasn't died, and the consciousness he left on it can't be removed.

Zhang He had no choice but to seal it up and leave it in the space temporarily. There was space to isolate it, and Qiong Qi couldn't find it even if he tried to find it.

On the other side, Zhang He's clone was sucked into a long river of time and space by the aura of time and space.

The substance flowing in this river is like water but not water. After the clone falls into it, it floats and sinks in it.

Looking back at the place where he came and went, there was a light spot in the air, and he should have fallen in from that light spot just now.

And there are many such spots in the sky.

Zhang He guessed that each of these light spots is likely to represent a world, and the space-time light wheel is the key to open this light spot.

It didn't take long for the avatar to fall in, and soon with a plop, Qiong Qi also fell in.

At this time, Qiong Qi looked at Zhang He's clone floating in the river, and finally figured out what was going on, but now it's useless to figure out what it is, he has to endure and get out.

But he found that in this river, his mana was suppressed, while the Zhang He clone on the other side seemed to be suppressed less seriously.

Zhang He also discovered this situation, maybe this is the legacy of the ancestors of the human race, or the human race's natural physique is better.

Anyway, now is a good time for him to kill Qiong Qi here. With this idea in his heart, several figures suddenly appeared in the river.

Zhang He came with a few more capable clones, ready to beat this poor gang to death.

"Why are you free to come and go here?"

This poor Qi is also considered to have a clear mind, and he will be beaten to death by the crowd, and he still has the heart to ask such questions.

In his view, this is incomprehensible.

No one who was sent away by the space-time light wheel, no matter how big or small, can flow back from the long river of time and space.

With the actions of Zhang He in front of him, it is obvious that he can leave this place with confidence.

At the same time, he also understood that the people who have been provoking war are the human race.

This poor man was fortunate enough to figure out one thing before his death, and then he was wiped out under the siege of Zhang He and a group of clones.

As soon as Qiong Qi died, the space-time aura in Zhang He's hand could finally be re-enhanced, making him completely his own.

Zhang He left a clone in the long river of time and space, and the rest all returned to space.

It took half a year to finally succeed in refining this magic weapon.

When Zhang He tried his best to refine the light of time and space, the Qiongqi tribe lost another Qiongqi.

How's that, check it out! It must be investigated to the end, and all those involved must be arrested.

In addition, the dead Qiongqi carried a heavy treasure, which must not fall into the hands of others.

Under the repeated investigations of the Qiong Qi clan, they once again used the precious mirror with the law of time, which can recall the past.

It turned out that it was another black hand under the unicorn, which made the two clans who had been calm for a few days boil again.

The two sides clashed again.

On the other hand, after Zhang He refined the time-space wheel, he had the same mind with the time-space wheel, and naturally he also knew how to use the time-space wheel.

The result is really close to what he guessed, which is to open a connection between the world and the river of time and space.

And it can also open the door to other worlds through the reverse of the time-space aura, and then lead to other worlds.

However, the Qiong Qi clan also used the time-space light wheel for more than 100,000 years, and they did not seem to have discovered this.

So far, the real usage of the time-space aura is still unknown.

It seems that I still have to thank the ancestors of the human race.

After this discovery, his deity once again came to the long river of time and space holding the time-space light wheel.

Looking for a light spot closest to them, mana and consciousness began to destroy the aura of time and space.

After a while, a ray of light shot out from the space-time light wheel, shining into the light spot in the air.

A clone of Zhang He walked into the beam of light, and was quickly affected by a huge force, flying into the beam of light.

Through a door of light, Zhang He appeared on an unfamiliar planet.

He took out a star map and compared it several times, and he found that this is definitely not the Coleus galaxy.

It should be to another galaxy, or another universe.

Zhang He's consciousness dispersed, and he found that this planet seemed to be a primitive planet with lush vegetation, but there was no sign of any human or other civilization activity.

And the spiritual energy on this planet is also very rich, much stronger than his Taichu No. 1 and 2 stars.

Since there are no other powerful creatures, there are many resources here, and picking up a stone is a spiritual ore.

Stepping on a weed at random is a potion.

After a scan of his divine sense, he found a sixth-order spiritual vein and several mineral deposits in Fujin.

Zhang He couldn't understand that there is still such a resource-rich place in the world.

He even wanted to take the entire planet with him, if he could.

Now he can't take the planet, but he can let people colonize the planet, so as to make more full use of the resources such as elixir and spirit mine here.

Next, he spent two days checking all of the and drew a map, marking various important resources on the map.

After doing all this, Zhang He let several clones stay here temporarily as spatial coordinates for him.

In addition, send a few more bodies to fly away from this planet and go to other surrounding planets to have a look.

It can be seen from the starry sky that this is definitely not the Cochlea galaxy.

First of all, I checked the nearest moon and sun, and there was no sign of any advanced civilization activity.

Then fly to a farther planet, and it will take decades to see it all.


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