The two clones, the Golden Winged Eagle and the Green Chi, sent people to persuade the Heijiao clan and the stone clan respectively, so that the two clans bought a large number of high-level puppets and rockets at the same time.

This has caused the already tense situation between the two tribes to become more urgent. As long as the two sides have a little spark, they will misfire and cause a war.

Seeing this kind of good situation, the two avatars who had already washed their hands and planned to stop doing bad things, felt itchy when they saw the joy of hunting.

In the end, the two clones couldn't hold back, and at this critical moment, they acted as two clans.

The two avatars shot out a bunch of rockets and then slipped away, but they successfully triggered a battle between the Heijiao clan and the stone clan.

When the two sides fight, they are going all out, wishing to kill each other completely at one time.

Because of the grudges accumulated over the past few hundred years, he has already hated each other thoroughly.

Golden-winged eagle and Qingchi, as qualified arms dealers, provide five-star door-to-door nanny service at this time, thinking about what customers think and worrying about what customers need.

What kind of weapons customers need, both companies will deliver to their doorsteps, and there will be discounts for large quantities.

The strength of the Black Flood Dragon Clan and the Stone Clan are on a par, and in this fight, there is no way to tell the winner in a short period of time.

The two sides can only fight for the background and accumulation.

These two races have benefited a lot from the human race in the past tens of thousands of years, and even half of the planets in their hands were snatched from the human race.

Now in order to kill the opponent, in addition to dispatching clansmen to fight, they also have to spend a lot of money to buy weapons.

In the chaos of the Coleus galaxy this time, the two clans fought the hardest and hardest under Zhang He's deliberate provocation.

Therefore, a large number of spiritual stones and other resources for cultivating immortals are continuously earned by the golden-winged eagle and the green chi.

But no one knew that behind the Golden Winged Eagle and Green Chi were the human race forces, and the money flowed into the human race's pockets.

On this day, Zhang He and Li Yuehua entered the underground cave where Old Ancestor Li retreated again.

Li Yuehua has a big belly now, holding hands with Zhang He, which is completely different from the last time he entered.

Old Ancestor Li's clone appeared next to the fairy sword again, and when he saw Li Yuehua's stomach, he showed a relieved smile.

"Congratulations to the two of you on your son!"

"Do you have something important to do today?"

Usually nothing special, no one bothers him to retreat.

"Report to the ancestors, we are here to send spirit stones."


Old Ancestor Li was surprised when he heard the words. This was the first time in 10,000 years.

In fact, his retreat and cultivation need to consume a lot of resources, but today's human race can't make ends meet, and he has never reached out for resources.

He can only endure the lack of resources, so that his progress in the last few thousand years has been extremely slow.

Unexpectedly, the young couple took the initiative to send a batch of spiritual stones, which is the charcoal in the snow.

"How many spirit stones do you have? I need a lot of them, and a small number is useless to me."

"Is 10,000 fifth-order spiritual stones enough?"

Zhang He said confidently that he only spent more than 200 fifth-order spiritual stones when he bought Planet One of Taichu.

This time, the 10,000 yuan was obtained by scavenging many forces, especially the Black Jiao Clan and the Stone Clan who contributed the most.

Let Zhang He thank their ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart many times.

"Is it so much? Enough, enough, at least for the next 100 years, you don't have to worry about resources anymore."

Old Ancestor Li was overjoyed and nodded again and again.

Zhang He immediately raised his hand, and there was a tinkling sound of spirit stones rolling down on the ground, and soon a large pile was piled up on the ground, even higher than Zhang He.

He said that 10,000 fifth-order spirit stones were just for counting, but in fact, the spirit stones he received from selling arms were all kinds, ranging from first-order to fifth-order.

Old Ancestor Li opened his mouth wide and sucked at the pile of spirit stones on the ground.

Immediately, the spiritual stones on the ground turned into a stream of spiritual energy and poured into his mouth.

About a quarter of an hour later, the aura of the pile of spirit stones on the ground was completely lost, leaving only a pile of white powder on the ground.

Old Ancestor Li smashed it, smashed his mouth, and seemed to have endless aftertastes. He turned around and wanted to go back to continue his retreat and practice. He seemed to think of something, and turned back again, with an extra jade slip in his hand.

"This is the training experience I have summarized over the years. I will give it to you for reference."

"Thank you Old Ancestor Li!"

Zhang He took the jade slip and quickly thanked him.

Zhang He knew very well how important his training experience was for a Mahayana powerhouse who was preparing to cross the calamity of immortality.

This ancestor Li never showed his face, making the outside world always think that there is only one ancestor Chang in the human race.

But Zhang He heard Chang ancestors mention several times that Li ancestors' talent and aptitude are ten times stronger than him, which is the hope of the human race to break through the blockade. Li ancestors' strength is unfathomable.

Therefore, Old Ancestor Chang was willing to stand in front of him and fight to the death, so that Old Ancestor Li could practice with peace of mind.

After Zhang He thanked them again, they left the underground space.

After returning to the elders' home, Zhang He entered the space to learn about Old Ancestor Li's practice experience.

With this training experience, as well as a large number of elixir resources in the space.

Twenty years later, Zhang He successfully broke through from the middle stage of the fusion to the later stage of the fusion.

When he came out of the customs with the cultivation base of the late fusion, just in time for his two wives to give birth.

Immortal cultivators have strong physiques, and the lives they nurture are also very powerful. Having children is not as dangerous as ordinary people, so don't worry too much.

Waiting for a day in the anticipation of becoming a new father, the two children fell to the ground.

A boy, a girl, just can make up a "good" word.

Mei Yingxue gave birth to a boy, Zhang He named Zhang Jian, Li Yuehua gave birth to a girl, and Zhang He named Zhang Jing.

The two names come from quietness for self-cultivation and frugality for moral cultivation.

His children will definitely inherit the inheritance he laid down in the future. He doesn't want his descendants to be the kind of people who abuse power and are extravagant.

He hoped that his future heirs, while living well, can still leak a little bit from his mouth, leaving a way for the weak to survive. As long as the weak can survive, they will feel very happy.

After the birth of the two children, Zhang He became a full-time nursing father, taking the children to feed and wash diapers every day, and was very busy.

From the beginning of teaching in babble, to a little bit older, the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor begins.

Let them be civilized, polite, hygienic, orderly, and moral from a young age; spiritual beauty, language beauty, behavior beauty, and environmental beauty.

To be determined to be a rich second generation with noble moral sentiments.

Under Zhang He's careful guidance, the two children did not develop into little devils, which reassured Zhang He a lot.

When these two children were born, their physiques were far superior to those of ordinary people. As soon as they were one year old, they naturally condensed golden elixir, and then they were ten-year-old Nascent Soul and sixty-year-old God.

When the child was 60 years old, Zhang He finally felt relieved, feeling that the child had grown up and he didn't need to worry about it.

On this day, two 60-year-old children came together to find Zhang He.

"Father, the child has grown up and wants to go to the army to practice."

"Father, I want to go to the academy!"

It turned out that the two children felt that their wings were hard and wanted to fly by themselves.

Zhang Jian wanted to go to the army, and Zhang Jing wanted to go to the academy.

"That's right, you have ambition, and Dad supports you."

Zhang He immediately agreed, thinking back then, when he was only 14 years old, he went to the county town alone and killed a strong enemy.

It's perfectly fine to let these two 60-year-olds out there.

However, today's Coleus galaxy is full of wars and turmoil. The safety of the two has to be considered. He doesn't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person.

"Now there is chaos everywhere, it's very unsafe, you two take this jade pendant with you."

Zhang He said that he had already taken out two jade pendants and gave them to the two children.

"Father! What is this?"

Zhang Jing looked at the jade pendant in his hand and felt that there was nothing special about it.

"There is one of my clones that usually sleeps in it. Once you are in danger, you just need to smash the jade pendant and the clone will wake up."

These two jade pendants Zhang He had already refined for the two children. As long as there is a place where his clone is, he can transfer thousands of troops at any time.

The two took Zhang He's jade pendant and went their separate ways.

Zhang He watched the two leave, and a little bit of loss would inevitably arise in his heart.

However, when Mei Yingxue and Li Yuehua appeared behind him, Zhang He's sense of loss disappeared, and he turned around and hugged him back home.


Immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, their time is not very valuable, and it passes very quickly.

And just like that, another 800 years passed.

Since the beginning of the turmoil in the Coleus galaxy, more and more forces have been involved in it.

After the two top 50 forces, the Black Jiao Clan and the Stone Clan, went to war, in addition to showing all their trump cards, they also recruited their allies to join them.

Under a series of influences, many of the top 50 forces were also caught in the war.

Now except for the superpowers in the top ten who can still hold their breath, other forces are already caught in it.

There are no winners on both sides of the war, and if there is, it must be the arms dealers hiding behind them.

Regardless of whether it is a pole star or two primordial stars, after obtaining the resources of various races, it has been growing rapidly in these years.

Zhang He's two primordial stars are based on the human race of the original Jingshan Kingdom. The spiritual energy on the two planets is too weak, and the previous training foundation is relatively poor, and the highest is the transformation of the gods.

Over the years, Zhang He has made a lot of money, and he has not forgotten these two planets. He has invested a lot of spiritual stones to cultivate spiritual veins.

Now, the two primordial stars each have a seventh-order spiritual vein. Although the spiritual energy is far worse than that of the polar star, it can already be practiced by the integrated cultivator.

In the past few hundred years, more than 20 integrated monks have been cultivated on the two primordial stars, and the number of spiritual monks has reached more than 500.

In another day, given enough time for these transformations to grow, more cultivators will emerge.

On the other hand, the Fujixing human race has finally reversed the situation from the previous decline, and the number of integration and spiritual cultivators is no longer declining, and has continued to rise in recent hundreds of years.

Zhang He would send a batch of spirit stones to Old Ancestor Li for his consumption every 100 years.

Even the wounds on Chang's ancestors were slowly healed by Zhang He.

In short, now the entire human race is a thriving scene.

As a spirit beast under Zhang He, the flaming leopard naturally won't treat him badly. Originally, with the bloodline qualification of the flaming leopard, he could only train to the middle stage of the fusion.

But after Zhang He gave him a few leaves of fire attribute spirit wood, his bloodline aptitude has been greatly changed, and his cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Now that he has cultivated to the late stage of integration, even if he breaks through to the Mahayana period, he is very hopeful.

The flaming leopard often sighed that he wanted to come up with a book called "Three Thousand Questions on the Technique of Holding Thighs".

If the war brings disaster to others, but for Zhang He's other loyal subordinate, a thug, a farmer, and a cook, the war is a carnival feast.

He often wandered around the ruins of the battlefield, and the black mist rose from the ruins, all of which disappeared into his body.

Therefore, his cultivation base has grown extremely fast, and he has also risen to the late stage of fusion in the past few years.

Two days ago, after the little skeleton absorbed the black fog in a huge ruin, he fell into a deep sleep again when he returned to the space.

I believe that when the little skeleton wakes up again, there will be great changes.


The Sky Snail Galaxy is like a huge and boundless snail, in which a large number of planets and races are distributed.

The closer the entire galaxy is to the center of the snail, the higher the quality of the planet and the richer the aura.

As the No. 1 force in the Snail Galaxy, the Qiongqi naturally occupied several planets in the most central position of the Snail.

These planets in the center belonged to the human race 100,000 years ago.

At that time, the human race was still very strong, and all good things were moved to these stars.

In the places where the spiritual veins of these planets are the most concentrated, the spiritual energy condenses and mutates, and it becomes a higher spiritual energy, which is called fairy energy by everyone.

Immortal qi is different from ordinary spiritual qi. It contains stronger energy and is suitable for immortals to practice.

The ancestors of the immortals of the Qiongqi tribe have been practicing in these places with strong immortal energy for a long time.

On this day, in the Qiongqi Great Elder's Mansion, the Great Elder was sitting on a chair, and in front of him was a human monk who was imprisoned.

The first elder stretched out his front paws and grabbed the body of the human race, put the human race's head directly into his mouth, bit off a head in one bite, and chewed it.

At this moment, below him, there is a poor Qi with a tuft of black hair on his wings reporting to him.

"Reporting to the great elder, our investigation found that there is a mysterious force behind the scenes of the chaos in the Tianchun Galaxy and the war of various ethnic groups."

"Oh! As I don't think it's normal."

The first elder bit off the shoulders of the human race again, just like eating spicy strips, chewing deliciously, and what he said was a bit vague.

Since he pushed the Terran from his dominant position, he has become obsessed with eating raw people, and it must be fresh, biting down from the head.

"Go and investigate, in this turmoil in the Tianlu Galaxy, which forces have benefited the most, and nine out of ten are the actions of these forces that benefited from it."

"The Great Elder is wise!"

Qiongqi, who had a bunch of black hair, took the opportunity to flatter and back out.


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