Hu Ya and Zhang Yuan controlled the flying boat, and soon flew away from the research institute, reaching a height of 100,000 zhang, and were blocked by a large array of cages outside the planet.

Zhang Yuan has been studying this great formation for more than a hundred years, and has long been familiar with it. I saw that she was using the formation to control the weapon system on the flying boat, and bombarded it at several points on the light curtain.

The power of the bombardment is not very big, but it is very clever, and it hits the weak point on the big formation.

Then the light curtain in this area shattered like glass, revealing a large hole.


As Hu Ya shouted loudly, the flying boat immediately rushed out of the broken hole like an arrow from the string.

At the same time, in the other direction of the breeding planet, Zhang He and all the sea clan gods, the original 26 people, have only 8 people left.

Even if they did their best, facing a strong person in the integration state, the so-called battle was still a one-sided slaughter.

Gray Wing grabbed a sea clan and pulled it hard, and the sea clan powerhouse was suddenly torn into pieces, and there were only 7 left.

At this moment, the jade plate in the arms of the gray-winged winged man vibrated.

This guy simply ignored the 7 people who were still alive on the opposite side, wiped his hands, and took out a jade plate from his arms to check.

Zhang He was furious when he saw that the other party still had time to answer the phone during the battle!

"Let's withdraw!"

Immediately the remaining seven people fled into the starry sky.

Zhang He glanced back while escaping, and found that the gray-winged winged man was not chasing after him, but flew towards the moon.

His purpose was to attract the attention of the winged monks, so that Feizhou could escape smoothly.

"Friend Zhang, where are you going?"

Several sea clans couldn't help asking when they saw Zhang He leaving the team.

"I'm going to the moon!"

"There is the land of the Wing Clan. It is still important to escape now. Please forgive me for not being able to accompany you."

Zhang He is just a clone, and he is not afraid of death, but these six sea clans have only one life, and they can't afford it.

For them, now is the perfect time to escape, and they must never go back and throw themselves into the trap.

Zhang He didn't take it seriously. He had already used the Sea Clan once, and he still wanted what to do with them.

This place is not very far from the moon. The second time I come here, I am familiar with the way.

The first thing that caught my eye was the tower. I was in a hurry last time and went straight to the slaughterhouse, but I didn't have time to visit it.

The gate at the entrance of the tower was closed, and Zhang He was not so particular about it. He directly took out a bunch of spherical magic weapons and slammed them on the gate.


After a loud bang, the door was smashed, and Zhang He walked in.

Now he is afraid that the movement he makes is not big enough, so he will use the one that is more violent.

When Zhang He broke the door here, the gray-winged birdman also began to struggle. Now he is the only one, and he really cares about one thing and the other.

After a little hesitation, he still chose to catch the flying boat that escaped first. On the moon, he could come back and clean up later, at the speed of a spiritual monk, he could not escape from his palm.

Here, Hu Ya and Zhang Yuan drove the flying boat and flew out of the transparent light curtain, and only then did they truly see the vast universe beyond the planet.

Everyone curiously put their heads to the window and looked out.

It's just that at this moment there is a gray-winged birdman flapping his wings and flying towards them, which is really bad for the scenery.

"Wow! Birdman!"

"So there really is such a bird man!"

Zhang Yuan has always had a lot of nerves. He has never suffered any losses since he was a child, and he has never experienced social beatings. At this moment, he is looking at the gray-winged bird man with surprise.

The last time Zhang He killed a Pegasus, she refined the pair of Pegasus wings for herself to create a set of flying magic weapons. Now it seems that it is still far from the big wings of the winged man in front of her.

"Quick! Accelerate!"

Hu Ya urged loudly, and Feizhou suddenly accelerated to escape.

At this moment, in the other direction of the flying boat, a flaming leopard was carrying a green chi snake and was flying towards here quickly.

There are people closest to Zhang He in this flying boat, and he has made various careful plans in advance.

The previous actions were all creating opportunities for this flying boat. In the end, Qing Chi and the flaming leopard also followed nearby to protect him.

If even the flaming leopard is powerless, Zhang He has a last resort, and one of his clones is also on the flying boat.

When he encounters a crisis that he cannot handle, he can also send people to the primordial planet through space.

It's just that as a result of that, his space is exposed, which could lead to endless trouble.

"Flaming Panther! It's up to you now!"

Qing Chi patted the flaming leopard's **** and jumped off his back.

Along the way, the flaming leopard was used as a mount by Qingchi, which made him humiliated.

In addition, he was forced to recognize a spirit-transforming snake as his master, which left him with nowhere to vent the backlogged emotions in his heart.

Now that he saw the gray-winged winged man flying across from him, he had already imagined the other party as a green chi, and he swooped on it and fought with the winged man.

The flaming leopard was emotional, and it was called a madness, and it was called a life-threatening death.

Even Qing Chi, who was watching the battle from a distance, was almost moved.

The flame leopard is surrounded by flames, and every time the claws are swayed, a fire dragon will be generated and rush towards the gray-winged winged man.

As the flames rose, the feathers on the winged man were scorched a lot.

Most of the winged people have the wind attribute talent. Every time the gray wings are flapped, a wind blade two or three feet long is cut out.

The wind blade left wounds with deep visible bone on the flaming leopard, and some wind blades even pierced the flaming leopard's body directly.

But the flaming leopard didn't care about this kind of injury, only the pain on his body made the humiliation in his heart a little less.

The two sides fought for a while, half a catty, and there should be no winner in a short time.

When Qing Chi saw this, he was afraid that it would be too late, and he shouted loudly from a distance with his divine sense.

"Flaming Leopard, don't forget, you still have a big hammer!"

Qing Chi had long wanted to see the power of the Taihao Hammer, but he never had the chance.

The flaming leopard was almost venting at this time, and he didn't want to be entangled with a birdman. Hearing Qing Chi's reminder, he opened his mouth and a golden hammer flew out of his mouth.

Taihao Hammer rapidly grew in size in the air, and at the same time, its shape changed, becoming a big leopard that was somewhat similar to the flaming leopard. With a loud roar in the air, it rushed towards the gray-winged winged man.

"Ah! It's Lingbao!"

Gu Xi

The gray-winged winged man was a little knowledgeable, he recognized Lingbao at a glance, and turned to run away.

Lingbao has spirituality, can change shape, can actively attack the enemy, and its power is far from that of ordinary magic weapons.

However, the flame leopard transformed by this spirit treasure was extremely fast, turning into a streamer in the air to catch up with the gray-winged winged man, passing through his body.

The streamer stopped in front of the gray-winged winged man, and the gray-winged winged man's body had lost all its vitality, and it was wiped out together with the primordial spirit in his body.

The winged man who was still incomparably tyrannical just now died silently under the blow of Lingbao.

After the flaming leopard made this blow, it seemed to be a little weak, letting the body float in the void and gasping for breath.

Qing Chi flew to the gray-winged winged man to check, and found that he was indeed dead, and even his primordial spirit had dissipated.

Put the corpse into the space, and then pull the flaming leopard to fly in the direction of the flying boat.

"Brother! Can you give me that pair of Wingmen wings?"

After Zhang Yuan saw Qing Chi, he immediately came over and asked Qing Chi's tail.

"Okay, no problem, it's just that the wings are scorched, and they don't look good."

"I'll find a way to fix it when the time comes, and give him a color."

Qing Chi did not refuse, and directly cut off the pair of slightly charred wings and gave them to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan took the wings and happily walked aside to discuss with Mei Yingxue what color should be dyed.

In addition to the strong enemy here, the flying boat set off and flew towards the star of Taichu.

On the other side, Zhang He's clone searched through the buildings on the moon, and found nothing of value except for some spiritual stones.

This is just a temporary residence for the winged people to easily take care of the breeding planet, and there are no valuables.

He is still a little unwilling to give up, there are three moons on the periphery of this planet, maybe he can find something.

Immediately, he took out the bronze flying car from space and flew to another moon.

After he flew close to another moon, he found that the moon was completely in ruins.

Stepping on this moon, the ground is covered with a thick layer of white bones, and when you step on it, it makes a creaking sound.

I don't know how thick these bones are piled up, and I don't know how many years they have been piled up.

Zhang He walked a long way on this moon, and all he saw were dead bones, and he couldn't help but feel a sadness in his heart.

These bones are all human bones, and some of them are as crystal clear as jade. At first glance, they look like they used to be strong. For some reason, so many people will die, and the bones are all piled up here. He even suspects that this entire planet, All are made of human skeletons.

Zhang He circled the moon and found nothing but the dead bones. He couldn't bear to disturb the resting place of his predecessors and flew away from the moon.

There is still a moon in the distance that has not been explored. When Zhang He flew to the periphery of the moon, he had already seen that this moon, just like the moon just now, was also made of human bones.

He only flew around in a circle, and returned to space in a flash.

The flying boat carried Zhang He's relatives in the vast universe. At first, everyone thought it was very interesting and fresh, but after a long time, it became endlessly boring.

Fortunately, there are many people on the flying boat, and everyone can communicate with each other at ordinary times, or take turns to control the flying boat, and the rest of the people meditate or rest and sleep.

Zhang He's body also found an excuse to get on the flying boat from halfway, and accompanied Mei Yingxue and others.

Along the way, they have also visited some other life planets, but they did not stop there, because there are very few human races in the entire Sky Snail Galaxy, and it is better to do more than less.

Five years later, the flying boat finally flew to its destination, the planet in the beginning.

After five years of floating in space, the first time I set foot on the ground, everyone was running on the ground with excitement.

Even the flaming leopard ran around in excitement for several laps.

"From now on, this is our new home."

Zhang He took Mei Yingxue's hand and walked on the green grass, leaning against each other gently.

The land here is wide enough, and even if they throw it here, no one can be found.

Now almost everyone has found a place with strong spiritual energy to live. Anyway, everyone has a spiritual cultivation base, and it is convenient to communicate with each other.

After everyone settled down, they were still engaged in their previous affairs, but they were a little less staffed and lacked helpers for some things.

Old man Zhang is still farming, Fat Hu is obsessed with practicing every day, Hu Ya is tinkering with all kinds of new and messy affairs all day, and Meng Tiantian is still studying Dan Dao.

Of course, there are also administrative managers like Wei Peng Gu Liang Qi, and Wen Sheng who are engaged in business, as well as those who fight with the army.

Now they have nothing to do every day and can't find anything to do. There are only a dozen of them on this planet.

Later, Zhang He arranged for them to cultivate seriously, and strive to become a strong fit one day, so that they can go out alone and carry out some interstellar travel.

In addition to cultivating, these people explored the entire Absolute Beginning Star and counted all the resources on the planet.

In some places suitable for cultivation, they have been opened into spiritual fields, and various spiritual plants have been planted.

If there is not enough manpower, they will make some puppets. Anyway, Jingshan Kingdom is a strong point in refining puppets.

Everyone carried puppets for work with them. Later, a few people got together and actually built a puppet production factory.

The workers in the puppet factory are puppets, and then let these puppets produce puppets.

After decades, there have been more and more puppets. Now, puppets can be seen everywhere on the planet in the very beginning. Puppets are farming, mining, fishing, and doing housework.

Several generals who once led troops to fight even created a puppet army, not because of how much combat power they have, it is purely a joke.

Zhang He once took out some of the working puppets and let the golden-winged eagle sell it on Nanlin Star, and it was quite popular.

Later, the Golden Winged Eagle simply opened a shop on Nanlin Star, specializing in selling all kinds of puppets.

The puppet shop of the Golden Winged Eagle not only sells the puppets on the primordial planet, but also sells the puppets produced on the breeding star.

On the breeding planet, the Jingshan Kingdom established by Zhang He still exists and will continue to operate.

There is a complete set of mature industrial systems established by Zhang He, as well as the basic research of the research institute, which are incomparable to Taichu Xing.

Sometimes the research and development of some basic projects Zhang He is still handed over to the research institute of Jingshan.

Zhang He left several avatars in Jingshan to manage daily affairs.

Although a group of elites have been taken away this time, the organizational foundation of Jingshan Kingdom has not been affected and can still maintain good operations.

It's just that he won't give out Divine Transformation Pills easily anymore, everyone should be ready to die when they cultivate to Nascent Soul.

Unless someone shows great talent in some way.

Or wait until many years later, when he has the ability to buy or retake this breeding planet from the winged human race, then only then can the human race here embark on a normal training path.

The terrorist attack on the Winged Man planet has not stopped, but the attack that was extremely powerful at the beginning and would produce a mushroom cloud when it exploded no longer appeared.

But although the power of the rest of the explosions was much smaller, it was even more unavoidable, and the entire winged tribe was exhausted.

So much so that the cultivation planet escaped some of the cultivators, and they didn't have time to track them down.

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