After the auction of the Wanjie Commercial Bank ended, three days later, the auction of the Qilin Pavilion also started.


Zhang He also asked Qing Chi and the Golden-winged Eagle to attend the auction.


The two clones bought an elixir for refining a combination pill at the auction, as well as a somewhat broken elixir, which introduced many high-level elixir refining methods, as well as a few pills in the appendix. square.


Although there is no alchemy recipe in it, it also has a strong inspiring effect, allowing the research institute to use it as a reference to improve their alchemy level.


With the end of the Qilin Pavilion auction, the 500-year-old trade fair held on Nanlin Star is coming to an end, and many foreign monks have left Nanlin Star with flying treasures.


When Zhang Hexin bought a planet, he couldn't hide his excitement. He asked Qing Chi to drive the bronze flying car, leaving the planet alone for the first time and set foot on the starry sky.


After flying away from Nanlin Star, the population gradually dwindled, and in the first few days, other monks could be seen hurriedly flying by in the universe.


Gradually, it became more and more remote, and sometimes no one was seen for ten days and a half months.


Flying alone in the vast universe, I can't tell the direction. Only based on the star map and the stars in the distance can I barely identify the direction.


The universe was dark and dead, and Zhang He felt an unprecedented loneliness. For no reason, a huge fear rose in his heart.


Take out spirit wine and spirit fruit from the space, and even sitting on a bronze speeding car alone would be boring.


At this time, he even hoped that a Void Beast would appear. Even if he chased and killed himself, it would at least relieve the boundless loneliness in his heart.


I don't know whether his luck is good or bad. He has been flying in the universe for a year, but he has never seen a Void Beast.


It's just that Zhang He doesn't know that he is not alone. A flying boat has been following him tens of thousands of miles behind him.


The flaming leopard was sitting in the flying boat, holding a white jade plate with a red dot and a green dot on it, and it was slowly moving.


The green dot is Qing Chi, and the red dot is him. When he appeared at the auction, he used a little trick to put a tracking mark on Qing Chi.


Since this snake insisted on robbing him of the planet, what if he gave it to him temporarily?


There was a Qilin clan in charge of Nanlin Star, and he did not dare to attack Qingchi, but when he got out of Nanlin Star, there was no one to cover him.


He wanted to see what the snake had to rely on, and dared to directly offend a strong person in the fusion stage.


The flaming leopard followed Qingchi unhurriedly. He didn't know the exact coordinates of the planet, so he had to follow Qingchi first to find the coordinates.


Then we have to wait until Qingchi and Wanjie Commercial Bank complete the handover.


He didn't dare to go to Wanjie Commercial Bank to grab the planet, even if he was given ten more leopard guts, he wouldn't dare.


The planet Zhang He bought was relatively remote, and Qing Chi was frightened and flew in the universe for a year before finding it according to the star map.


There is no configuration on the planet, pure naked star, only two cultivators of God Transformation are stationed. When Zhang He arrives, he checked the certificate issued by Wanjie Trading Company, patted his **** and flew away.


For the first time in my life, I have an entire planet, which is still very fresh.


Qing Chi flew over the planet to overlook the earth. This planet has about half of the land and half of the ocean. The volume of the planet should be slightly larger than that of the earth.


The temperature of this planet is suitable, with oxygen, aura, mountains, rivers, beautiful environment and suitable for living.


There is a sun, a moon in the sky, and a planet can be seen a little further away. When Qing Chi came, I noticed that it was a barren planet that no one wanted.


The land of the planet is densely covered with vegetation, and there are some birds and beasts haunting it, but they are all low-level creatures without intelligence, and the strongest ones are similar to building a foundation.


The situation in the ocean is similar, and the strongest creatures are around the foundation.


In this way, his ant clone in the foundation-building period can also become the strongest person on this planet.


Thinking of this, Zhang He's bad taste came up, and he threw the ant clone into a forest, preparing to let him rule the entire planet.


After throwing down the ant clone, Qing Chi circled the planet a few times, already making plans for the planet's future.


Where should housing be built, where should a factory be built, where should a research institute be built...


Just when he was indulging in a dream, a powerful spiritual pressure came down, like the power of heaven and earth.


"Boy! I didn't expect it!"


The flaming leopard showed a huge figure in the void, and a piece of flame spit out from its mouth, which immediately scorched a piece of the earth.


"Now this planet belongs to Lord Leopard. How do you want to die? Say it and listen, Lord Leopard can fulfill you."


As the flaming leopard said, the flames formed a huge cage, covering the green chi.


"Old dog! Don't be too complacent, I'll be back!"


Qing Chi put down a cruel word, and the person has disappeared from the flame cage!






The flaming leopard looked at the empty flame cage, but the person was gone!


He now has quite a sense of powerlessness when a punch hits the air.


Qing Chi returned to the space before the flaming leopard was about to imprison him.


At the same time, the ant clone he threw into the forest earlier restrained his breath and hid in the ground, daring not to move.


After the flaming leopard occupied the planet, it was similar to Zhang He. It circled around the planet a few times, and by the way, it swallowed hundreds of beasts and stuffed its teeth.


Prepare to stock some creatures on this planet as your own vegetable garden.


As for Zhang He's ruthless remarks about coming back, he didn't take it seriously, what can I do with a mere God Transformation?


Even if the other party could ask for the fusion period to come, he would not be afraid.


Now that the flaming leopard has occupied the planet, he glanced at the bare sky and thought about setting up a large formation so that he could declare his sovereignty.


Otherwise, it would be bad for a passing monk to regard this place as a land without owner one day when he is not there.


The flaming leopard also has some attainments in the field of formation, and carries some materials for the formation with him. First, he reluctantly builds a simple framework, and then buys the materials and slowly improves it.


Immediately, he took out all kinds of formation tools and set up 365 formation eyes on the planet, but the materials he carried on his body were not enough, so he could only arrange ten formation eyes for the time being.


After working hard for several days, the ten formation eyes were arranged. When he activated the formation technique, a thin layer of light curtain rose up on the outer layer of the entire planet.


The current formation light curtain doesn't have much defensive power, and it can only let people know that this is a place where there is a master, and they will not rush in.


In terms of actual defense, it's about the same as paper.


After finishing all this, the Quarry Flame Leopard slept in a volcano and left the planet again.

To get a temporary new planet, there is still a lot of things to do. The formation method is not perfect, and he needs to buy some formation materials. In addition, he needs to go to various places to examine the project, and what species should be cultivated.


It's a pity that there is no program on the scriptures of getting rich in the world of immortality, otherwise, it can be used as a reference.


When the flaming leopard was building a home on the planet, Zhang He appeared in the research institute.


"Huya, how many 'Little Boy No. 2' do we have now?"


After the last test, ''Little Boy No. 2'' also has a certain effect on the integrated cultivator. It can't kill them, but it can also hurt the other party.


If one doesn't work, then buy a few more. It's just that he feels a little bit sad about the planet he just bought.


"Reporting to the young master, the weapons we have made over the years have never been used. There are still nine ''Little Boy No. 2'' in the warehouse."


Since the reunification of the Jingshan Kingdom, it has never met a tough opponent again, and the weapons have been hidden in the warehouse to eat ashes.


"Okay! Give me all these nine!"


Hu Ya led Zhang He to the warehouse, where nine large black **** were placed side by side.


The outer layer of the sphere is painted with spiritual materials that isolate spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness, making it look like an ordinary big iron lump.


A cultivator has divine consciousness and a keen sense of consciousness. Often, when he sees an item, he can roughly judge the power of the item.


But this kind of material that isolates spiritual consciousness and spiritual power is to block the cultivator's perception, so that the cultivator becomes blind in battle. Even if the knife is on the neck, people will nod and smile with you.


Since the research institute produced spiritual materials that can isolate spiritual consciousness and spiritual power, the outer layers of many products have been brushed with such a layer.


Now many weapons of Jingshan Kingdom are painted with a layer of this material.


Especially some high-power destructive weapons used for sneak attacks.


"I have a new material here. You can study it and see what it can be used for."


Zhang He put all the ''Little Boy No. 2'' into the space, and took out a green five-element spiritual root leaf for Huya to study.


He also gave Meng Tiantian a leaf.


There are five kinds of spiritual roots in the Five Elements. Zhang He now has wood and fire attributes. The fire-type branches and leaves have been made into a powerful little boy by Huya.


It's just that the level of scientific research and technology in the past was too poor, and great materials were wasted. It was like making a **** out of gold.


Now that it has been improved, the power of the little boy has also been improved, but it still does not match the name of the Five Elements Spiritual Root.


The wood-type leaves are full of the vitality of the wood-type, and may have some effects in alchemy.


Zhang He took the weapon of mass destruction from the warehouse, the main body has been guarded in the space, and the avatar left on the planet has become his eyeliner.


Just in case, he also sent two ants and a louse. These clones have been quietly watching the action of the flaming leopard.


Naturally, the flaming leopard doesn't care about such trivial things as an ant is watching him.


When the flaming leopard drove his flying boat and drew a long flame in the sky to leave the planet, Zhang He in the space got the news immediately.


He waited patiently for another long time, and the flaming leopard still didn't come back, so he should go out.


Even if a cultivator has vast supernatural powers, a random trip out of this universe is an interstellar journey, ranging from several days to several months, and some even take several years.


At this time, Zhang He's main body appeared on this planet with a group of clones.


At this time, he discovered that the flaming leopard had already covered the entire planet with a formation, and the cost was not small.


And technically, with the current level of the Jingshan Institute, it is still impossible to arrange such a large formation.


However, Zhang He didn't have time to study this great formation right now, so several clones spread out, explored the planet, and searched for favorable terrain. He was busy for several days.


The flaming leopard found a commercial planet nearby, and bought a lot on it, almost emptying his family.


But no matter how much you spend, it's worth it. This is a one-time investment. If you grow something in the future, you can continue to harvest it once and for all.


When he returned to the planet with a lot of supplies, everything on the planet was business as usual.


He took this pile of materials and continued to perfect his great formation.


The formation he arranged is called the Zhoutian Planetary Formation, which is activated by the spiritual veins on the planet, and can also absorb the power of the stars in the universe to supplement the power of the formation.


There are a total of 365 formation eyes, and at least 36 formation eyes must be arranged in order to make the big formation initially take shape.


The flame leopard's accomplishments in the formation method are really good. With only personal strength, it took three months to complete the arrangement of 36 formation eyes and complete the debugging.


The current formation has finally taken shape, has a certain defensive power, and can also serve as an early warning for outsiders to break in.


Flaming Leopard finished debugging the formation, and tried the attack and defense abilities again. They were all very good, which made him very satisfied, and his formation level improved again.


He lay in a grass and rested for a while, and suddenly found that the beasts on the planet were very manic, and the constant roars disturbed his sleep, and he couldn't even sleep.


I patted a few to death at will, but there was a large group of wild beasts roaring and fighting in the distance.


At this time, his divine consciousness spread out, covering almost half of the planet, and found that many creatures on the planet today are fighting.


And the center of the battle of these is in a canyon. There is a cave in the canyon. The strongest of these beasts are crowding into the cave. It seems that there is something that attracts them.


Out of curiosity, the flaming leopard also flew to the canyon cave. When he flew to the entrance of the cave, he smelled a very comfortable fragrance, and even a strong fit like him was a little moved.


Driven by curiosity, he roared loudly, causing all the beasts to tremble, lying on the ground, not daring to move.


The flaming leopard stepped on the bodies of the beasts and walked inside. When he passed through the nine and eighteen bends in the cave, there was a big water pool in front of him. There was a small stone mountain in the center of the water pool. On the stone mountain grew a pink tree. The elixir has a black flower at the top.


"The elixir of ten thousand years!"


He knows this kind of elixir, which can aphrodisiac and promote reproduction. It is very attractive to the demon clan, especially the ten thousand-year-old medicine, which is more effective.


I didn't expect that there would be unexpected joy in grabbing a planet.


Although this spirit medicine is not a very precious kind of spirit, it has a ten-thousand-year age and should be able to sell a lot of spirit stones.


Just in order to set up the big formation, he emptied his family property, and now he is so poor that his eyes glow green, and he wants to slap anything he sees.


The flaming leopard was overjoyed, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed all the beasts that blocked the road, and then strode to the stone mountain in the middle of the pool.


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