The latest website: When the bear clone walked out of the Wanjie Firm, he could clearly feel that there were countless eyes around him watching him.

These consciousnesses and gazes all followed his figure, and they did not get rid of them after going around several streets, but more and more.

He can roughly sense that there are at least dozens of cultivators, and some are extremely obscure, seemingly non-existent, and they should be combined powerhouses.

Anyway, he couldn't get rid of it, but the bear was no longer in a hurry.

The big deal is that he blew himself up in the street in Qicheng on this day, and died for you to see.

Under the watchful eyes of many eyes and ears, the dog sometimes walked into the street shop to buy some spiritual items, and sometimes shot a few more spiritual medicines.

Under self-abandonment, the bear completely released himself. He even touched a tigress's ass, and the tigress even gave him a look back and a smile!

This tigress also has a fiery temperament and invites the bear to spend the night with him.

Then he really dared to run away with the tigress.

This tigress was not ambiguous at all. She took the bear and got into an inn. As soon as the isolation formation was opened, she would strip the bear's clothes.

"Tiger lady, don't be impatient. I'm in a hurry to urinate, old bear. I'll go to make it easier first."

"Look at you like a bear! You are also irresponsible, hurry up and come back, my mother is waiting for you!"

The tigress patted the bear's fat buttocks, licked her paws, and watched the bear leave.

Although immortal practitioners have vast supernatural powers, they also have metabolism in their bodies, and metabolic wastes will also be produced, which need to be excreted.

Of course, immortal cultivators are different from mortals after all. For them, this kind of excretion is already arbitrary, ten days and a half months, and once a year and a half is no problem.

Or it can be discharged directly from the pores of the skin, but everyone has a natural excretion channel, so there is no need to spray from the pores of the skin.

In the eyes of the tigress, the bear is cowering and cowardly.

The bear walked out of the tigress's boudoir, and there was a latrine next to the room.


But he said that since Dog Bear came out of the Wanjie Firm, countless organizations have received news and sent people to follow and stare at Dog Bear.

There are more and more forces that get information and take action. Now, outside the inn where the tigress is located, it has been surrounded by spies from countless forces.

In this case, even an ant crawled out of the inn could not escape the eyes of these people.

Since the inn room is protected by a large formation, forcibly entering the consciousness can only break the formation. There are many eyes and ears in the city, and it is not suitable for hands-on.

Everyone did not take tough measures for the time being, and they were still patiently waiting outside for the bear to come out again.

It's just that they kept guarding so honestly for a day and a night, their eyes were all red, and still no bears came out.

At this time, the tigress came out of the inn alone.

At this time, someone finally couldn't help but jump out.

"What about people?"

"Who? Get out of the way! Don't get in my way!"

"It's the bear who went in with you. Where did he go?"

At this time, several monks came out and blocked the way of the tigress. The tigress said impatiently.

"This coward has already escaped, making the old lady happy for nothing."

Several monks ignored the tigress and rushed to the inn. They searched inside and outside the inn several times, but they couldn't find a single bear hair.

Then all the forces were like flies without heads, looking for traces of bears everywhere, but found nothing.

On the other hand, the Wanjie Firm acquired the two leaves of the bear, and it was soon known by other forces.

Including the Qilin family, all came to the door, and the door was almost smashed.

There are people who come to buy with good words and good words, and there are people who make threats. There are all kinds of people.

Although Wanjie Commercial Bank is powerful, these two Five Elements Spiritual Root Leaves are too rare and precious, and many people are no longer taboo to offend them.

In the end, the upper-level figures of Wanjie Commercial Bank decided to put two leaves of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots in the auction after discussion.

Once the news came out, the entire Tianqi City was boiling, and then the news spread throughout the entire Nanlin Star, and then spread to the entire Sky Snail Galaxy through various channels.

The major forces are actively raising money, preparing to take a leaf.

Many forces knew that their financial resources were insufficient, so they partnered with several other forces and prepared to bid together, buy them back first, and then divide up the leaves.

The waves caused by the two leaves startled the golden-winged eagle clone who was selling elixir in the city.

Zhang He was really frightened. He just took out two leaves and asked a treasure appraiser to help identify them, and wanted to know what treasures were.

I didn't expect it to be coveted by so many forces.

It seems that the bear avatar will not be able to show up casually in the future.

Fortunately, the big bear had nothing to do with him, and he didn't know the bear either.

At this moment, the golden-winged eagle is setting up a street stall in a square market. There are more than ten kinds of elixir in front of him, each of which has an age of more than 5,000 years.

Several of them have reached a medicinal age of more than 10,000 years.

Due to the long growth period of elixir and various requirements for the growth environment, the cultivation of a elixir by general forces often requires the efforts of several generations, and countless efforts are spent. .

Therefore, the elixir of old age has always been a hot commodity in the world of immortals.

As soon as the elixir of the Golden Winged Eagle was put out, it attracted a few cultivators to watch, but they had not yet bought it.

Right now, the Nanlinxing trade fair has not officially started, and there will be many good things that will come out in the future.

"Excuse me, how can I sell this 10,000-year-old Xuanyin flower?"

"260 Tier 4 Spirit Stone."

"The price is a bit expensive, can it be cheaper?"

"260 Tier 4 Spirit Stones, this is the only one of Wannian Xuanyin Flower, so I won't bargain."

The Golden-winged Eagle offered a price with confidence. There were not many such thousand-year-old medicine shops in the market, and his offer was indeed a little higher than the usual price.

But sometimes you may not be able to buy spiritual stones even if you have them.

"Okay, I want it!"

The silver wolf in front of him hurriedly took out the spirit stone from the storage magic weapon, and was about to buy this ten thousand year elixir. Who knew that at this time a black iron-winged bird squeezed in and reached out to stop the two who were about to trade.

"Wait! I am willing to pay 270 fourth-order spiritual stones to buy this Myriad Years Profound Yin Flower."

Silver Wolf stared at Tie Wing Bird fiercely, and gritted his teeth.

"I will pay 280 yuan!"

"I will pay 290 yuan!"

The two monks here raised the price of each other in order to compete for a spirit medicine, which attracted more people's attention. Immediately, other good people joined in and raised the price.

The price of the elixir that Yinlang received was raised by these people, and he hated it, but it couldn't happen on the Qilin family's territory, so he could only continue to increase the price.

"I gave 400 fourth-order spiritual stones."

Seeing this, the golden-winged eagle quickly stopped several monks who were still bidding.

"Forgive my fellow Daoists, since this spirit medicine was first spotted by fellow Daoist Silver Wolf, I naturally want to sell it to him."

The Golden Winged Eagle rejected several other monks and sold it to Silver Wolf for 400 fourth-order spirit stones.

"Alas! Who told me that I am missing this elixir right now!"

The two paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with one hand.

When the silver wolf was far away, the golden-winged eagle shoved a few spirit stones into the iron-winged bird while no one was paying attention.

Due to the lively auction just now, a large number of cultivators came to buy, and the speed of digging out the spirit stones was very fast, for fear that another iron-winged bird would emerge to **** them.

It took only an hour for the golden-winged eagle to sell out the pile of elixir, put away the stall, and walked to another market.

After arriving at another market place, the Golden Winged Eagle placed all kinds of elixir again, among which there were also several ten thousand year elixir.

It wasn't long before the stall of the Golden Winged Eagle was set up, and the silver wolf who bought one of his ten thousand year elixir just now appeared in front of the stall again.

"Excuse me, what is the price of this ten thousand year elixir?"

"250 Tier 4 Spirit Stones!"

"This is too expensive! Can it be cheaper?"

"Wannian Xuanyin Flower alone will not bargain for this one!"

A similar plot was staged again, and then an iron-winged bird jumped out to raise the price, and later attracted the surrounding people to come and watch.

But this time Wannian Xuanyin Flower was not sold to Silver Wolf, but a sword pig was attracted and couldn't help but bid a price. Who knew that Silver Wolf and Tie Wing Bird gave up the bid at the same time.

In the end, the sword pig could only grit its teeth and spend more than 300 spirit stones to buy the Wannian Xuanyin Flower back.

In the next few days, the golden-winged eagle roamed the major markets, setting up stalls to sell elixir.

Because the Golden Winged Eagle is good at marketing, business has always been very hot, selling quickly, and the price is also very good.

The several acres of elixir that Zhang He picked from the space were all sold out before the opening of the fair, and he got tens of thousands of fourth-order elixir.

In addition to the 500 fifth-order spirit stones obtained from the sale of two leaves, he already had more than a thousand fifth-order spirit stones in his hands.

There should be enough space to consume for a long time. When the time comes to participate in the auction, I can also have some confidence in my heart.

On this day, the auction of the Wanjie Trading Company officially started, and a crowd of monks poured into the auction of the Wanjie Trading Company.

Originally, Qilin Pavilion and Wanjie Commercial Bank competed with each other, and both auctions started today.

Since the Ten Thousand Worlds Firm obtained two Five Elements Spiritual Root leaves, its popularity has soared. The cultivators who have come to Nanlin Star in the recent period are almost all directed at these two leaves.

Since then, Qilin Pavilion has been defeated in the competition, and the auction date of Qilin Pavilion has to be postponed.

There are too many monks who want to see the leaves of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots. The auction venue of the Wanjie Trading Company can't accommodate so many people. The monks who come a little later, or have no way to go, can't even get the tickets for the auction.

Zhang He bought the tickets for the auction of the two firms early, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Now his bear avatar is absolutely not allowed to show up, and neither can Chi Yan. Now the only avatars who can participate in this auction are the golden-winged eagle and the green chi.

The two clones each took a ticket and squeezed into the auction venue.

The scales on Qing Chi's body were squeezed out a lot, and the hair on the golden-winged eagle was also ripped off several times in the crowd, and finally entered the venue.

The venue is also dark and there is no order. Since everyone is different, there is no unique seat for the auction, and everyone sits on the ground.

There are more people, those with more strength will occupy more space, and those with less strength and no strength will be like an air bag.

After entering the hall, Qing Chi did not find a good place, and directly hung her body on the beam of the hall.

The golden-winged eagle made a golden bird's nest and hung it on the wall, and it was quite comfortable to lie down in it.

In addition, there is a VIP room in the auction hall, which is specially prepared for some noble people. Zhang He is not qualified to live in it.

If the bear came here, he might be able to get into a VIP room, but he didn't dare to come.

Just as everyone in the hall was crowding and shouting, a high platform slowly rose in front of the auction venue.

What surprised Zhang He was that there was a sturdy human woman standing on the high platform.

This is the place outside the breeding planet, the first time he has seen a human monk, and he is so strong.

The woman's big arms were thicker than Mei Yingxue's thighs. She smiled and opened her mouth wide, all her teeth and flowers were exposed, and she could see the breakfast in her stomach directly from her throat.

"Wow! This time, it was actually hosted by Ms. Wang Darong, the gold medal auctioneer of Wanjie Firm!"

"Ms. Wang Darong is the number one beauty in the human race, everyone is blessed this time."

"I heard that Wang Darong has left the human race since he was a child..."

There were many people in the audience who knew the gold medal auctioneer, and they whispered, but Zhang He learned a lot of information.

"Hello fellow Daoists! Welcome to the 8649th auction of Wanjie Trading Company!"

"This auction is hosted by me, and now the auction officially starts!"

"First of all, let me introduce you to the first auction item today."

Wang Darong didn't have much nonsense, just made a brief introduction, and immediately introduced the auction items to everyone.

"The first auction item in this auction is a planet."


As soon as the voice there was a buzzing sound from the audience. Everyone did not expect that the Wanjie Trading Company was indeed rich and powerful, and it was a planet when it shot.

"There are good and bad planets. If it is a barren planet without spiritual energy, even if it is given to you for nothing, what's the use?"

There were also relatively calm people in the venue, and they were not moved by a planet.

"This planet is located in the Zhiyan star system, with a diameter of 20,000 miles. About 50% of the area above it is land, and the rest is ocean."

"The largest spiritual vein on the planet is the fourth-order spiritual vein, and it has a small amount of minerals such as spiritual mines."

"There are only a few low-level creatures on the planet at present..."

"Because the previous planet owner had other better businesses to develop, he entrusted it to our firm to auction it, and the planet could make a profit if it took over. Fellow Daoists can bid with confidence."

After Wang Darong introduced the detailed information about the planet, many people lost interest in it.

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