In a cave outside the city of Ningjing County, the second elder of the Jiang clan has been hiding here for several days with people, and has not waited for the right time to attack.

Today, a monk who was in charge of observing the outside hurriedly returned to the cave.

"Second Elder, just now, a support army was organized in Ningjing County and went to reinforce the He family."


"Everyone is ready to go to attack Ningjing County tonight! At the same time, notify the first elder and the third elder to act together.

The complete annihilation of Ningjing County and the He Clan is tonight. "

When everyone in the cave heard the words, one by one, they were gearing up to fight.

That night, of the three moons in the sky, only one lit up with a faint white light, illuminating all the scenes.

The second elder of the Jiang clan led a team of Jiang clan's direct line, and quietly touched the direction of Ningjing County.

"Jiang Wen, take a group of people to the industrial park!"

A fat white man walked out from behind the first elder, followed by a group of monks.

When Jiang's actions are outside, the organization is based on the distance of blood, and the people brought by the second elder are all people of his line.

For example, this Jiang Wen is the nephew of his second uncle's family, and the monks who follow Jiang tattoo are all descendants of his second uncle's line.

"Be careful when you act, don't break the industrial park, and all those refiners are left behind, we can continue to use them after taking over."


Jiang Wen flew to the industrial park with his people.

"Jiang Li, take someone to the academy! You have to be extra careful here, only kill the combat cultivator inside, and leave the rest behind, and you can slowly interrogate them later.

The Ningying fruit tree hidden in Ningjing County is likely to be in this research institute. "


Jiang Li quickly left the team with a group of people.

After both teams left, the second elder stared at the City Lord's Mansion in front.

The most important place in Ningjing County should be the City Lord's Mansion in front of him. The most important secrets may be hidden here.

"Everyone goes in with me!"

The second elder flew people to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and glanced at the big tree in front of the gate. The heads of people on it were swaying under the night wind.

"Hey, you're making a fool of yourself!"

The second elder took a sword and chopped down the tree full of human heads in front of the door.

Then another sword slashed open the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and filed in with the Jiang cultivator.

After entering the door, the second elder and his party all stood there, and the scene in front of them was different from what they thought.

The courtyard was full of Yuan Ying cultivators, Zhang He was sitting on a Taishi chair, and he was swaying a feather fan in his hand.

On the left of Zhang He stood a white-boned skeleton, and a pair of white-boned claws held a tea tray on which some snacks such as peanuts and melon seeds were placed.

On the right is a round-faced boy with a large ring knife about 10 feet long on his shoulders.

The second elder's pupils shrank, of course he knew this round-faced boy, who was a loyal thug under Zhang He's seat, named Fat Tiger.

According to the information, he should take someone to reinforce the He family.

At this moment, Fat Tiger is still here, and the room full of Nascent Soul cultivators, no matter how stupid the second elder is, he knows that he has been tricked.

"Welcome all Taoists to the humble house!"

Zhang He nibbled a melon seed indifferently, and looked at Jiang's Second Elder and his party with a playful expression.

"It's a hit, everyone withdraw with me!"

The second elder shouted loudly, turned into an escape light, and flew into the sky, about to escape from this small courtyard.


The escape light transformed by the second elder was blocked by a layer of transparent light curtain, and the formation arranged by the city lord's mansion had been quietly opened.

Jiang's monks were all blocked by the light curtain, and they reappeared from the light.

"Everyone, now that you are in a dead place, you can only fight hard and kill me!"

With a loud shout, the second elder had already sacrificed his magic weapon and turned around and slammed towards Zhang He.

With a wave of Zhang He's hand, the fat tiger and the little skeleton behind him rushed out.

Xiao Skull is now a strong late Nascent Soul, and Fat Tiger is also in the middle Nascent Soul. The two of them worked together to fight against the Second Elder, easily suppressing him.

The rest of the people also found their opponents. On the whole, there are more people in Ningjing County, and the fighting power is stronger. In many places, two fights one.

Zhang He held a fire-pointed spear in his hand and patrolled the audience, and he was not in a hurry to shoot. If anyone encountered a loss or other crisis, he would help.

Occasionally, if you catch the opportunity for the opponent to reveal flaws, you will shoot a shot.

He now controls fire-attribute magical powers or magic weapons, and the power will be multiplied. This fire-pointed gun is originally a fire-attribute magic weapon made of black trees.

Using it in Zhang He's hands, the power of the flame is even more powerful, and few people of the same rank can match it.

In a short period of time, three Nascent Soul cultivators were attacked by his flaming spear while fighting against the cultivators of Ningjing County, and then turned into a raging flame.

The second elder was suppressed by the small skeleton and the fat tiger jointly, especially the small skeleton whose cultivation base was comparable to him, and a keel with a long keel in his hand was haunted, making him unable to guard against it.

It's only a matter of time before he loses.

Seeing that the clansmen were beheaded one by one, and they were suppressed and powerless, and if this continued, their entire group could only be wiped out.

Thinking of this, the second elder gritted his teeth and made up his mind to reverse the mana in the body and run it through the body in a mysterious trajectory.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth poured into his body frantically, and the Nascent Soul in his body swelled rapidly at this moment, becoming taller, bigger, and gradually almost the size of his fleshly body.

Zhang He looked at it, and it seemed that this old man was going to make a big move. He must be brewing some powerful killer move.

He didn't want to dumbly watch his opponent use his trump card, and then rush up to fight him.

Immediately, Zhang He had a fire-pointed spear in his hand and joined the battle group. Together with the little skeleton and the fat tiger, the three besieged the second elder.

"Second Elder!"

"Second Elder uses the Secret Art of Dissolution!"

"We protect the law for the second elder and cannot be interrupted!"

Jiang's cultivator, who was fighting, recognized the secret technique the second elder was using at the moment.

This secret technique can only be practiced in the late Nascent Soul. After using this secret technique, one's realm can reach the level of divine transformation in a short period of time.

It's just that there are many restrictions on this secret technique, and everyone has only one chance to use it, because after using it once, the primordial soul and primordial spirit of the practitioner will collapse.

Moreover, during the casting process, it is easy to be interrupted, which greatly reduces the final result.

A Jiang cultivator flew in front of Zhang Heyi, intending to stop him. How could Zhang He have the patience to waste time with him? He stabbed him with a shot, and the cultivator suddenly burst into flames.

"Little Skull, kill him!"

The little skeleton understood and sacrificed his strongest magical power, and a cloud of cold and blue flames flew out, slowly drifting towards the second elder.

It's just that the flame has not yet reached the second elder, and all the spiritual energy around the flame is suddenly evacuated, which is equivalent to being in a vacuum environment.

Although the flame of the small skeleton looks very strange, his maintenance also requires burning aura or vitality.

When the surrounding aura is evacuated, the blue flame loses fuel support and can only be slowly extinguished.

"Arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

What Zhang He is more concerned about now is that the second elder suddenly gained the ability to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Hahaha... Now I know I'm afraid! I forced the old man to use a secret technique, but it's too late."

The second elder felt a little tragic and solemn. In order to kill a **** path and to escape the danger for his clan, he used the disintegration secret technique and gave up his precious life.

It is estimated that his deeds should be recorded on the family tree.

"You all have to die!"

At this time, the second elder's secret technique has not been fully used, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still pouring into his body frantically.

With the little heaven and earth aura he can mobilize, he has been able to calmly resist the attacks of the little skeleton and the fat tiger.

Zhang He sacrificed a fire-pointed spear and stabbed the second elder with one shot.

"Hahaha... It's useless. In the face of divine powers at the level of gods, all resistance is futile."

Anyway, after this battle, he is going to die, and the second elder is more emotional at this moment, and he has a lot of words.

However, his laughter still reverberated in his ears, but seeing that Zhang He's fire-pointed gun was not affected by him, he quickly mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to block it.

However, he found that all the fire-attribute auras in the air were not under his control, but instead pushed Zhang He's fire-pointed spear towards him quickly.

" can you control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

The expression of the second elder was like seeing a ghost. Only the spiritual cultivator can control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is common sense in the world of immortal cultivation.

He paid the price of his life to barely control the aura of heaven and earth, and Zhang He was more skilled than him in manipulating the aura of heaven and earth, and could easily take control of the aura of fire from his hands.

"Oh! That's what you're talking about?"

As Zhang He said, the palm of his hand was upward, and the surrounding fire spirit energy immediately rushed towards his palm, which was even more joyful than when his son saw his father.

"I was born with it."

The second elder's eyes turned green. He wanted to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, just like his grandson, he had to ask his grandfather to worship his grandmother, and it took a lot of effort to mobilize a little bit.

People are born close to the fire attribute, and manipulating the fire attribute aura is as easy as eating and drinking.

Seeing that the fire-pointed spear controlled by Zhang He had stabbed towards him, the second elder immediately controlled the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, forming a barrier in front of him.

Due to Zhang He's interference, especially the control of fire attribute aura, his disintegration secret technique has been robbed by Zhang He, making him unable to truly achieve the state of being a god.

So much so that the strength is greatly reduced, and it is far from being able to truly reach the combat effectiveness of the God Transformation Stage.

However, as a late Nascent Soul cultivator, he is a small realm higher than Zhang He, so his mana should be deeper, especially now that his mana has increased a lot through the disintegration secret technique.

In fact, in the actual confrontation, his mana did not occupy too much absolute advantage.

He didn't understand why the person in front of him was so powerful in mana.

In addition, with the help of Zhang He's control of fire spirit power, the little skeleton finally burned a group of blue flames on the second elder.

From the moment the second elder rose up the flames, his breath dropped sharply.

"That's it! The trend is over! You run for your life, you can escape as many as you can."

The second elder found that the strange blue flame was burning his own vitality, and the strength he exchanged for the secret technique of disintegration was rapidly disappearing.

At this moment, the sadness is greater than the death of the heart. He stretched out his palm and slammed into the light curtain of the formation that blocked everyone's whereabouts. Suddenly, the light curtain appeared cracks, but it did not break open immediately.

The second elder simply removed most of the defensive barriers in front of him, and used all his strength to blast the transparent light curtain again.


After a loud bang, the defensive formation of the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion was smashed. At the same time, Zhang He's fire-pointed spear pierced through the body of the second elder.

In addition to the blue flame of the small skeleton, the second elder's body ignited a crimson flame at this moment.

The surrounded Jiang's cultivator saw that the great formation was broken, and immediately threw down his opponent and the second elder who had just opened the passage for them.

It's just that most of the talents have just started, and they have been dragged by the monks in Ningjing County, missing the best chance to escape.

Since the second elder died, there has been no suspense in the battle here.

As for the battle between the research institute and the industrial park, Zhang He has his clones participating, and they are all progressing smoothly, and most of the comers have been annihilated.

The few remaining fish that slipped through the net were nothing to worry about, and the Shadow Pavilion was in charge of chasing and killing them.

In Heishui County, the battle is still going on. There are several powerful clones of Zhang He who are helping the battle. They already have the upper hand, and victory is only a matter of time.

This time, as early as when the Jiang family was about to come to sneak attack, the Shadow Pavilion had already inquired about the news.

So this is the plan, and set up an ambush to attract the fish.

In this battle, more than 50 cultivators of Jiang's Yuan Ying were beheaded, and almost all of Jiang's elite forces were wiped out.

Although the Jiang family has stored a lot of resources, it is not possible to replenish these Nascent Soul cultivators who died in battle in a short period of time.

Especially for a late-stage Nascent Soul expert like the Second Elder, it would take at least several hundred years to cultivate from the early stage of the Nascent Soul to the later stage. Even if some people live to the end, they will not reach the realm of the late stage of Nascent Soul after practicing for one or two thousand years.

"Fat Tiger, you are still bringing your team to the He's side for reinforcements.

The rest of the people carefully counted the spoils, and don't miss the good stuff. "

Through the connection between Zhang He's clones, just now, the coalition forces led by the Jiang clan have launched a frontal attack on the He clan.

It seems that the Jiang family wants to finish his work in one battle.

The Black Water Army over there and the He clan combined, the total number is only 10,000 or 20,000 troops, while their opponents have 200,000 troops.

The odds are too low.

In a hall of the He clan's land Zhang He was still drinking tea slowly, and the head of the He family was in a hurry, pacing repeatedly in front of Zhang He.

"Patriarch He, you ordered all the members of the He clan to take away all the valuables, as long as they can, take them all."

"Master Zhang, are you going to give up the He clan's land?"

During this period of time, the head of the He family was so regretful that his bowels were blue, and now even the clan land left by his ancestors was going to be lost. He suddenly felt sad, and the old man over a thousand years old had red eyes.

"Don't worry, everyone will retreat, including the Black Water Army, and you, all must retreat, at least 50 miles away.

Let you retreat is to prevent accidental injury. "

Hearing this, Patriarch He immediately came to the spirit.

The God Transformation Powerhouse is finally about to make a move!

"What about you, Mr. Zhang?"

"Of course I'll stay behind."

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