Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 351: .Congeal baby fruit tree

Sun Dabao simply packed up his belongings and hurried away with Ying fifty-six.

Just after the two left Yizhuxiang, a cultivator from the Yu clan rushed to Sun Dabao's residence with the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Che Kingdom.

"Damn! One step late, let him run away!"

After searching for a while to no avail, Yu Wei smashed a house to vent his anger.

"The people were taken in by your Che country, and now they have run away. Let's see how you explain to the Yu family."

Although Yu Wei only had a cultivation base in the early Nascent Soul, but in front of the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul of the Che Kingdom, he was completely condescending and arrogant.

"Envoy, calm down! We will send someone to chase him immediately, and we must not let him escape."

Even though Sun Dabao had served Che Guo for decades, at this moment, in order to protect himself, Che Guo turned his face without mercy.

"The order goes on, all the cultivators of Che Guoyuan Ying will be dispatched, and they must catch the bastard."

Soon there were monks from the country of Che, who divided into several paths to track down the whereabouts of Sun Dabao.

Sun Dabao followed Ying Wu-Six and just flew out of the car country not long ago, when he saw violent fluctuations of spiritual energy in front of him.

The two carefully restrained their breath and slowly approached the battlefield.

"Li Ergouzi!"

Sun Dabao recognized at a glance that the two people who were besieged by a group of monks in the center were Li Ergouzi who often fought with him.

As for the other black-robed cultivator, Ying Fifty-Six also recognized it as a member of their Shadow Pavilion.

Sun Dabao was about to go to the battle to save people, but he was pulled by Shadow 56 beside him.

"I'm going to save people, you go back first!"

"The other party has five Nascent Soul cultivators, once they are entangled, no one can escape.

Instead of rushing up to die in vain, you might as well wait a moment and watch me! "

Ying fifty-six said, took out three black **** the size of fists from the storage bag, and sacrificed them to the battlefield ahead.

These spheres are silent and have no aura fluctuations, shielding the observation of consciousness.

Sun Dabao's consciousness swept across the black ball and found that the air was blank, as if these **** did not exist at all.

"What kind of treasure are you?"

Sun Dabao opened his mouth wide in surprise. With his consciousness and eyesight, he couldn't find the trajectories of these spheres. The people in the Shadow Pavilion became more and more sinister.

"This is a new product made by our research institute, which has been used by Shadow Pavilion for more than ten years.

The son called this magic weapon the invisible magic weapon.

In fact, outside the magic weapon, add a layer of material that isolates spiritual consciousness and spiritual power, and then engrave an invisible array. "

Ying fifty-six speaks very lightly, in fact, it is not easy to find suitable materials for isolating consciousness.

Just as the two of them were talking, the three spheres had already flown over the battlefield, and all of them suddenly exploded.

"Boom! Boom!"

The power of the explosion of these three spheres is not very great, and they have just blasted a few cracks in the defensive shield of the people participating in the battle.

However, the sudden explosion of the three magic weapons above his head really shocked everyone in the battle.

A few people quickly breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't have much power. It would be no problem to kill Jindan cultivator. For them, Nascent Soul cultivator, it was still too weak.

keep fighting!

However, after only a few breaths, all seven people in the battle fell to the ground.

At this time, Ying Fifty-six and Sun Dabao walked out of the hiding place.

The two picked up Li Ergouzi and the Shadow Pavilion cultivator from the ground, stabbed the five cultivators on the ground to death, picked up the storage bag, and threw a fireball.

When cultivator Yu and Che Guoyuanying tracked down to this point, they only saw a small pile of ashes.

In the decades before Zhang He, more than 100 infant monks were trained, and they were scattered all over the place. This time, they all retreated.

Although the Shadow Pavilion began to fully respond when it got the news.

However, the distribution of personnel was too extensive, and the opponents they faced were such forces as the top nobles. During the retreat, more than ten people still fell into the enemy's hands.

On the immortal mountain of the Jiang Clan in the Qi Kingdom, it is still the original hall.

The chief elder of the Jiang clan will report the results of the investigation during this period to Jiang Xiu.

"Reporting to the Patriarch, during our investigation, there was another unexpected discovery.

Within our sphere of influence, someone secretly cultivated the Ningying Fruit Tree, and at least 100 Nascent Soul monks. "

When Jiang Xiu heard the words, she couldn't help but be moved. In her own territory, such a thing happened.

"Oh! I don't know which force can have such a skill?"

This matter is not just as simple as secretly planting a tree, a congealing fruit tree will take at least a thousand years to grow in the early stage, and then it will take at least three thousand years from flowering to maturity.

This has to be hidden for at least four thousand years.

In addition, cultivating the Nascent Soul cultivator requires a lot of resources in addition to the Ningying Pill.

Hundreds of Nascent Souls were cultivated in one breath, even the top tycoons like them did not have such a hand.

"Reporting to the Patriarch, these people who were caught were all stubborn, and they were tortured by me in every possible way, but they refused to open their mouths.

The specific information on this matter still needs the owner to personally search for the soul to know. "

The Jiang clan elder personally took action and tortured him with various means for many days, but he still couldn't pry open the opponent's mouth, which made him feel a sense of fear for this power.

As for soul searching, one must have a much stronger spiritual sense than the opponent. The stronger the spiritual sense, the more comprehensive the information that can be searched.

"Bring people up!"

Immediately after the first elder shouted, two Jiang clan disciples came in with a mutilated body.

With a "bang", the incomplete man was thrown heavily on the ground, and blood immediately oozes out.

Jiang Xiu glanced at him and saw that the person in front of him had been tortured into a human form, most of the bones and flesh of his body had been shattered, and even the primordial spirit was covered with scars.

He was sure that what the elder said was right, and it was indeed a hard bone.

But no matter how hard the bones are, under his soul search, they are useless.

Immediately, a powerful spiritual consciousness condensed into a bundle and penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the cultivator on the ground. The cultivator on the ground twitched violently.

"Ningjing County?"

For a long time, although Jiang Xiu learned the information behind the scenes through soul searching, he still could not explain the doubts in his heart.

He naturally knew about the Sun Moon Alliance. He didn't even have a station before, but it was just a mouse in the ditch, not worth mentioning.

But this time, the one who really led all this behind the scenes was just a sub-rudder of the Sun and Moon Alliance, and the time to join the Sun and Moon Alliance was not very long.

In the eyes of the major nobles, the Ningjing County branch can only be regarded as a small force.

But I don't know what it is capable of, to be able to hide the baby congealing fruit tree privately, and to cultivate more than 100 babies?

"The order goes on, to destroy the Sun and Moon Alliance, all the sub-rudders of Ningjing County must be killed, not one!"

Jiang Xiu said, using a jade slip, copied the information obtained from the soul search just now, and threw it to the first elder.

As for whether the Sun Moon Alliance was wronged, he didn't want to look into it in detail.

The first elder of the Jiang clan took the jade slip and bowed to Jiang Xiu, and then left in a hurry.

A few days later, the Jiang Clan of the Qi Kingdom released news that the Sun and Moon Alliance was divided into Ningjing County, and there was a Ningying fruit tree in private possession.

Jiang's general will lead the major forces to crusade against the Sun Moon Alliance and Ningjing County.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the world. Not only the clan forces in the Jiang family's sphere of influence, but also the major forces of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty were just about to move.

Ningyingguo, who doesn't want it!

It's just that in the past, it was in the hands of thirteen top-level noble families.

Now suddenly such a force has emerged, and it has what everyone dreams of, and its strength is not very strong, at least there is no god-transforming powerhouse.

This makes everyone feel like they have an opportunity.

Before the troops organized by the Jiang Clan set off, many monks had already begun to infiltrate Ningjing County.

Either stealing, robbing, or kidnapping... all kinds of methods emerge in an endless stream, so Ningjing County is facing a lot of security pressure.

And all of this is exactly what Jiang wanted to see, and it was also one of Jiang's purposes for spreading the news.

According to the information, Ningjing County has at least trained more than 100 Yuan Ying cultivators, and even if Jiang Clan came to fight, it would still suffer huge losses.

However, if you feel guilty, you only need to release this news, and Ningjing County will immediately stand on the opposite side of the monks in the world and become the target of public criticism.

Let these restless forces in the Xiuxian world and Ningjing County consume each other, killing two birds with one stone.


In the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion, Ying Yi was a little tired recently.

"Son, there are too many cultivators who have made trouble recently, and the Shadow Pavilion can no longer support it."

At present, Ningjing County has almost become the storm center of the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. Everyone is flocking to Ningjing County.

"Your Shadow Pavilion is mainly responsible for gathering intelligence. For combat missions, you should contact Sun Dabao.

I have ordered Sun Dabao to organize a team of Nascent Soul cultivators to clean up these foreigners with bad intentions. "

There are still more than 100 Yuanying cultivators who have successfully withdrawn this time. This is a powerful fighting force. In the entire cultivating world, as long as they do not encounter the powerful gods, they will be invincible.

Zhang He did not let them return to the Black Water Army, but specially organized a Nascent Soul Squad as a mobile force.

Now that the matter has been exposed anyway, there is no need for him to hide it.

At this time, we must use the toughest means, kill people's heads and blood flow into rivers, in order to deter the younger generation.

After the Shadow Pavilion cooperated with the Nascent Soul Squad, the work efficiency was greatly improved.

That night, after the two Nascent Soul cultivators sneaked into the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion, there was a wave of spiritual power, which subsided in a moment, and the two Nascent Soul cultivators never came out.

Until the next day, several Blackwater Army soldiers lifted the heads of the two Nascent Soul monks and hung them on a big tree in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

Similarly, outside the industrial park, there was also a big tree, and overnight, three human heads were added to the tree.

In the days that followed, there were always monks who were not afraid of death, thinking that their luck was better than others, and they chose to take risks.

In the end, it was just a matter of adding a few more heads to the tree.

There are even good deeds, who stay under the tree all day and count the heads, and for each additional head, they can discuss for a long time until all the deeds of the deceased are dug up.

In the end, I simply edited the life stories of the heads on the tree into a book, and it can still be sold on a regular basis like a journal.

In addition to Ningjing County, Zhang He's subordinates also Heishui County and Jinwu County were more or less harassed.

Zhang He arranged clones in each county, and if the situation was critical, he could take action in person through the space.

Since Jiang's news was released, the most uneasy one was within the Sun Moon Alliance.

This is like suddenly learning that one of my relatives is actually a wealthy boss.

Excited, envious, excited, jealous, all kinds of emotions came to my mind, but what I wanted most was to get close to this big brother's relatives, ask for care, ask for guidance, and hug his thighs.

On this day, the three elders of the Sun and Moon Alliance, followed by a group of helmsmen from different helms, came to the Ningjing County City Lord's Mansion together.

When they arrived at the door, they couldn't help but be attracted by the magnificent scene at the door.

That tree was already full of human heads, and it swayed when the wind blew.

"Hahaha...Isn't this Qiu Old Monster!"

At this time, Elder Zhong found an acquaintance from the tree and pointed to a human head on the tree, in a very good mood.

"Aren't you very capable? Didn't you rely on your supernatural powers to win everywhere? How did you get hung up on a tree?"

It is estimated that Elder Zhong suffered a loss in the hands of this Qiu old monster, and at this time there is a sense of pleasure in getting revenge.

Except for Elder Zhong, others also found familiar faces from the tree more or less.

After all, those who dared to break into the mansion of the City Lord of Ningjing County were not ordinary people, and it was normal for them to have some reputation in the world of immortality.

It's a pity that one wrong step will cost him his life.

The Sun Moon Alliance group faced the head on the tree and sighed for a while, but Mei Yingxue had already come out.


Now this group of people is equivalent to her maiden family, and they are very kind in their eyes.

Especially today, everyone seems so affectionate.

"You girl, you have been married for decades, and you don't come back often to see if this old bone of mine is dead."

Mei Yun said angrily to Mei Yingxue, Mei Yingxue was brought up by her since she was a child, and her feelings were naturally incomparable to others.

Mei Yingxue led the group into the City Lord's Zhang He also personally came to greet and accompany them.

"Elder Zhang! We have heard about Ningjing County. We brought everyone here today. If you need any help, feel free to speak up."

"Yes! The matter of splitting the helm in Ningjing County is the matter of our entire Sun Moon Alliance. If the Fourth Elder sends one, please don't see the outside world, just give your order."

Elder Jiang and Elder Zhong spoke up one after another, expressing their willingness to help in the battle.

Everyone is a smart person who has lived hundreds of thousands of lives. At present, they have no other choice but to stand with Zhang He of Ningjing County.

Because they both belong to the Sun and Moon Alliance, the matter of Ningjing County's private storage of the Ningying Fruit Tree will definitely involve the entire Sun and Moon Alliance.

Even if he jumped out now to clarify and said that he had nothing to do with Ningjing County, others would not necessarily let him go.

Since there is no way out and can only stand on this side, then simply hurry up.

Besides, it's not all bad, and the good is not small.

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