"Fellow Daoists, now it's either he's dead or I'm dead! I can only do my best to kill this beast!"

With a loud shout, the monk surnamed Ding had already sacrificed his magic weapon and took the lead in attacking the masked man.

"Yes! If this person is allowed to go back, all of our families will be punished or destroyed. Anyway, they are all dead, it is better to die together!"

It's rare that this time cultivator Kang did not oppose cultivator Ding. In the face of common danger, the two reached an agreement for the first time.

This masked man is obviously a god-turning powerhouse of thirteen top-level aristocrats, and he wants to catch all of them with ambition.

They will definitely go after their family afterwards.

Everyone present, although there are some strengths in the clan, they absolutely cannot withstand the suppression of the top-level wealthy clan.

Under the leadership of two late Nascent Soul practitioners, more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators at the scene all resorted to their strongest means and blasted the masked man.

Among these twenty people, Zhang He's second avatar was naturally included.

Although he can hide in the space, but if he can run, the monk can't run away from the temple. As long as the masked man returns alive and the news is revealed, Ningjing County will not be able to survive alone, and will suffer a devastating blow.

Everyone attacked at the same time, and the more than 20 magic weapons were very loud, and they all held the heart of mortal death, and their emotions were a bit tragic.

However, they were still too weak in the face of the powerhouses.

I saw the masked man squeeze out a seal with one hand, and the spiritual energy in this area seemed to come alive, obeying the masked man's orders.

And many Nascent Soul cultivators suddenly discovered that they could not absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth was in front of him, but it was unable to absorb it, and the magical power that was sacrificed in the air dropped several percent in an instant.

This is the power of the gods mobilizing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy on the battlefield is controlled by it.

The big sword that the masked man sacrificed in the air was instantly divided into ten, ten turned into a hundred, and a hundred turned into a thousand. Thousands of large swords filled this space shrouded by the formation.

The second avatar brought out a flying sword, and was hit by several large knives and shattered while on the way.

Then he used a wood-based magic magic power, and a vine that condensed cyan mana emerged, wading through the many big knives like a snake, winding straight towards the masked man.

It's just that this vine has not yet reached the front, and the spiritual energy in it has gradually lost, becoming weaker and weaker, and finally cut into two pieces by a knife, turning into aura and dissipating in the air.

Just as Zhang He was about to launch the second strike, a large knife fell from the sky, splitting the second avatar in half, and the wooden parts fell to the ground.

The second avatar has experienced several wars, and was beaten several times until only the primordial spirit was left. This time, even the primordial spirit could not escape, and was cut off together with the puppet body.

The masked man attacked in one round. There were more than 20 monks at the scene, and only a pair of enemies surnamed Ding and monk Kang were still fighting side by side.

And these 20 people worked hard, and the injuries caused to the masked man were very limited, only two pieces of robes were broken.

Zhang He's second avatar died. He could no longer perceive the situation next to the medicine garden. He could probably guess the ending. The remaining monks would also be beheaded by the masked man.

It was the first time to face the power of the God-transforming powerhouse, and it was so terrifying.

Now he is in a dilemma. After the god-turning powerhouse returns, he will definitely impose sanctions on these forces.

But with his current ability, he couldn't leave anyone behind, and forcing him up would only cost him his death.

While Zhang He was still hesitating, the masked man had successfully killed the remaining two late Nascent Soul monks.

With the consciousness of the God Transformation Stage, he naturally discovered that the second avatar was just a puppet. At this time, he grabbed it with a big hand, and a bunch of broken puppet parts flew to his hand.


The masked man was not in a hurry to open the medicine garden at this time, but spread out his consciousness with all his strength, looking for the whereabouts of Zhang He's deity.

He remembered that when he was in the cave, Zhang He was still in the flesh, not a puppet.

"Got you!"

Zhang He was still thinking about the next step, and suddenly felt a powerful consciousness locked him.

Only one breath had passed, and the masked man had already appeared in front of him.

"The old man is wrong, he really has some tricks! It's a pity that he still has to die!"

Ten black **** instantly appeared in Zhang He's hand, and they all attacked the masked man.

While throwing out the ten black balls, Zhang He didn't pay attention to the result, and directly got into the space.

These ten spheres looked inconspicuous and had no spiritual power fluctuations, like ten ordinary stones thrown out.

The masked man's pupils shrank, he could feel that this thing would never be so simple.

Now the two sides are very close, he just mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to condense a layer of protection in front of him, and ten spheres exploded at the same time.

This time, it seemed that ten Nascent Soul cultivators struck him with full force at the same time.


With a loud bang, the protective layer of spiritual energy was blasted, and the masked man's robe was rolled up, and another piece was broken.

By the time the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Zhang He had already disappeared.

"Come out, don't hide!"

"The old man knows your details. You are Zhang He of Ningjing County, you can't escape!"

"The old man will personally lead people to slaughter Ningjing County, killing a chicken and a dog and not leaving it behind."

The masked man didn't believe that any escape method could run out of his consciousness in an instant, and he must still be hiding here.

He didn't know that Zhang He not only escaped from his divine consciousness in an instant, but even escaped from this world, and now he is in an independent space.

As long as he wants, he can return to Blackwater County in an instant.

The masked man searched the surroundings reluctantly, demolished several buildings one after another, but still could not find Zhang He.

At this time, he could only give up temporarily, go to the medicine garden first, and scrape away all the elixir in it.

The Spirit Medicine Garden's formation is indeed very delicate, and he cannot break the formation.

However, with one power down ten times, he can attack directly with brute force.

The cultivators of God Transformation are already the strongest in this world, and there is no formation that they cannot break through. It is nothing more than a waste of time and effort.

Just when the masked man was bombarding the medicine garden formation, Zhang He had already returned to the Heishui County Research Institute through space.

He wants to come to the research institute to look for it, maybe he can find something to deal with the powerhouse of God Transformation, if not, it is time to make some preparations in advance.

In the research institute, Huya was carefully mixing several black and red powders together when Zhang He suddenly knocked on the door, causing him to shudder.

"Son! I am preparing a powerful psychic explosive, which will be detonated with a slight fluctuation of mana."

Zhang He heard the words, restrained all the mana fluctuations in his body, and then walked in lightly.

"I met a strong enemy and needed a powerful weapon to kill the enemy. Can you make it now?"

"How strong do you need to be?"

"The more powerful the better!"

Hu Ya pondered for a while, a formidable enemy that even Zhang He could not defeat, what kind of navy would that be?

"Is it a god?"

Zhang He nodded.

"This will take some time. In terms of power, I can only say try my best."

Huya thought for a while, and then asked, "Is there any black branches and leaves like last time? This material is very helpful."

"I still have some here, all for you."

Zhang He took out the black tree materials left over from his last refining, and gave them all to Huya.

"Do it as soon as possible, and notify me when you are done."

After Zhang He gave an order, he left the institute.

He didn't hold out much hope for Huya's rush to make powerful weapons.

It is like a three-year-old child carrying a large knife, it is difficult to hurt an adult, but it will hurt itself.

But this is the end, he has no way out, he has to try his best.

The big deal, then sacrifice one or two clones.

Or you can put Chiyan on, the fighting power of Chiyan's clone is not the strongest, but inheriting the flesh of the undead demon king, as long as there is a drop of blood left, it can be reborn.

Over the years, with the improvement of Chiyan's cultivation, the consciousness of the undead demon king hidden in Chiyan's body has been suppressed by him, the phantom is getting weaker and lighter, and the deity's help is no longer afraid of him.

Through the spatial coordinates, Zhang He returned to the nameless island outside the East China Sea ruins.

Before he entered the ruins, he had left a clone here as a space coordinate. As long as the clone did not die, he could come over at any time.

Here you can monitor the situation of the ruins, and if the masked man comes out, you can also see it here.

Letting the clone stare at the movement of the ruins, Zhang He returned to the space.

In the space, the small skeletons were very interested in the skeleton of the dragon. After all, everyone was a skeleton, and they seemed to be cordial.

Seeing this, Zhang He simply opened a furnace in the space and helped him refine this skeleton into a magic weapon.

Just when he was refining the weapon, the clone staring outside sent a message that there was a change in the sea.

Zhang He immediately let the third avatar out of the space to check the situation.

In the ocean, the waves are turbulent at this moment, and countless sea clan powerhouses are rushing in this direction, surrounding the ruins with water.

Zhang He restrained his breath and quietly hid behind a reef.

"Big crab! Big lobster! Sea fish..."

"There's a four-legged dragon over there!"

"How long does it take to eat so much seafood!"

The sea clan is indeed a powerful existence in the ocean. Among this large group of seafood, there are many strong people.

The nameless island is still more than ten miles away from the ruins. It is only on the periphery of the sea clan. He has found dozens of sea clan powerhouses at the Nascent Soul level nearby.

In other directions, as well as the central area of ​​the encirclement, there should be more sea clan powerhouses.

This is the sea clan's territory. With such a big momentum, there must be a powerhouse at the level of gods participating. It may be in the central area that Zhang He could not find.

Zhang He was in a good mood at the moment, maybe with the sea clan alone, he could successfully kill the masked man, eliminating his worries.

The entrance of the underwater ruins, the entrance of the cave has been surrounded by the strong sea clan, three layers inside and three layers outside.

A cyan dragon hovered outside the cave, and many Nascent Soul Sea clans respectfully surrounded him.

"General Crab, you bring fifty people in, kill all the human races inside, don't let them destroy the relics left by our ancestors of the sea race.

For the rest of the sea clan, guard the surrounding of the ruins and do not let any human race escape.

In addition, the periphery should be strengthened to prevent the nearby giant sharks from competing with us after hearing the news. "

"Yes! Dragon King!"

After Qinglong issued an order, the surrounding sea clan acted separately and carried out his order in an orderly manner.

According to the information, there were more than 30 human monks entering the ruins. Out of caution, the Hai Clan sent 50 Yuan Ying Hai Clan to kill them. The victory was already in their hands.

At the same time, outside the Ruins Medicine Garden, the masked man was bombarding the formation outside the Medicine Garden.

The god-turning powerhouse mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to attack.

In a few more strokes, the formation should be able to blast away. At that time, the elixir in it will not be picked by him.

When he reached the realm of transforming gods, he was already the strongest person in the entire world of immortality, and the world was so big that he was allowed to roam.

It is precisely because of the power of the God Transformation Realm that the thirteen top wealthy families must contain the rest of the family, and must not allow them to appear as God Transformation powerhouses.

The movement caused by the masked man's full-strength bombardment of the formation pointed out the direction for the 50 Nascent Soul strongmen of the sea clan.

A big crab swam at the front and quickly rushed towards the medicine garden.

"It seems that these human race monks are fighting infighting."

"Look at this movement, the fight is quite fierce."

"It's best to kill them all, so that we don't have to spend money."

Several Sea Clan Nascent Souls expressed optimism about the huge movement ahead.

It's just that they don't know what will be waiting for them ahead.

The masked man has a strong sense of consciousness. Before these sea clans have discovered him, he has already discovered the target one step ahead.

Zhang He escaped just now, which has made him angry, and now there is a group of targets for him to vent, how can he let it go.

The group of sea clan was still talking and laughing when they suddenly found a figure of a human race cultivator in front of them, blocking their way.

"How dare you!"

General Crab gave a loud shout, and the two big tongs instantly became bigger, and they grabbed the masked man.

Many sea clans saw a flash of sword light in front of them, and General Crab had been split in half.

"Are you a God Transformation Powerhouse?"


The rest of the sea clan dared to take on the fight, and they all fled, becoming birds and beasts for a while, and the masked man sneered and chased after them.

However, it was said that the Dragon King of the Sea Clan, who was guarding outside the cave, had waited for a long time without getting a result.

At this moment, a communication talisman flew close.

"Dragon King, help! There are human beings in the ruins, who are chasing and killing me~www.readwn.com~ A hurried voice came from the communication talisman.

"Tricky Terran."

The Qinglong King felt that he was careful enough, but in the end he was ambushed by the Terran. The Terran was too cunning and hard to guard against.

Immediately, without thinking too much, he shrank into a miniature three-foot dragon, and burrowed into the cave.

In the ruins, the masked man was still trying his best to hunt down the Sea Clan cultivator, and suddenly he faced the Qinglong King.

In fact, when they reached their realm, they didn't make much shots, and it rarely happened that the two gods were fighting each other.

But at the moment when the Qinglong King and the masked man met, they immediately sacrificed their weapons.

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