Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 344: .I have countless clones

In a large prison in Ningjing County, all the cultivators who have committed serious crimes or people from hostile forces are detained here.

Once locked up in this prison, there is no hope of surviving.

Gu Liangqi was walking in the long corridor of the prison at this time, holding a roster in his hand, comparing the names of the prisoners one by one, checking their bone age, cultivation qualifications, etc.

"Tang Bi, 98 years old, in the middle stage of foundation building, the training qualification is high and low..."

After Gu Liangqi confirmed that it was correct, he drew a tick on the roster and ordered the monks behind him to **** Tang Bi out.

Then move on to the next cell.

After Gu Liangqi screened all the death row prisoners in the prison, a total of 3 qualified candidates were selected.

He sent the three candidates to the City Lord's Mansion in person, and sent them to the secret room of Zhang He's retreat.

In the past few decades, dozens of death row prisoners with good qualifications have been sent to Zhang Hexiu Lian's secret room, and have never come out again.

There is gossip from the outside world, it is said that Zhang He is practicing a kind of evil art, and he needs to use human sacrifices to practice.

Zhang He never gave any explanation for this, making the outside world more certain about his speculation.

The nobles of the Zhou Dynasty had all kinds of strange hobbies. Even if Zhang He sacrificed a living person, it was no big deal.

At least he used death row prisoners, which can be considered waste. Compared with some nobles who enjoy killing people, they are already kind-hearted.

After the three death row prisoners were sent to Zhang He's secret room, they didn't know what fate would meet them, and they were a little nervous.

This tension did not trouble them for too long, and soon three powerful divine consciousnesses rushed into their sea of ​​consciousness.

Under the impact of the powerful consciousness, the three fell into a coma in just an instant, without feeling the slightest pain.

Zhang He looked at the three comatose death row prisoners in front of him and threw them into the space. Immediately, three avatars of primordial spirits entered the body of the three of them.

In today's space, the little skeleton has followed Chi Yan to travel around, but there are many new faces.

These new faces include not only human races, but also demons and the like, and there are as many as forty or fifty in total.

All these new faces in the space are Zhang He's clones.

Since the mid-advanced Nascent Soul, his primordial spirit has become more powerful, and at least one avatar primordial spirit can be divided every year.

In the past forty or fifty years, he has been splitting the primordial spirit and creating clones, and now the space is full of his clones.

However, splitting the primordial spirit is a matter that greatly affects his cultivation, so that in these years, his cultivation has not improved at all.

Moreover, due to frequent splitting of the primordial spirit, there are now many scars left on the primordial spirit, which take a long time to dissipate on their own.

In other words, for a long time recently, he couldn't split the primordial spirit to create a clone.

Zhang He also entered the space at this time, and counted his clones. With the three he just added, he now has a total of 50 clones.

The cultivation bases of these clones are all within the scope of foundation building and golden core, and now they all stay in the space to cultivate.

The reason why he made so many clones was mainly to digest the excess Ningying Pill.

The Ningying fruit tree can harvest a batch of fruits every year. As the fruit tree grows older, it will bear more and more fruits each time.

My subordinates can’t use such Ningying Pill, and there is also a great risk in taking out. Every time I secretly sell one or two pills, it’s almost the same.

Eating Congealing Infant Fruit by yourself can improve your cultivation, but after eating it for a period of time, the effect is getting worse and worse.

He tried to make Ningying Fruit into spirit wine again, and after drinking it for a while, the effect was alright at first, but then it got worse and worse.

Seeing that such a good thing was useless in the space, Zhang He simply made more clones for himself and produced and sold them himself.

At present, the cultivation base of these 50 clones is still relatively low, and the spiritual medicine resources that need to be consumed are not particularly large. He has room to support them.

That is, some of the clones practice "Golden Body Art", which requires consumption of flesh and blood.

At present, a special hunting team provides meat for Zhang He.

With the growth of these cultivation bases, it will be a more troublesome thing to consume a lot of flesh and blood in the future, and I am afraid that the demons in the exiled land can't bear it.

The newly added three avatars slept for a few days, and the physical body and the primordial spirit gradually completed the fusion.

Zhang He checked and found no problems, so he exited the space and appeared in Heishui County.

He had just received a summons from Huya, inviting him to visit the research institute in Heishui County.

Heishui County was on the fringes of the Great Zhou Dynasty and received little attention. With the opening of the railway over the years, Zhang He relocated many important departments of the research institute to Heishui County.

The Heishui County Branch of the Research Institute was established in Dehua County, on the original Qifeng Mountain.

This is his basic plan. Everyone here is his eyes and ears. As soon as outsiders enter the vicinity of the institute, they will be discovered immediately and stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

When Zhang He walked to the research institute, Hu Ya was already waiting at the door with several researchers.

Many skilled senior researchers in the Ningjing County Research Institute have been sent here, and when necessary, they can be arranged to be secretly promoted to Nascent Soul and hidden from now on.


Hu Ya walked to Zhang He's side, and said mysteriously, "This time there is a major discovery. Using the pure purple obsidian you gave me last time, a new type of psychic gunpowder is prepared, which is extremely powerful."

"Take me to see!"

The two soon walked to an uninhabited valley. Zhang He remembered that he had taken his subordinates to slay zombies here before.

"Look, son, this magic weapon is filled with this new type of gunpowder."

Huya took out a dark ball magic weapon, only the size of a fist.

Zhang He took it over and checked it. The surface of the sphere was coated with a layer of material that isolates spiritual consciousness, and at the same time, it also isolates the spiritual power fluctuations inside the magic weapon.

At first glance, it looks like an iron ball with little power.

"Go out and see!"

"Well! Good!"

Hu Ya took out the ball according to his words, and the ball flew silently in the air, without any movement, until it flew to the side of the mountain, and suddenly burst into a dazzling fire.


There was a loud noise, and even the ground trembled.

One side of the mountain collapsed in an instant, and the rocks were blown into powder, flying all over the sky.

This power intensity is enough to catch up with the Nascent Soul cultivator's blow.

"Very good! The more this thing, the better. You can make more reserves."

Zhang He was very satisfied with this.

Hu Ya scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"However, the refining cost of this new type of gunpowder is very high, and it may not be possible to achieve the conditions for mass production."

"What materials do you need?"

"The pure purple obsidian you brought, such a round ball, needs to consume a whole piece, in addition, it needs more than 5,000 thousand years of fire attribute spirit wood charcoal, and top-quality golden black stone..."

Huya has listed a lot of top-quality materials, each of which is very valuable and difficult to obtain.

"Okay, let's do as much as we can now. The finished product is temporarily stored for later use."

For the pure firewood-colored obsidian, he can use purple-red obsidian, and then soak it in the spatial spiritual spring to achieve it.

However, the other two materials are still relatively lacking.

The 5000-year-old fire attribute spirit wood can also be cultivated in space, but it also takes time.

In fact, there is also a top-level fire attribute tree in his dimension, that is, the black tree, which is by no means unusual.

After eating the above fruit, he has the ability to mobilize the fire attribute aura between heaven and earth.

I don't know how many years this tree has grown, at least it has grown for more than 10,000 years in his dimension.

He only had one black tree, but he was reluctant to cut it down to give Huya gunpowder.

But last time, he chopped off a branch to refine the fire-pointed spear in his hand, and there were still some twigs and leaves left, but he could give it to Huya to try.

"I still have some fire-attribute materials here, you can try them."

Zhang He took out a handful of twigs and leaves and handed them to Huya.

Huya saw that it was a few dark leaves and some unproductive twigs, and he didn't care.

Naturally, he reached out to pick it up, but he didn't know the power of this tree. As soon as his hand touched the black leaves, there was a burning sensation, which made him quickly shrink his hand back.

After being scalded, Huya regained his spirits, and looked closely at the leaves and twigs, but he didn't see anything special.

This time, he was ready, wrapping his hands with mana, and then safely picked up the branches and leaves.

"Do you have any other orders, sir?"

Zhang He shook his head.

"No! If you have something to do, go to work first."

Hu Ya heard the words and hurriedly left with these black leaves in his hands. Zhang He also left the institute and went back to practice.

In a laboratory of the research institute, Huya held a black leaf and grilled it on a fire.

It's just that this leaf is not burnt no matter what, but absorbs the flames and appears more and more alive.

Then he changed to a higher-level flame, but still couldn't scorch it, and then changed...

The tiger tooth seems to be more powerful than this dark leaf. One tendon is to scorch it, make it into charcoal, and then mix it into the gunpowder.

After more than two years of tossing, Huya finally succeeded in turning a black leaf into carbon powder.

At this moment, he carefully mixed several materials together to make a new kind of gunpowder, but he didn't know how powerful it was.

He'd have to actually test it out to find out.

Find a small bottle filled with a bottle of freshly prepared gunpowder, find an open space, and shove the small bottle into the crevice of the rock.

He often comes to this place to test the power of gunpowder, and most of the cracks in the rocks have been blown up by him.

Put the small bottle in place, and find a fire stick to light a kindling stick.

Fat Tiger covered his ears and took a few steps back. With his current Nascent Soul cultivation base, it was purely unnecessary. With such a small amount of gunpowder, it would be fine even if he directly shoved it in his **** and lit it again.


The ground shook for a while, and the rubble filled the sky. Hu Ya, who was standing beside him, was buried directly by the rubble splashed by the explosion.

After a long time, after moving a few times in the pile of rubble, I saw Hu Ya struggling to climb out of the rubble, with a **** head, but with an expression of ecstasy on his face, I don't know if he was dumbfounded.

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