Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 339: .Congeal baby fruit tree

The cost of the No. 1 spiritual tool in Ningjing County is about 9 spiritual stones, and now Jiang's request is to take half of the sales.

In this way, at least 18 spirit stones have to be sold to break even, and this does not include the cost of some transportation sales.

However, he can also take the opportunity to pull the banner to make tiger skins, and he can pull out Jiang's name when publicizing it.

In the future, there should be no other forces who will come to the market of spiritual tools again, and the price of spiritual tools will be raised a little more.

It is impossible not to feel aggrieved when the money you earn is taken away by others for nothing.

It's just that he is in such a social environment, without strength, there is no way.

They have a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators, as well as spiritual transformation powerhouses, and they don't even need to do it themselves, as long as they send a word, they will immediately have Ma Zai looking for trouble for them.

Zhang He told Gu Liangqi and Wen Sheng about this matter and let them do it.

Making money now is only one aspect. If you make more money, you can't keep it. The most important thing is to break through the blockade of the top tycoons on ordinary forces.

The first difficulty is that the Ningying Fruit Tree is in the hands of 13 forces. If you are disobedient, your supply of Ningying Pill will be cut off. If you can't get Nascent Soul monks, no matter how powerful the power will be, it will decline.

The top-level wealthy family controls Ningyingguo, which is equivalent to the neck of the major forces, so that no one has the slightest resistance.

As for the level from Nascent Soul to Transforming God, the 13 top wealthy clans are more strict, and there is no chance to get them.

Moreover, what Zhang He saw last time in the ruins of prehistoric civilization seems to be a huge crisis when breaking through to the transformation of God.

It's just that there are quite a few cultivators in the Great Zhou Dynasty, all of whom are revered as ancestors in a safe and secure way, and they all live very well.

I don't know if the crisis has disappeared after tens of thousands of years.

In fact, if there is a chance, Zhang He still really wants to break through to the Divine Transformation Stage.

If you don't transform into a god, you can only be suppressed by these top-level nobles forever, like a grandson, living too suffocating.

Zhang He has been looking for other sources of Infant Congealing Fruit. Recently, news came from Heishui County that there have been some breakthroughs.

Of course, in addition to finding Ningyingguo, the road to industrialization has to continue. The achievements he has achieved so far, including spiritual tools, puppets, railways, etc., are all realized through industrialization.

Continue to develop like this, and more miracles will be created in the future.

With top-level aristocrats like the Jiang family on their heads, industrialization may be one of the directions for future breakthroughs.

After dealing with many chores in Ningjing County after the war, Zhang He said goodbye to everyone and prepared to return to Heishui County.

Blackwater County is bordered by the exiled land to the west, and there are many resources of monsters, especially in the past few years, monsters have made a comeback.

He needs to eat a lot of flesh and blood of monsters to practice "Golden Body Kung Fu", and these monsters almost come to bring him vegetables on their own initiative.

The railway from Ningjing County to Heishui County has been planned for so many years, and construction has already begun. This is a huge project, and it is expected to take another twenty years to complete.

Zhang He left Chiyan in Ningjing County. On the one hand, he needs a master to sit in the town. On the other hand, as his clone, Chiyan can be used as a spatial coordinate. When needed, he can instantly return to Ningjing County. .

At his current Nascent Soul's flying speed, he could fly several miles in one breath, and it only took a few days to reach Heishui County.

When Zhang He set foot on the land of Lu State again, he felt a big change from before he left.

The current state of Lu is divided into two parts, the north and the south. The north is taken over by the royal family. Under the governance of Feng Zhen and Meng Sheng, it has become prosperous again, even stronger than before the state of Lu was destroyed.

Zhang He learned from the information of the Shadow Pavilion that in the past hundred years, the royal family has attacked everywhere, established many bases like Lu State, and accumulated a lot of power.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang He, and the power of the royal family has little influence on him.

And Heishui County, under his own control, is a completely different situation.

The industrialization of Heishui County was before Ningjing County, where factories and industrial parks were established very early.

Moreover, railways were also built, and various industrial products produced in Heishui County were sold to neighboring countries by train.

As soon as Zhang He returned to the territory of Heishui County, Wei Peng, Ma Gan and others had already greeted him.

"Congratulations to the son's return to his hometown!"

"You've worked hard!"

Wei Peng and others led Zhang He to fly back to Heishui County. On the way, the people of Heishui County cheered and ran to tell them.

For the people of Heishui County, Mr. Zhang was like a god, and it was their spiritual belief.

Back in Heishui County, Zhang He first went to his old house. His father, Zhang old man, lived in the old house all the time. In the garden of the house, he grew some beans and vegetables, and raised some chickens and ducks, and he was quite happy.

"Father! I'm back!"

"Stinky boy, you are willing to come back!"

"He's a few hundred years old, and he doesn't even have a daughter-in-law!"

What greeted Zhang He was not a warm hug, but a feather duster slapped on his butt...

After returning, Zhang He has been living in the old house, which is far away from the chaos of the Central Plains and enjoys a rare peace.

You can retreat and practice, and occasionally accompany the old man to drink and chat.

In addition, he also took the time to refine a golden core puppet with the eternal green dragon wood as the body of the second avatar.

The last time his second avatar was blown up in battle, Yuanshen escaped by luck, and he hadn't had time to make a body.

After this second avatar was perfected, he was responsible for helping him with various chores every day, just like in Ningjing County before.

After making the second clone, Zhang He was working on making the third clone.

He didn't quite trust the "Golden Body Technique" provided by the blond man Yuan Ying, so he planned to use a clone to practice first.

In addition, through this war, Zhang He realized the beauty of avatars. He plans to make more avatars in the future. They will be distributed in various places and can act as coordinates. He can travel thousands of miles at any time and appear beside any avatar .

For Zhang He, splitting the primordial spirit and creating a clone was already very easy for Zhang He, but after the split, the injury suffered by the primordial spirit would take a long time to recover.

Zhang He temporarily placed the split third avatar in the Yangshen wood.

The task of the third avatar is to practice "Golden Body Technique", so he must find a physical body that can be practiced.

Find Wei Peng, "Is there any death row inmates with good qualifications in the prison?"

"Bring it to me for a look!"

A day later, Wei Peng found 15 people, all of whom had committed capital crimes and had not yet had time to execute them.

Zhang He selected a young man with good aptitude. This man established a foundation and cultivated, betrayed Heishui County, betrayed confidential information, and murdered two alchemists of the research institute.

Taking a look at the dossier, Zhang He had no room for sympathy for such a person. His Primordial Spirit attacked his sea of ​​consciousness, imprisoned his Primordial Spirit, and then let the third avatar enter to devour him, completing the process of seizing the house.

After the third avatar succeeded in seizing the house, after another two months of cultivation, he began to practice "Golden Body Technique".

In order to supply the avatars for training, Wei Peng organized a team dedicated to hunting down the flesh and blood of monsters for Zhang He.

Zhang He has been comprehending this practice for a long time, and now it is very smooth and easy to get started.

In addition, Zhang He also provided a large number of medicinal pills to assist the rapid improvement of the realm of the clone.

The qualifications of the third avatar were already good. With the support of a large number of medicinal pills, it only took more than 20 years to successfully break through to the golden core stage.

As for Zhang He's deity, in the past twenty years, he has split a fourth avatar from his primordial spirit.

The fourth clone he took away a monster.

The reason for doing this is because he got a piece of information from the Shadow Pavilion, and found that in the exiled land of the extreme west, in the hinterland of the demon clan, there is also a congealing baby fruit tree, and it is said that there are more than one.

It's normal to think about it. If there is no Ningyingguo, where would so many monsters' Nascent Souls come from?

Zhang He's fourth avatar snatched a green chi snake from the Golden Core Realm.

After the fourth avatar successfully seized the house, it had already infiltrated the group of monsters. Two days ago, he took a chance and was injured a little, so he found an excuse to return to the Qingchi tribe from the front line of the battle.

The Qingchi clan was already in the hinterland of the demon clan, and the spiritual energy here was not strong, even worse than that of Lu Guo, not to mention the Central Plains.

The clan has an ancestor who is in the Nascent Soul realm, but this ancestor does not like to be transformed into a human form, and still maintains the image of the green snake.

Zhang He was afraid of being seen through his identity, so he didn't dare to meet his ancestors. He only inquired about Ning Yingguo from some of his peers while he was recuperating in the clan.

He really heard some news from him. After all, this kind of thing is not a secret thing inside the demon.

In the Demon Alliance, there are a total of three Infant Congealing Fruit Trees.

Due to the harsh environment in the extreme west, in order to unite all ethnic groups and face the powerful enemies of the human race together, these three Ningying Fruit Trees are owned by all ethnic groups.

Every mature season, they will be picked intensively, refined into pills, and then each clan will compete, and the strongest will be rewarded with Ningying Pill.

Zhang He had to sigh that the Great Zhou Dynasty had enjoyed peace for too long, so that the human race was seriously introverted and squeezed each other within themselves.

On the other hand, since they were expelled to this extreme western exile land, due to the harsh living environment and facing the powerful enemy of the human race, they were conscientious and hardworking, never forgetting to counterattack the human race, and thus created their unity.

Presumably before the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the human race monks should have united like this, but once there is peace and there is no danger of powerful foreign enemies, the internal corruption begins.

After the Qingchi clone found out the news, he found an excuse to leave the clan.

There is a big city in the hinterland of demons, which is the most prosperous center in the hinterland of demons. It is called the City of All Saints. The demons like to call themselves saints, so it is called the City of All Saints.

There are all kinds of monsters in the halloween city, all of them look strange, birds and beasts, everything.

Qingchi clone crawls on the streets of Halloween City. There are various stalls on both sides of the street, selling some special products of various ethnic groups, as well as some items that they do not need.

He found that many items that are very expensive in the human race are very cheap here, and often no one cares.

Some items that no one wants on the rotten street of the human race can be sold at high prices here.

Zhang He will naturally not miss such an opportunity, buy low and sell high.

And he has space, he can put the purchased items into the space, and then take it out by the second clone of Heishui County, or the clone of Chiyan of Ningjing County.

In the same way, he can also let Chi Yan or the second avatar collect some materials and put them into the space, and he can take them out and use them in Halloween City.

Using space as a bridge saves a lot of hard work in the middle.

The clone of Qingchi used this method to make a lot of spirit stones and resources in Halloween City, and then used these spirit stone resources to open the way, bribed some insiders, and obtained a lot of effective information.

"It will take 100 years for the next time to pick the Ningying Fruit. At that time, some people will be sent to pick it up, and there will be strong people of various ethnic groups to supervise the scene.

The number of condensed baby fruits that were picked were counted and refined into pills.

Then all races will compete, and the winner will be rewarded with Ningying Pill. "

This is the news revealed to him by a unicorn.

There are still 100 years left, and the Qingchi clone simply lives in the Halloween City.

He wants to use these 100 years to open up all kinds of relationships, and strive to infiltrate the team of picking Ningying Fruit.

If you want to do things anywhere, money is always the best weapon to open the way, especially the monsters live in harsh environments and are generally poor.

In the next few decades, Qingchi's avatar is good at dancing. He is cheerful, warm and generous, and he is a knife to his friends. He has a spiritual stone in his left hand and a medicinal pill in his right. He has gained the friendship of the people of all ethnic groups.

He is known as "Xiaoqingchi, who is anxious for justice and loves justice"!

100 years later, outside the city of All Saints, a towering mountain peak is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round.

"Brother Qing Chi, you are here too!"

"Brother Qing Chi! Look forward to it for a long time!"

"Brother Qing Chi! I'm short of money recently, can I borrow a few thousand spirit stones?"

"Brother Qing Chi! Please go first!"

"Brother Qing Chi..."

Obviously, Qing Chi is very well-known in this line of monsters and ghosts. Almost all of them know him, and even if they don't know him, they have heard of his name.

Today is the day of picking Ningying Fruit, Halloween City organized a group of monsters and monsters to pick Ningying Fruit, and Qingchi Clone also got a quota.

The Ningying Fruit Tree is not too harsh on the environment, but the place of exile is too barren, and only this place can grow the Ningying Fruit Tree.

In front of the team was a stern Yuan Ying white wolf, leading everyone to fly directly to the top of the mountain and land on a boulder.

"Brother Qingchi! Look over there, those three trees are the Ningying Fruit Trees!"

A red-butt monkey enthusiastically pointed the direction for Qingchi's clone.

Qing Chi's clone looked in the direction pointed, and saw three small trees with a height of about 3 feet in front of them. They were distributed in a zigzag shape in front of a cloud and mist.

"These three trees are the foundation of our holy clan, there can be no mistakes, and there is a formation protection all the year round."

The red-butt monkey continued to act as the docent, and then said in a low voice.

"On the top of this mountain, there is still a senior in the spiritual transformation period, and no one should try to steal the baby congealing fruit from the eyes of his old man."

Zhang He had already inquired about what the red-butt monkey said, but at this moment he still pretended to be very interested and listened carefully.

"Do you know why you call us people to pick the baby fruit?" The red-butt monkey sold off.

Qing Chi clone was really unaware of this, and immediately shook his head.

"Let me tell you, when the saints were exiled to this barren land, they searched thousands of mountains and rivers, but they couldn't find a place suitable for planting baby congealing fruit.

Only the top of this mountain can be planted, but this place is a bit special, filled with a lot of space fissures.

Moreover, these space cracks are still in a swimming state. In this case, once the free cracks are touched, the body will be cut instantly.

Even if the Ningying fruit tree is planted here, it will often be cut by spatial cracks.

Therefore, the great powers of the saints took action together and arranged a formation on the top of the mountain to seal all the cracks in the space so that they would no longer swim.

This large formation needs to be reinforced from time to time, and at most, only those who cultivate Jindan can enter it. "

After the red-butt monkey said so, Qing Chi completely figured out this matter.

At this time, Nascent Soul White Wolf saluted the clouds in front of him and said, "Please open the guard formation, senior!"

After a while, I saw the clouds and mist rolling violently in front of me, and then gradually faded and disappeared.

I only saw clouds and mist throughout the whole process, and did not find any other existence.

But now that the clouds and mists have dissipated, I can finally see the three Congealing Infant Fruit Trees in front of me.

The crowns are sparse, the leaves are heart-shaped, and the most peculiar thing is that these trees are covered with baby-like fruit.

"Wow! I've learned a lot, is this the famous Ningying Fruit Tree?"

"Look at the fruit above, it looks like a fat doll of the human race, it must taste good."

"I just don't know which is better or worse than the taste of the human race. I haven't eaten human flesh and blood for a long time. Seeing this stuff arouses my greed."

"Fellow Daoist Qing Chi, next time I will invite you to eat human flesh and blood."

"The flesh and blood of the human race must choose the kind of thin-skinned and tender meat to be delicious."

Everyone was chatting, and the topic was twisted.

"Okay! Humans occupy the fertile land in the Central is still the great enemy of our saints, let's start, the formation can only last for one incense time.

Everyone should remember to only pick the ripe fruit, not the immature ones. "

The white wolf interrupted everyone's chat and ordered the demons to act quickly.

Everyone obeyed the order and hurried forward, Qing Chi clone followed behind the team, let go of the consciousness, and sure enough, some small cracks could be seen in some places in the air.

None of these cracks were in their path.

A group of demons arrived safely under a congealing baby fruit tree, and dozens of human-shaped baby congealing fruits were sparsely hanging on the tree.

The mature Ningying fruit is golden yellow, and there are only eight golden yellow fruits on a tree, the rest are still turquoise, and even two blooming flowers can be seen.

The other two trees were similar, each with only a few ripe fruits.

It takes 3,000 years for the condensed baby fruit to mature from flowering to fruiting. Every tree has fruit at different times.

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