Zhang He took the information presented by Ying Yi, read it once, and then read it again, his eyes were already burning with anger.


The jade slip in his hand was crushed and turned into ashes and slipped from his fingers.

"For traitors, they must be severely punished!"

Shadow One received an order to exit the secret room, and after half a day, a team of Shadow Pavilion killers quietly set off.


Feng Wu was born and raised in Heishui County, and he had seven brothers and sisters. Six died in the famine, and he was the only one left.

Fortunately, after the great changes in Heishui Town, he successfully entered the school to study, not only to solve the problem of food and clothing, but also to get a chance to change his destiny.

Feng Wu's training qualifications were relatively poor. He failed to enter the Black Water Army, and even the reserve team could not enter, and he lost a chance for promotion.

In order to completely change the fate of the society and climb to the upper echelons of society, he can only study the art of refining.

However, his aptitude in refining is only average. Feng Wu can only work harder than others. When others are resting, he is still secretly working hard.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off. Through hard work, he finally stood out in Heishui County, where there were many elites, and became an excellent craftsman.

After that, he followed Huya to study at the helm of the Sun Moon Alliance. The research institute was established, and he was the first batch of members.

Huya was planning to build a spiritual tool factory. He became the backbone of the factory and was familiar with all the production processes of the factory.

Just ten years ago, one of Sun's intelligence officers quietly approached him, first seized him for embezzlement and bribery, threatened him, and then promised a lot of benefits.

In the end, Feng Wu succumbed to Sun's intelligence personnel under coercion and inducement, and continued to provide Sun's technical information on the production of spiritual tools.

After Sun obtained the technical information of the Ningjing County Spirit Tool Factory, he modeled the assembly line of Ningjing County, and Sun also successfully manufactured the spirit tool.

And it also reduced the cost to twelve or three spirit stones, and was able to survive the last round of price wars.

Since Feng Wu sold the secrets of the Spirit Tool Factory, although he got a lot of property, he was trembling every day, worried, and didn't know what to eat. He was worried that the Shadow Pavilion would come to him that day.

On this day, Feng Wu got off work as usual from the Spirit Tool Factory and returned to his home, but he stepped into the door, just closed the door, and turned around, only to find that a man in black robe was sitting at home.

"Why are you here again?"

Feng Wu looked around a little nervously, but he was relieved that he didn't notice the existence of other people.

"I heard that the craftsmanship has been improved in the spirit tool factory. I hope you can get it as soon as possible!"

The man in black robe crossed Erlang's legs and sat on the chair with a leisurely expression.

"I don't want to do it anymore! Don't look for me again in the future. I don't want to live the days of worrying every day."

"Haha! It's too late to think about quitting now! Believe it or not, I will publish all your evidence now?"

Feng Wu has fallen deeper and deeper, and more and more evidence has been obtained by the Sun family. Now it is too late to get out.

"I beg you, let me go! You go to someone else, I really don't want to do it!"

Feng Wu was about to collapse, and he was really afraid of being caught out by the Shadow Pavilion.

"Look at your bear-like appearance, what are you afraid of! The benefits are indispensable to you. After finishing this vote, I can lead you to the Sun family, and from then on lie on the pile of spiritual stones and enjoy your old age."

The man in black robe continued to draw a pie for Feng Wu to soothe his emotions that were about to get out of control.

"It's a pity you don't have a chance!"

Just then, a sudden voice appeared.



Both of them jumped up in shock and looked at the source of the sound, only to see a figure wearing a grimace mask slowly emerge.

Then, in this room, three figures wearing grimace masks appeared one after another.

"Shadow Pavilion, Shadow Thirty-Six!"

"Shadow Thirty-Seven!"

"Shadow Thirty-Eight!"

"Shadow Thirty-nine!"

Only then did the two know that the Shadow Pavilion cultivator had already been lurking in this not spacious room, and all the previous conversations were naturally heard.

Feng Wu knew that the matter was exposed, and instantly lost all his strength and slumped on the ground.

What was even more shocking was the black-robed man. As an intelligence officer, he was naturally very cautious. He had already checked carefully before coming in, but he didn't find any clues.

The man in black robe appeared with an escape talisman in his hand, and he planned to escape.

It's just that his talisman has not had time to sacrifice, and two large nets have already wrapped him in it from the upper and lower directions.

A quarter of an hour later, the four Shadow Pavilion monks escorted Feng Wu and the black-robed man out of the hut. Their appearance and departure did not alarm anyone.

At the same time, Sun's intelligence organizations in various places were attacked and destroyed by the Shadow Pavilion, including those in the Sun Moon Alliance and its strongholds in the Great Zhou Dynasty, which were all destroyed overnight.

This time, the Sun family became deaf and blind.

"Young Master Qi, the traitor has been captured, all the Sun's intelligence organizations scattered around the country have been destroyed, and the No. 1 plan has been successfully completed."

"Okay! Start the second plan now! I will personally participate."

With Zhang He's order, almost all of the Shadow Pavilion elites were dispatched, and Zhang He also followed the team and sneaked towards the Sun clan.

Before taking action, Shadow Pavilion has already inquired about the details of the Sun family. The other party has 5 Nascent Soul cultivators, which can be regarded as a big family.

Zhang He and Shadow Pavilion worked day and night, and it took five days to finally find the Sun clan land.

"Master, Sun's spiritual tool factory is located in the valley in front, and there is a Yuan Ying cultivator guarding it all year round."

Shadow One pointed to the spot in the valley ahead where a little roof was exposed.

"Everyone take the time to rest for an hour, and then attack the spirit tool factory in an hour."


More than a hundred people immediately sat on the ground, recovering the mana consumed by the journey.

After everyone recovered almost~www.wuxiamtl.com~ a group of people like ghosts quickly approached the valley ahead.

The spiritual tool factory in the valley is already quite large, and at this time it is fully producing spiritual tools.

The Shadow Pavilion cultivator approached silently, and attacked and killed the outside guards.

Before the refiner could react in the factory, he found that there were many monks wearing grimace masks around, and they looked ferocious and frightening.


With a loud shout, Ying Er took the lead and rushed forward, and the rest of the Shadow Pavilion immediately followed.

Blood splattered everywhere in the spiritual tool factory, people's heads rolled, and screams and wailing continued.

These refiners are all descendants of the Sun clan. They have mastered the refining method of spirit tools in Ningjing County. Under the ruthless hand.

The slaughter efficiency of the immortals is very high. It only took a moment for the refiners of the entire spiritual tool factory to be spared, and they all became dead souls under the knife.

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