With the arrival of winter, more and more homeless people who have been affected by disasters gather near Heishui Town.

Now that the weather is getting colder, and there is no food to eat in the fields, everyone is holding on to what little food they have, while peeping at other people's stocks.

In the refugee gathering area, people fight every day for food. Those who win take away food, and those who lose are crying and crying.

Although Wanjia's property in Heishui Town also suffered some floods, fortunately, the rescue was timely and it was not affected much. Instead, it took the opportunity to make a fortune.

In the Wanjia Rice Store, the grains that had been soaked in the flood and had some moldy food were dried and left to the present, and they could still sell for high prices, draining the last money from the refugees.

In the words of Master Wanjia: "The poor are the weeds in the field. Once you cut one crop, as long as it rains, the next crop will grow again. It will never be finished."

At this time, among the refugees, Magan, with his powerful strength, has already gathered a group of refugees to obey his orders and formed a small group.

There are not many such small groups among the refugees. In addition to the wealthy Zhuzi and others pulling up a team, there are also many small groups formed by refugees to protect themselves or rob others.

On this day, several influential group leaders among the refugees gathered in a shack and seemed to be secretly discussing some important matters.

Only a few vague words came out vaguely.


"Anyway, it's a dead end sooner or later..."

"Rather than starve to death, it's better..."

"If you want to do it, you can do it with a big pen..."

After discussing for a long time, Ma Gan and the other group of refugee leaders walked out of the shack and hurriedly returned to their camp.

That night, the blacksmith was in a hurry to urinate in the middle of the night. He walked outside in a daze, and took out a black calf to feed it against a pillar.

The thrill of releasing it made Niu Blacksmith tremble. At this moment, he noticed many figures appearing on the street.

Shadowy shadows emerged from the refugee camps everywhere, all with hatchets, hoes, poles and other weapons in their hands, they quietly approached a shop on the street.

The blacksmith Niu was so frightened that he hurriedly got into the blacksmith's shop, closed the doors and windows, and hid in the crack of the door to look out secretly.

I saw these people surrounded the Wan's Rice Store across the street. A few people broke through the doors and windows and got into the rice store first, and then everyone rushed to the Wan's Rice Store.

After a while, the whole street was awakened by the movement here.

"Ah! The Wanjia Rice Store was robbed."

"We're going to grab it too. If we don't grab it, we won't grab it for nothing."

In the refugee camp, I don't know who made such a roar. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of refugees in Heishui Town couldn't sit still anymore. Others were robbing them.

Tens of thousands of people flocked to the Wanjia Rice Store. Those who rushed in front could still grab a few handfuls of rice, and those who were later could not find anything.

Some people rushed into the store, grabbed a handful of rice and stuffed it into their mouths. Only what was in the stomach can make people feel at ease.

Now that there are more wolves and less meat, there is enough to grab from a mere rice shop, and in a few moments, ten thousand rice shops are robbed and not a single hair is left.

At this moment, there was a sound of "Boom", and a figure among the refugees slammed open the door of an adjacent shop.

A group of people rushed into the store following the breach.

"Crazy, crazy!"

The blacksmith hurriedly woke up his wife and children, packed all the valuables, and slipped out through the back door.

One by one, thousands of shops were blasted open, and refugees poured into them, robbing everything they could.

This is equivalent to the broken window effect. At first, no one dared to do it to Wanjia stores.

But once someone takes the lead in doing this, breaking the original balance, the rest of the people will easily break through the line of defense in their hearts, and even the original honest people will become a mob if they are affected.


A group of servants from Wanjiazhuang came over after hearing the news and shouted loudly. Only a few of the refugees who fell into madness paused, and then continued to join the robbery with the crowd.

Several Jiading took out their waist knives and rushed towards the crowd. At this moment, with a bang, a sharp arrow was shot out of nowhere, hitting the middle of Jiading's chest.

"Ah! Murder!"

"Brothers, why don't you just keep doing it..."


Under the provocation of people with a heart, the rioting refugees soon fought with the family members of Wanjia.

Although Wan Jiajia Ding has a sharp blade in his hand and has practiced some basic martial arts, his fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that there are several martial arts masters hidden in the crowd.

In a short time, Wanjiajiading was beaten to death in the street by a group of refugees. As for who killed it, it was unclear.

The next day, on Qingchen, the town of Heishui was in a mess, and all the shops on the street were looted.

More than 10,000 refugees did not disperse, but under the guidance of people with a heart, they looked at Wanjiazhuang instead.

There is not much food that can be grabbed in Heishui Town, and people's desires will only increase, so how can they be easily satisfied.

It is said that the bowls and chopsticks used by the master of Wanjia are all pure gold. It is said that a pig is killed in Wanjiazhuang every day. Master Wan only eats meat every day. Ladies and gentlemen...

Anyway, as long as the refugees can imagine things, they can be found in Wanjiazhuang.

"Let's go, lay down Wanjiazhuang, and from now on lie on the grain piles to eat and drink spicy food!"

"Once Wanjiazhuang is built, no rent will be paid from now on!"

"I'm willing to be cut all over, and dare to pull the Wan family off the horse!"

Tens of thousands of refugees rushed to Wanjiazhuang with various weapons in their hands~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

Zhang He squeezed into the crowd, occasionally shouting a few slogans, and there were several guards beside him.

All of this was secretly provoked by his remote command Magan and others. After months of preparation and brewing, he finally pushed things to this point.

Yesterday, he took the **** and pretended to be a refugee and infiltrated the refugee group.

The exploiting classes of the Zhou Dynasty were ripping off the poor, and the Wan family never regarded the tenant farmers as the same kind.

At the same time, in Wanjiazhuang, Wan Youcai was sitting in the middle of the hall, looking neither happy nor sad.

"Father, the refugees outside have already come to Wanjiazhuang."

The second son came in anxiously to report on the news outside, and from time to time he would look back.

"What can a poor ghost do? You are going to take over the business of ten thousand families in the future, and you must be calm in every major event."

Now that the eyebrows are burning outside, Wanyoucai is still teaching Second Young Master unhurriedly, which seems to be well-intentioned.

"Did the person who arranged to go to Dehua City to report to your brother went?"

"It's been a long time ago that people rode away on fast horses."

Wan Yucai nodded in satisfaction: "You organize all the family members of the nursing home, and let 200 people take bows and arrows to guard the wall, and the rest are behind the gate to call at any time."

Wanjiazhuang can become the emperor of Heishui Zhentu, and naturally he also has some trump cards.

There are more than 300 nurses in the village, and some of them have also practiced basic martial arts. They are definitely not comparable to these skinny homeless people.

The wall of Wanjiazhuang is modeled after the city wall, and people can stand on it, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

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