Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 325: . The door is difficult to enter

Ten thousand years ago, the Congealing Infant Fruit was still very common in the Immortal Cultivation World, and most cultivators in the late Jindan stage had the opportunity to obtain the Infant Condensing Fruit.

Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the dignitaries of the dynasty have monopolized all the resources in the world, and naturally they must firmly control the most important strategic materials in their own hands.

In the hundreds of years after the establishment of the dynasty, except for the Ningying fruit trees in the 13 top wealthy families, all the other Ningying fruit trees were destroyed.

Since then, the rest of the small and medium-sized aristocracy can only be attached to these 13 top aristocrats.

Disobedient nobles could not even get Ningying Fruit, and in the end they could only decline, and then be replaced by other more obedient nobles.

Chen State used to be attached to Jiang Clan of Qi State, and Ningying Dan was obtained from Jiang Clan.

Zhang He took the list and thought about what to do next.

The 13 top aristocrats on the list all have god-turning cultivators.

The power of the God-turning powerhouse, he only saw the tip of the iceberg in the last time he participated in the ascension ceremony of the God-turning cultivator, and he was not able to resist it at all.

With the strength he has now, it is almost impossible to grab it hard.

These 13 top wealthy families can always control Ningyingguo without leaking it. Obviously, it is not a cat or a dog that can grab Ningyingguo from their hands.

Otherwise, it would have spread throughout the entire immortal world.

Among these 13 top aristocrats, only the god-turning cultivator of the Song clan of Wuguo has just risen to the top.

It's just that according to the uncertain news, there is still a powerful god-turning person in the Song clan.

Even if this news is wrong, there are more than ten Nascent Souls in the Song clan, including three great cultivators of the late Nascent Souls.

This kind of strength is not something he can provoke.

Zhang He thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't think of any other way to **** the Ningying Fruit Tree from the power of the gods.

After thinking for a while, he still had no clue. Zhang He put away the list and flew to Chen Ducheng after leaving the City Lord's Mansion.

It's better to ask more experienced seniors about this kind of thing, and there is no harm in listening to the old people.

The current helm of the Sun Moon Alliance has all been relocated to Chendu City.

Zhang He was lucky to be here today. In a hall, Elder Jiang and Elder Zhong were both present.

"Elder Zhang, the recent progress in cultivation has been very fast, so it seems that Nascent Soul is just around the corner."

As soon as they met, Elder Zhong greeted them warmly.

"Elder Zhong has been rewarded, and it is for this reason that I am here today."

Zhang He then explained his coming to the two elders.

"It turned out to be for the Ningying Pill, and this matter really takes a lot of trouble."

Elder Jiang stroked his black beard and pondered for a while.

"Well, I'll take the time to accompany you to the Jiang family in the Qi Kingdom.

The old man is also surnamed Jiang. Although he is not related by blood, he is also surnamed Jiang after all.

You go back now, get some presents, and we leave in a year. "

"Does Elder Jiang have other things to do recently?"

Zhang He was a little confused about the one-year deadline.

"Haha! It seems that Elder Zhang still doesn't know that the monks who go to the Jiang Clan in Qi State every year to ask for the Ningying Pill are like crucian carp crossing the river. If you don't present a gift of sufficient value, you won't even be able to enter the door.

After entering the door, you still need to manage everywhere. After you finally see the main owner, you also need some rare treasures in order to exchange the Ningying Pill from Jiang's hands.

This year is for you to prepare all kinds of gifts. "

Next, Elder Zhong and Elder Jiang explained in detail the various matters that need to be paid attention to when going to Qi State.

Most of these contents have been obtained by him through the Shadow Pavilion, but there are many things he doesn't know. After all, there is no Nascent Soul cultivator in the Shadow Pavilion, so it is difficult to integrate into the circle of Nascent Soul, and the channels to be informed are limited.

Zhang He memorized the contents of the two elders' instructions one by one, and left after thanking them.

After returning to Ningjing County, he explained to Gu Liangqi and Ying Yi and asked them to find some rare things.

In fact, there are a lot of ten thousand year elixir in Zhanghe space, and there are also various rare materials cultivated by Lingquan.

These are all treasures, and they can definitely brighten Jiang's dog's eyes when they are taken out.

It's just that it's okay to take out a small amount of these things. If you take out too much, he has some concerns.

Shadow Pavilion and Ningjing County were launched together, and there was a lot of movement in a large area.

In addition, Zhang He took out some treasures from the space and put them together. It took only half a year in total. Zhang He still waited for another half a year, and waited for a year before going to Chen Ducheng to find Elder Jiang.

A few days later, a metal flying shuttle magic weapon with a strange shape stopped outside a big city.

Zhang He and Elder Jiang walked out of the shuttle.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is the famous Donglin City, the capital of Qi Kingdom. The immortal mountain floating in the sky is the land of the Jiang clan."

Elder Jiang pointed to the sky above Dongjian City in front of him, where there was an immortal mountain with thousands of auspicious qi and auspicious clouds, floating in the air thousands of feet above the ground.

Zhang He had seen the sky palace in Chendu City before, but compared to this immortal mountain, it was really nothing.

Just at the height of thousands of meters, ordinary Jindan cultivators can't fly up.

"Let's go, we are not qualified to directly enter the Jiang clan land, we need to hand in the greeting first."

As Elder Jiang said, he led Zhang He to Donglin City. Zhang He quickly put away the shuttle and followed behind Elder Jiang.

East Lincheng is majestic, densely populated, and immortal cultivators can be seen everywhere. Jindan cultivators like Zhang He don’t feel conspicuous at all when walking on the street.

On a bustling street in the center of the city, there was a luxurious mansion, and a long queue lined up outside an inconspicuous side door next to the mansion.

If these honestly queued people were placed elsewhere, they would all be strong enough to guard one side.

Now, they all lowered their brows and pleasing to the eye, queuing for most of the day, without even a single complaint.

Elder Jiang led Zhang He, and the two of them honestly lined up behind a Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Be careful when queuing up, Jiang's cultivator will occasionally come here to check."

After Elder Jiang reminded him, he looked solemn and respectful, and stood quietly with his hands down.

Hearing this, Zhang He immediately followed suit, with a respectful and serious demeanor, without squinting.

The march of the team was extremely slow, and after queuing for most of the day, they only moved forward three positions. If they continued in this way, they would not be able to get their turn until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Seeing that it was getting dark and no one left, they could only continue to stand in place for a whole night.

It was not until the next day that the platoon finally moved forward again.

The next day, they queued for a whole day, but they still couldn't get Zhang He's turn.

In this way, he moved forward slowly day and night, and finally, after ten days, Zhang He finally lined up at the front of the team.

Seeing the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him walk into the small door, Zhang He thought that it would be his turn next. No mess at all.

At this moment, he has the feeling that he is applying for a job in one of the world's top 500 companies, but this world is more humble to ask for help.

Zhang He sorted out his image, waited for a long time, and finally saw the previous Nascent Soul cultivator walking out of the small door. Elder Jiang hurriedly pulled Zhang He forward and took a few steps towards the small door.


Before Elder Jiang could enter the small door, the wooden door slammed shut, almost hitting Elder Jiang's forehead.

"It's getting late today, come back tomorrow!"

A cold voice came from the door, and it turned out that it was time to get off work.

Zhang He looked up at the sky, and it was at least two hours before it was dark, and in Earth time, it was equivalent to leaving get off work at three o'clock in the afternoon.

In desperation, the two could only go back and stand in place, and honestly wait another night.

As soon as the sky turned white the next day, Zhang He had been paying attention to the small door in front of him, waiting to open it again.

It's just that this little door was not opened until it was bright.

The sun came out, but the little door still didn't open.

Until three poles in the sun, the small door finally opened slowly, revealing a somewhat lazy figure.

Elder Jiang hurriedly pulled Zhang He, with a bright smile on his face, slightly hunched his back, and walked forward.

Zhang He also put down his so-called dignity at this time, put a flattering smile on his old face, and followed Zhang He closely.

Behind the small door stood a handsome young servant who only had a foundation-building cultivation base. Elder Jiang hurriedly stepped forward and handed a jade box. The gift-giving started from now on.

"This fellow Daoist, I have something to meet with Deacon Jiang, please lead the way!"

This foundation-building servant is always greeted and sent to seniors above Jindan Yuanying, and has long been accustomed to treating Yuanying like a running dog.

"follow me!"

At this time, he only glanced at the two people in front of him casually, and then led the way to the inside.

The three walked through a garden, walked through a long corridor, and finally came to a room, and the servant knocked gently on the door.

"Come in!"

A somewhat lazy voice came out, and the little servant carefully pushed the door and walked in.

"Sir, I'll give you my best wishes!"

The servant walked into the room and hurriedly greeted him, only to see a middle-aged man in the room, Jin Dan Xiuwei, who was wearing a robe diagonally at this time, and the servant quickly stepped forward to help organize the robe.

"Why are you two still dumbfounded? Hurry up, hurry up and wait for the adults to wash up!"

Zhang He was stunned when he heard the words, then glanced left and right, and confirmed that apart from the two in front of him, there were only him and Elder Jiang.

Elder Jiang's reaction was much faster, the bright smile on his face did not change at all, he quickly took two steps forward, picked up a basin of water next to him, twisted out a wet towel from it, and handed it to the middle-aged Jindan.

Zhang He saw that Elder Jiang was so aggrieved for his own affairs, how could he see it, and hurriedly stepped forward to serve him.

Sure enough, it was a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate, and a small Jindan cultivator dared to let a Nascent Soul cultivator wait for him to wash himself.

I'm not afraid that these Nascent Soul cultivators will hold grudges and seek revenge afterwards.

Only with the halo of a top-level noble family on his head can he dare to be so arrogant. At the same time, this is also the confidence of a top-level noble family. Even a dog that runs out of this family, no one dares to mess with it.

After a long time, the three of them waited for the middle-aged Jindan to wash up, and the middle-aged kneaded a few times on the servant's body before asking.

"What are you here for?"

"This is our famous sticker, and we want to request a pass to Xianshan."

Elder Jiang hurriedly cupped his hands and said, then took out a jade box and put it on the table in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man picked up the jade box and opened it, and saw that there was a 3000-year-old white jade ginseng inside, so he said.

"It turns out that this is the matter, the qualification of Xianshan belongs to the responsible steward."

The middle-aged found a record book and checked it.

"Recently, there are many people who want to apply for the pass of Xianshan. They can only wait for three months. Come back in three months!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he brought a cup of spiritual tea to his mouth, and Elder Jiang and Zhang He quickly said goodbye and left.

After walking out of the compound, Zhang Hecai asked Elder Jiang, "What kind of official is that person in the Jiang family just now?"

He thought that after lining up for so long, he should be able to get a qualification to enter Xianshan, but he did not expect that he would have to wait three months to come back.

"The real core clan members of the Jiang clan are all practicing on the mountain, and those who stay in the east side of the city to handle mundane affairs are all outsiders!

The one we asked to meet just now is equivalent to a concierge. "

After Elder Jiang's explanation, Zhang He's heart froze.

He worked so hard to wait and wash like a grandson, and even took a 3000-year-old white jade ginseng. It turned out that he just met a concierge.

I don't know how many levels to pass, how many grandsons to be, and how many treasures to give out before I can get the Ningying Fruit.

He really doesn't know now, did the King Ping who once saved the human race from water and fire, expelled demons, pacified all directions, and established the Great Zhou Dynasty, did he save the human race or deceive the human race?

"Elder Jiang, thank you this time!"

Zhang He solemnly thanked Elder Jiang. This time, in order to help him, Elder Jiang humiliated a Jindan and even Zhuji.

Even helping him fight is nothing compared to the kindness that this grievance carries.

"You're welcome, in the future, one day you will grow up, just don't forget the old brothers of the Sun and Moon Alliance.

We are in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the lifelines of various resources are in the hands of others, and some grievances must be endured. "

The two found an inn and stayed there, waiting for the three-month deadline.

During this period of waiting, Zhang He went in and out of various occasions in Donglin City to appreciate the local customs.

In particular, the various resources for cultivating immortals in Xiuxianfang City, Donglin are much richer than other places.

Zhang He found several rare elixir from these markets that were not found in the space, and he planted them in the space.

Three months passed quickly, and the two went to see each other again.

This time through another small door, the rules here are different.

Since the famous post had been handed in last time, a group of people no longer had to line up, but stayed outside the door waiting to be summoned.

It didn't take long this time, and after only three days, someone called the two of them in to meet.

After entering it, it took a lot of trouble. It took 3,000 years for two spiritual medicines, 10,000 second-order spiritual stones, and one purple-red fire obsidian. After a thousand thanks, I finally got a copy for the two of them. Qualification.

When Zhang He walked out of the compound with a pass token, he felt that he was about to collapse.

This is only just getting the pass qualification, and there is still a more difficult road ahead.

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