In order to explore the relics of prehistoric civilization this time, the three Chen Guo families all sent two to three Yuanying monks to participate.

Doing so can not only go to the ruins to get a share of the pie, but also maintain the pattern of mutual balance between the three families of the Chen State.

It's just that the Wu Kingdom Fan, who has been obsessed with Ningjing County, gave up this opportunity to explore and secretly planned the purple-red obsidian mine in Ningjing County.

After losing several batches of manpower, Mr. Fan finally succeeded in detecting that there were a large number of purple-red obsidian mines under the obsidian veins in Ningjing County.

The value of a purplish-red obsidian vein was enough to make Fan rise up. After learning the exact information, Fan ate up and down without food, couldn't sleep at night, and his heart was scratching like a cat's claws. He vowed to take this vein. superior.

The Fan clan is a big family in the Wu Kingdom, and its overall strength is only slightly better than that of the Sun Moon Alliance.

Today's Great Zhou Dynasty is full of heroes, and there are many families. You have to consider the overall situation in everything you do. You can't make your kidneys weak, and you must keep the power of self-protection at all times.

This time is a good opportunity.

The Fan family first sent someone to contact the Chen family of the Chen country, expressing their willingness to fully support the Chen family in attacking the Sun and Moon Alliance.

Although Chen lost his country, he always had the great ideal of restoring the country.

The Chen family regarded the entire Chen country as their own territory, and did not want to lead wolves into the house, and did not want to let forces other than the Chen country interfere with the Chen country.

After Fan's messenger was rejected by Chen's, he went to find Ji again and offered the same conditions, expressing his willingness to help Ji's annexation of the Sun and Moon Alliance.

Ji's attitude was completely different from Chen's, and he readily accepted Fan's conditions.

A few days later, a big battle broke out on the border between the Sun Moon Alliance and Ji's.

Due to Ji's premeditated plan, the Sun and Moon Alliance was not well prepared, and the Sun and Moon Alliance was defeated.

Ji's army is approaching the rudder of Mingcheng of the Sun and Moon Alliance.

At the critical moment, the railway from Ningjing County to Mingcheng played a huge role.

If the manpower and material resources behind the Sun Moon Alliance were to be transported to the front line of Ming City in normal times, it would take at least ten days.

Now the railway money from Ningjing County to Mingcheng can only take two days at the earliest.

When Ji's army was approaching Mingcheng, the reinforcements from various rudders at the rear had already arrived at Mingcheng by train.

The Ji clan's army attacked Mingcheng for days, and the Sun and Moon Alliance relied on the formation and city wall defense, and could not hold on.

The materials such as the spiritual stone, the magic weapon, the pills and other materials needed to defend the Ming City are also continuously transported from the rear to the Ming City.

The Sun and Moon Alliance is far superior to Ji's side in terms of logistical supply support.

The large supplies such as military rations currently needed by the Ji's army can still only be transported by ox-carriage and horse-drawn carts.

Only rare items such as spirit stone pills can use storage bags.

Whether it is the battle of ordinary people or the battle of immortal cultivators, the ability of logistics support is an important factor in determining the outcome.

Therefore, after the Sun and Moon Alliance reacted and mobilized the power of the entire alliance, the Ji clan did not have the upper hand.

The head of the Sun Moon Alliance in Mingcheng, in Elder Zhong's mansion, Elder Zhong sat in a large hall, his white hair was a little messy, and his eyes were a little bloodshot.

Day-to-day defense has made him devastated.

“Reporting to Elder Zhong, the Chen family said that the patriarch is not at home and we need to wait until Chen Wu Jiu returns before making a decision.”

A Sun and Moon messenger who was sent to Chen's for help sent Elder Zhong a jade slip, which contained Chen's reply.

Elder Zhong took a look, probably means that Chen Wu Jiu is not at home now, the Chen family is empty, and they dare not send troops to support at will.

"You go back!"

Elder Zhong waved his hand and asked the messenger to step back. It seemed that he could only fight alone.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Ji's army is attacking the city again."

At this time, Zhong Shuyi ran in from the outside in a little panic.

"It's not the first time the Ji family has attacked the city, why are you panicking?"

"Grandpa, this time is different! Ji's flying battleship is also here, and there are many more monks from Wu Kingdom."

Elder Zhong's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and he got up from his seat and flew out.

Among the three forces of the Chen country, both Ji and Chen have flying battleships, but the Sun and Moon Alliance is so poor that they do not have such a big killer.

Let the people of the Sun and Moon Alliance go out, and they are a bit shorter than the other two.

On the battlefield, a flying battleship can play a bigger role than a Nascent Soul powerhouse.

The flying battleship can carry hundreds or even thousands of monks, and it is also equipped with various war equipment such as formations and weapons, which is equivalent to a moving war fortress.

Elder Zhong flew to the city wall, just in time to see that a flying battleship had already flown above the city wall, shooting dozens of dazzling rays of light aimed at the city wall below.

These rays of light were all blasted out by the psionic cannons on the flying battleship, and the blast caused a series of bright and extinguished indefinite formations on the defensive formations on the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, there were dozens of magic weapons and hundreds of magic instruments on the flying battleship, pouring down on Mingcheng like rain on bananas.

"Everyone, aim for me!"

Elder Zhong shouted loudly, and also took out a big hammer and went to the flying battleship hammer.

Seeing this, the rest of the people on the city wall also sacrificed their magic weapons or instruments, and blasted them towards the flying battleship in the air.

"Boom boom boom..."

This round of attacks by the monks of the Sun Moon Alliance was blocked by the defensive method Chen on the flying battleship.

Just as the attention of the defenders on the city wall was attracted by the flying warships, the Ji clan below the city wall also started a large-scale attack.

For a while, the Mingcheng cultivator had to deal with both the flying battleship in the air and the siege cultivator below.

Especially today, the Ji family has added many new troops.

According to the information currently available, the Fan family of Wuguo also participated in the battle against the Sun and Moon Alliance, and it is unknown why.

Just when Mingcheng's defenders were stretched thin, a train from Ningjing County had arrived at the station.

When the train stopped, the next soldiers lined up from the train.

These soldiers are all ordinary people without any cultivation, ranging in age from 18 to 38 years old, all with dark faces, obviously farmers who have been working in the fields for many years.

But this army composed of ordinary people seemed full of energy, each with high fighting spirit, vowing to slaughter immortals to prove the Tao.

This army of ordinary people is naturally the militia dispatched from Ningjing County to participate in the war. A total of 2,000 people were dispatched.

These 2,000 people are all equipped with the latest spiritual tools developed by the research institute. Each time they are fired, 30 spiritual stones are consumed. The power is equivalent to a spell cast by the monks in the early stage of foundation building.

If these 2,000 people attacked at the same time, they would consume 60,000 first-order spirit stones, which is equivalent to 2,000 base-building cultivators.

"Run forward! The city wall in front of the target!"

Ye Hao is responsible for training the militia in Ningjing County.

Ye Hao was one of the few monks who remained after the Ye family was almost wiped out by the Shadow Demon.

Back then, when Ye Hao had only a dozen Qi cultivators left in the Ye family, he was ordered in danger and was elected as the new head of the Ye family by everyone in the family.

Ye Hao only became the head of the Ye family for a quarter of an hour, and he led the whole family to join Zhang He.

Over the years under Zhang He, he has also made a lot of contributions and received a lot of rewards. In addition, his qualifications are not bad. He has just been promoted to the Jindan stage some time ago, and he is currently the commander-in-chief of the Ningjing County militia.

"Yo! How come even mortals are sent here?"

A sub-helmsman whose head was smashed on the city wall was not surprised when he saw the 2,000 militiamen walking on the city wall. In the eyes of the cultivators, mortals were like ants, without any fighting power.

"Which one of you split the helm? It's just nonsense! Let's retreat quickly, don't get in the way here."

"Also, the spiritual tools in your hands seem to be okay, and leaving the spiritual tools is better than nothing."

The flat-headed sub-helmsman said, and was about to reach out to grab the spiritual tool in the hands of a militiaman.

Requiring a few spiritual tools on the battlefield is nothing.


Ye Hao shouted loudly, and with a "whoosh" sound, the 2,000 people at the scene raised their spiritual tools at the same time and aimed them at the flat skull.

This battle shocked the flat head. At this moment, in front of a group of mortals, he sensed the crisis of life and death.

Just when the flat head was in a dilemma, Elder Zhong landed from the air and landed right next to him.

Elder Zhong looked a little embarrassed at this time, and there was a large blood stain on the front of his clothes, obviously he was injured again.

"what happened!"

Elder Zhong was a little annoyed that during the war, he was still engaged in internal strife.

"Reporting to Elder Zhong, the younger generation led the Ningjing County militia to participate in the war, but was obstructed by this person."

Hearing this, Elder Zhong turned his head and glared at the flat skull, but when he saw his flattened head, his eyes turned a little softer.

The flat head was also a little depressed at this time. If you had said that you were from Ningjing County earlier, I would have avoided it. Who would dare to provoke you in Ningjing County?

"Hahaha... Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding. It turns out that reinforcements from Ningjing County have arrived. I welcome you with both hands!"

This was just a small episode. Under Elder Zhong's actual platoon, the 2,000 militiamen were divided into four groups and quickly rushed into several vacant places on the battlefield.

Each group of 500 militiamen can exert the combat effectiveness equivalent to the monks in the early stage of foundation building when using spiritual tools.

After the 2000 militiamen in Ningjing County went into battle, they filled the vacancy of Mingcheng's insufficient defensive strength.

You must know that among the monks participating in the defense of the city in the entire Ming City, the total number of foundation-building monks is only about 2,000.

This is equivalent to doubling the combat power at the foundation building level, and it is naturally a lot easier to prevent.

Seeing that the city wall was finally defended again, Elder Zhong heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Since Ji's attack, the Sun Moon Alliance's safety has all been on him alone, and a string in his heart has been tense from time to time.

However, it is only a temporary crisis, and a bigger crisis is still to come.

Ji's back is supported by the Wu Kingdom's Fan's, and its real support has just arrived on the battlefield today. According to the information, there will be a lot of Fan's reinforcements on the way here.

Moreover, Fan's Nascent Soul cultivator has not taken any action.

If Ji's and Fan's Nascent Soul cultivator join forces, he will definitely be unable to stop this old bone that is recovering from a serious injury.


On the other hand, Zhang He has successfully reunited with Elder Jiang. After these days of contention and fighting, the ruins of prehistoric civilization have been explored several times by everyone, and they can no longer find anything of value, and finally decided to return.

Zhang He was obediently following behind the two elders Jiang Mei, preparing to cross the swamp again and return to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In his space, Chi Yan was in a deep sleep and recovering.

Since the last time when Chi Yan took the explosive fruit and fought with Ji Xuanzi.

The side effects of the Exploding Spirit Fruit appeared in Chi Yan.

Zhang He analyzed the situation of Chiyan, and taking the Explosive Spirit Fruit can temporarily improve Chiyan from the middle stage of Jindan to the later stage.

When he continued to attack the Nascent Soul, he encountered some resistance. After all, Chi Yan's own strength was only in the middle stage of Jindan.

If it is replaced by Zhang He, it should be able to hit the Nascent Soul realm.

The effect of Exploding Spirit Fruit lasts for about a stick of incense, which is about half an hour.

After a stick of incense time passed, the medicinal power of the Exploding Spirit Fruit dissipated.

At this time, after the excitement, Chi Yan was completely powerless, and he didn't even have the strength to lift a toe. He was so weak that he was like a mess of mud. Even a casual qi cultivator could kill Chi Yan with a kitchen knife. .

Because of forcibly raising the realm with the help of foreign objects, nine out of ten the meridians in the body are broken.

Need to take good healing medicine, and then rest for a long time to recover.

It seems that although the effect of this explosive fruit is good, it cannot be used casually.

In case, if you eat the Explosive Spirit Fruit but cannot kill your opponent, then you will be paralyzed in front of the enemy, and you can only let the enemy knead.

The side effects of the Exploding Spirit Fruit have also been reduced to this point with Chi Yan's powerful physique. It is estimated that if it is replaced by Zhang He, it will be more serious.

Zhang He consciously entered the space and fed Chi Yan a white jade pill made from 5,000-year-old white jade ginseng.

This kind of Baiyu Pill has a powerful healing effect, even Elder Zhong's old wounds were also cured with Baiyu Pill.

After Chi Yan swallowed the elixir, he still slept lazily.

The little skeleton in the space has been a little manic these days, always fidgeting.

Zhang He guessed that it might be about to advance.

The last time he was in the cave, he took Chi Yan and Xiao Skull to deal with Ji Xuanzi and his clan.

When Ji Xuanzi died also contributed a large cloud of black mist to the little skeleton, all of which were absorbed by the little skeleton.

Since the little skeleton absorbed the mist, he has been restless.

It seems to be very close to the realm of Nascent Soul, but it has been unable to break through.

Zhang He guessed that it might be that the black mist of Yuan Ying's quality was not enough, but where should he go to find the corpses of Yuan Ying-level powerhouses?

Only first.

This time, when everyone passed through the swamp, it was a near miss, and no one encountered any danger.

When Zhang He passed through the swamp and stepped on the hard ground again, a black-robed monk from the Shadow Pavilion climbed up from a pile of rocks and walked to Zhang He to salute.

"Young Master Qi, something happened to the Sun Moon Alliance!"

The Shadow Pavilion cultivator said, took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it to Zhang He.

The two elders Jiang Mei, who were standing not far away, changed their expressions when they heard the words.

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