Zhang He was slammed into the back by Xuan Yuanshan, causing him to roll over in his chest and his internal organs to vibrate.

At the same time, in front of the ancestor of the Zhao family who was chasing after him, a small knife made of divine consciousness suddenly appeared again, and it was only an inch away from his throat.

The ancestor of the Zhao family, who is chasing forward quickly, seems to be trying his best to send his throat to the tip of the knife.

Even though the ancestor of the Zhao family possessed the Golden Core cultivation base, he was in a cold sweat when faced with such a close-range attack. At this time, he could only use all his strength to stop the advance, and then tried his best to turn to the side.

At this time, he still had the intention to attack Zhang He.

Seeing this opportunity, Zhang He immediately controlled Xuanyuan Mountain to blast the ancestors of the Zhao family.

Xuan Yuanshan carried a huge force of 100,000 catties in the air, causing a shadow to smash down towards the ancestor of the Zhao family.


The ancestor of the Zhao family snorted coldly, and had already controlled the flying sword to greet Xuanyuan Mountain.

The Zan Shen Dao that suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared just now was too strange to be guarded against.

However, the current Xiaoshan magic weapon is completely won by force, it is completely head-to-head, and there is no tricky element.

Under this circumstance, as a Jindan cultivator, how could he show weakness.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the magic weapon Feijian collided with Xuan Yuanshan again.

The ancestor of the Zhao family did not expect to split the hill into two, and he could only split in about a foot.

This... What kind of material is this hill made of? He used the magic weapon to strike with all his might, even if it was a top-quality magic weapon, it should have been split open by him.

However, with a full blow, he only cut in about a foot. Compared to the size of the hill, he couldn't cut even a single edge or corner.

The ancestor of the Zhao family looked a little ugly. Since he was promoted to Jindan, he has never encountered such a thing.

It's just that at this moment, he couldn't help thinking too much. He couldn't split Xuanyuan Mountain with a single sword. At this moment, Xuanyuan Mountain had already pressed him down with a huge force.

He wanted to use the escape method to dodge, but found that his body was much heavier, and a strong pressure made his actions slow.

At this critical moment, many illusory branches and leaves stretched out from the air, and these branches and leaves quickly formed a large net, blocking the bottom of Xuanyuan Mountain.

Xuan Yuanshan carried a huge force of 100,000 catties, and pressed this illusory net of branches and leaves to sink slowly. Finally, a hole was pressed out of the big net, and the hill fell heavily to the ground, causing the ground to tremble. .

Taking advantage of the fact that Xuanyuan Mountain was blocked by branches and leaves, the ancestor of the Zhao family finally escaped from the bombardment range of Xuanyuan Mountain.

The tree-shaped magic weapon he sacrificed earlier was mainly used to restrain Zhang He's escape from the ground, but the branches also had some means of attack.

The situation was urgent just now, so he mobilized the power of this magic weapon to block the downhill hill.

However, this magic weapon has a disadvantage. After it takes root in one place, it cannot be moved temporarily. Otherwise, if he uses the branches and leaves, he can easily trap Xuanyuan Mountain.

Now it's just a branch formed by condensing some spiritual energy, and its power is naturally greatly reduced.

Seeing that he missed a hit, Zhang He immediately took back Xuanyuan Mountain and fled forward with all his might.

In his heart, he secretly thought that it was a pity, this attack used up 30% of his mana, and with his current cultivation, he could only make three such attacks at most.

Next, Zhang He fled forward, occasionally using the Zhan Shen Dao to harass the ancestor of the Zhao family to slow down his pursuit.

The patriarch of the Zhao family was also unambiguous, and cut out two more strokes with his flying sword, but they were both blocked by Xuanyuan Mountain behind Zhang He, which made the patriarch of the Zhao family itch.

The area that the tree-shaped magic weapon designed to restrain Zhang He from drilling into the ground can be controlled, which is only a few miles away. After Zhang He escaped from this area, he burrowed into the ground.

Only when he fell into Mother Earth's arms did Zhang He finally feel a trace of peace of mind.

Using the method he used to provoke the ancestors of the Ye family, he wanted to lead the ancestors of the Zhao family to the cave where the explosives were buried.

However, this one was much more cautious than the old ancestor of the Ye family, and he stopped chasing him before he went too far. No matter how much Zhang He yelled, it would be ineffective.

It seems that it is unrealistic for him to use the original method to blow up the opponent, so he can only find another way.

When Zhang He fled back to the temporary hiding place, he found that Ye Xing was not dead, and managed to escape back to the cave where he was hiding, but he was injured a lot, with more than ten fractures in his body and broken internal organs.

Zhang He rested for a day, and all the mana consumed has been recovered.

Ye Xing's injury did not recover until half a month later.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, what shall we do next?"

In fact, Zhang He has been thinking about how to deal with it.

In this battle against the ancestors of the Zhao family, among the means he could use, except for the useless little skeleton, he had already used almost all of them.

Even if the little skeleton is released, apart from his mysterious flame that can make everything decay, the rest of the methods will not have much effect.

But at present, his situation is not very good. He must be able to carry the ancestors of the Zhao family before he can gain a foothold in this land surrounded by wolves.

Without this ability, the prestige he established before would collapse instantly, and he and the three black water towns or three counties behind him would become fat in the mouths of others.

So killing the ancestor of the Zhao family has become his battle, and at least he must be able to seriously injure the opponent~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At present, the only thing he can take out to fight the ancestor of the Zhao family is the sword , Xuanyuan Mountain, and the blue flame of the little skeleton.

The Divine Slaying Sword needs to consume divine consciousness. His divine consciousness has reached the level of the initial stage of Jindan and can be used continuously for a long time.

Although Xuanyuan Mountain is powerful, he can only use it three times with his mana. It would be great if he could find an elixir that quickly replenishes his mana.

The blue flame of the little skeleton can only be used a few times, but this flame directly burns life and vitality. As long as it can create an opportunity and hit the opponent once, even if the opponent does not die, its strength will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the mutant Lei Lingcao cultivated in the space has already yielded the first batch of fruits, with a total of more than ten grains collected. If they are thrown out at one time, it is equivalent to more than ten foundation-building cultivators shooting at the same time, and it should also be somewhat threatening to Jindan cultivators. .

"Fellow Daoist Ye, please arrange some people from the Ye family to focus on the route from the mine to the Zhao family.

Once you find out that the Zhao family is going to transport the spirit mine back, notify me immediately. "

Ye Xing heard the words, his eyes lit up, "Yes, even if the Zhao family occupies the mine, wouldn't it be easier for us to stop on the road and grab the ready-made ones."

But Ye Xing quickly thought of another question, "If you can't compete with the ancestors of the Zhao family, it's useless after all."

"As for the ancestor of the Zhao family, I have already thought of a way to deal with it, but I have to make some preparations in the past few days. I need to leave for a while, and I can return in a few days."

Zhang He explained to Ye Xing and flew out of this temporary cave.

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