Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 181: .Red Blood Spirit Fruit

"Cultivation starts from planting sweet potatoes" source:

The Gu Liang family, Gu Liangyu and many senior members of the clan gathered in a hall.

"This time Heishui Town is definitely finished! Now we are only waiting for the result to see whether the whole town is killed or only the first evil is killed, but it's a pity!"

Gu Liangyu was the first to speak, and he didn't know whether it was a pity for people or a pity for things.

"Alas! It's not easy to accumulate some wealth."

Gu Liangcheng sighed with a bit of grief, that Gu Liang's family is now in the middle of the family, and he also realizes the sadness of being the bottom of the society.

Although their Guliang family can still exploit the landowners and tenants at the bottom, they also need to pay a lot of manpower and material resources.

They can't save any resources, or even make ends meet, and they need to sell their ancestral property to maintain it. If things go on like this, their Guliang family will never want to return to their former position.

"This Heishui Town is also stupid. It offends the Ye family for the sake of the mere population. Now it's better, both people and money are gone."

"That's right, if you offered the population at the outset, you might still be able to make good friends with the Ye family."

"Don't be foolish enough to befriend the Ye family, these great nobles can't get enough to eat.

If you don't have the strength yourself, it's no use to befriend anyone. "

Gu Liangyu saw that everyone's topic was getting farther and farther away, and some went off topic, and quickly reached out to stop everyone's enthusiasm for continuing the discussion.

"Quiet! I called everyone here this time, not to discuss these.

We have always had business dealings with Heishui Town in the past. Now that Heishui Town is gone, how should we deal with it? "

In the past, their Gu Liang family had always used the inheritance of the secrets and the Heishui Town for training resources.

"My opinion is that this time all the high-level officials of Heishui Town will be slaughtered. We can send a group of people to share a piece of the pie after the sweep is over."

A thin and white monk from the Gu Liang family suggested.

"Your idea is to bring disaster to Gu Liang. Do you dare to take a share of the territory that the Ye family Jindan cultivator took down?"

"I think we should turn to the Ye family..."

Just as everyone was discussing, a cultivator from the Gu Liang family hurried in.

"Report to the Patriarch, the Jindan cultivator who attacked Heishui Town has been beheaded by Zhang He."

A short message, but shocked everyone in the hall.

They were still discussing how to deal with the destruction of Heishui Town just now, and here it is said that the Jindan powerhouse was beheaded.

It is not so easy to kill a powerhouse at the Jindan level. In the past, several young masters scrambled for the succession of the Lu Kingdom. After fighting for so many years, not a few Jindan realm died.

"What exactly happened?"

"The specific situation is currently unknown, only know..."

At the same time, Zhang He was lying on the bed, his face covered with white bandages, and his entire head was tightly wrapped.

And his consciousness has entered the space.

This time, I got a lot of items from Ye Jing's storage bag, all of which were thrown in the space and hadn't had time to sort out.

First of all, he has to put away the spirit stones, otherwise they will be sucked away by the space.

I picked out all the spiritual stones in this pile of items and counted them, and there were only more than 5,000 spiritual stones.

However, among these spirit stones, he found ten spirit stones that were larger in size and richer in aura.

Zhang He took the ten spiritual stones in his hand and observed them carefully. Ordinary spiritual stones were only about the size of a finger. These ten spiritual stones were about the size of **** and were in the shape of a cube.

But the spiritual energy contained in it is extremely huge, at least equivalent to hundreds of times that of ordinary spiritual stones.

"Is this the second-order spirit stone?"

Zhang He now has some common sense of cultivating immortals. He has long heard that the ordinary spiritual stone that everyone usually uses is actually called a first-order spiritual stone.

There are also second-order spiritual stones in the Xiuxian world. One second-order spiritual stone is equivalent to 100 ordinary spiritual stones.

The output of second-order spiritual stones is relatively small, and because the spiritual energy is more concentrated and has a wider range of applications, there is very little circulation on the market.

For example, the three-talented sword formation in Heishui Town, if it can be equipped with second-order spiritual stones, the power of the formation will not increase, but if there is sufficient spiritual energy support, it will not consume one-third of the spiritual energy by Ye Jing. kind of thing.

With sufficient spiritual energy, he can use the array to attack continuously, without worrying about exhausting the spiritual energy of the array and causing a gap.

Zhang He put away the ten spirit stones separately and prepared to keep them as spares.

After putting away all the spiritual stones, Zhang He picked up a delicate-looking jade box with several talismans pasted on the outside to prevent the spiritual energy from escaping. You can guess from this that it should be a good thing.

The jade box was opened, and there was a bright red spirit fruit inside.

"It turned out to be a red blood spirit fruit!"

Chixue Lingguo is named for its bright red like blood, and its effect is to increase cultivation.

The aura in this spiritual fruit can easily be refined into source mana.

The strength of the so-called source mana refers to the high level of cultivation.

Zhang He had heard about this kind of spiritual fruit for a long time, and it was a rare treasure that could not be bought in ordinary pharmacies.

Checked the red blood spirit fruit, put it back in the jade box, sealed it with a talisman, and then put it away in a precious place.

Then Zhang He picked up more than ten kinds of ores, metals and other various refining materials, some he knew, and some he didn't.

However, none of the materials that can be put into storage bags by Jindan experts are ordinary, and some of them can be used for magic weapon refining.

After putting away these miscellaneous refining materials, Ye Jing's belongings were not much left.

Zhang He picked up more than ten jade slips, most of which were related to the knowledge of refining, from identifying materials, to material refining, preliminary processing, refining and other especially one of them Jade slips are dedicated to the refining method of magic treasures, including the refining method of natal magic treasures.

It seems that the Ye family's good at refining is a tradition from top to bottom.

Although he had obtained the memory of a refiner from the Primordial Spirit of Shadow Demon before, he had never learned it in such a systematic and comprehensive way.

After cleaning up these items, Zhang He also found the Millennium Nine You Orchid, which he used as a bait.

This elixir was excavated and collected by Ye Jing, but it avoided being damaged by the explosion.

In addition, there were several elixir plants in Ye Jing's storage bag, which were also transplanted into the space by Zhang He.

This time Zhang He lay on the bed for more than ten days before he took off the bandage on his head.

So far, all the injuries he suffered have recovered, and his face has grown back, exactly the same as before, without leaving the slightest scar.

I have to sigh that the healing pills in the Immortal Cultivation World are really effective, recover quickly, and leave no scars.

"Sir, Patriarch Gu Liang came to visit, can you see me?"

"Let him in."

Gu Liangyu has been here several times in the past few days, and Zhang He's face was covered with bandages, so he did not receive him.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Zhang for killing a powerful enemy!"

Gu Liangyu greeted Zhang He with a smile on his face as soon as he entered the door.

"Just luck!"

Zhang He waved his hand humbly.

"Fortunately, my master once left a powerful treasure for me, so I have the opportunity to kill a strong enemy." Start - Novel Reading Network..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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