Zhang He fled after provoking a few harsh words and throwing down a few black porcelain vases.

Although others escaped, the black bottle that was thrown away is still lingering for thousands of years.

The material of the black porcelain bottle was extremely light and brittle, and it was shattered by the shock of Ye Jing's mana, and then a large stench of black mist filled the air.


Ye Jing's first reaction was that Zhang He was poisoning him, and there were many strange methods in the world of immortality.

He quickly held his breath and propped up a shield made of mana outside his body.

However, this foul smell can ignore all obstacles and reach the soul of people.

"What a vicious method!"

Even though Ye Jing had the Golden Core cultivation base, he still couldn't resist the stench, and he vomited in the sky regardless of his image.

At present, apart from the stench and nausea, he has no other discomfort, and he does not know if it is a chronic poison.

Ye Jing immediately turned into a light in the air, chasing in the direction Zhang He fled.

The rest of the residents of Heishui Town watched Ye Jing leave, and felt a little relieved in their hearts.

It's just that the stench of black mist just now has passed through the defense formation and spread to every corner of Blackwater Town.

For a time, the entire Blackwater Town residents were smoked to the point of nowhere to escape.

Even Zhang Yuan and the giant panda Gugu, who had been hidden by Zhang He in the depths of the ground beforehand, were sickened by the stench.

"It stinks! My brother must be farting again!"

Ever since he hid in the ground, he has been sitting beside him nibbling on bamboo, and now he has lost his appetite, and he can no longer eat the smell.

"Go on! Can you practice?"

Zhang Yuan hugged the rolling neck, and asked a little bored, they are hiding deep underground, the stench is not very severe, but it can be tolerated.

The giant panda seemed to understand what he said, stretched out its fluffy claws, and scratched twice on the earth wall of the underground secret room, leaving deep claw marks on the earth wall.

"If only we had the strength, we would definitely be able to fight bad guys all over the place looking for teeth, and we won't play with you. From today, I will practice hard, and then help my brother beat bad guys."

At this moment, Zhang Yuan's small face showed a touch of determination, and then he let go of the rolling hands and sat cross-legged on the ground.

This time the danger came, Daddy and brother were busy dealing with it outside, only hiding her and Gungun deep underground.

In the past, Zhang He coaxed her to practice so that she could perform all kinds of fun spells when she practiced, but now she thinks that practice is not only fun, but also can beat bad people.

On the other hand, Zhang Hedun didn't escape very fast. In order to prevent Ye Jing from chasing him, he did not restrain his breath, and occasionally pretended to rise to the ground to take a breath, which made people mistakenly think that this was a cultivation technique. defect.

Ye Jing quickly caught up with Zhang He's exposed breath.

"Boom!" A giant sun technique slammed into the ground, smashing a large pit more than ten feet deep in the ground.

However, under the obstruction of the deep soil layer, Zhang Heping was not injured, but instead showed his head from the ground in the distance.

"Old man, if you have the kind, you can catch this son!"

"Once this son has formed a golden pill, he will definitely step down the Ye family!"

Zhang He provoked a few words, and immediately dived into the ground again, escaping deep underground.

How could Ye Jing, a dignified Jindan cultivator, ever suffer such humiliation, and Zhang He had already been enraged by Zhang He.

"Boy, this old man is going to strip you of your skin and torn your bones, and let's see how long you can be arrogant!"

As he said that, another giant sun technique slammed down at the place where Zhang He emerged, and a large pit more than 10 feet deep was opened on the ground.

Unfortunately, Zhang He was still not injured.

The resistance and buffering ability of the land is too strong. After the huge force is buffered by the large strata, it is very little transmitted to Zhang He.

Zhang He is very familiar with the terrain of Heishui Town, even if he is escaping underground, he can accurately identify the location through his spiritual sense.

In the process of escaping, he also deliberately fled to some higher places, showing his abusive provocations.

It was so exciting that Ye Jing smashed countless big holes in these places.

The terrain in these places is too high, making it extremely inconvenient to obtain water.

Now Ye Jing can open a big hole in the ground with every blow. Booming there is not booming. Zhang He feels that he can't waste his labor.

Now this highland has been blasted into countless pits by Ye Jing. With a little renovation next year, it can be turned into a pond, which can not only store water, but also raise fish.

Zhang He couldn't help but sigh that the strong Jindan is powerful, and even if he farms, he is also a good player.

Along the way, he seduced Ye Jing to dig holes in several highlands, and almost walked all over the three towns of Heishui.

Ye Jing, as a strong gold core, was insulted by Zhang He one after another, and he was already furious. He wanted to pinch Zhang He to pieces.

The technique of escaping the earth was used by many monks ten thousand years ago. At that time, the world of cultivators was more active, and there were more exchanges between cultivators.

Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the nobles have taken their respective sides and searched desperately for resources.

Many magical powers, including earth escape, are inherited only by a very small number of families, and they are not necessarily practiced.

At least in the entire territory of Lu Kingdom, Ye Jing had never heard of anyone possessing this spell.

However, a Peach Blossom Fairy appeared some time ago. I heard that she could evade the earth. I wonder if there is a relationship between the two?

In the face of Zhang He's escaping technique, Ye Jing of Jindan period was a little helpless, and even if he wanted to fight under the ground, he couldn't reach it.

However, Ye Jing, who was already in anger, couldn't give up. If he didn't hold Zhang He, his Ye family would really lose his reputation in the future.

Moreover, Zhang He is only a foundation-building cultivation base, and the mana in his body cannot support it for too long. When the mana is exhausted, even with a hoe, he can be dug out.

Ye Jing counted the time. In the early stage of ordinary foundation building, the mana should have been exhausted long ago. It is estimated that he is barely maintaining it with some elixir.

At this time, Zhang He, who was escaping underground, was indeed as Ye Jing expected, his mana was about to be exhausted, and the remaining mana in his body could last for at most half an hour.

"Old man, I won't play with you today. When I break through to the Golden Core Stage, I'll find you to settle the account."

Zhang He threw a harsh word and fled into the distance.

Ye Jing was willing to give up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and immediately chased after him. He believed that he would be able to catch the ground mouse soon.

With his escape speed at the Golden Core Stage, he was not sure how many times faster than the speed at which Zhang He escaped from the ground, but Zhang He didn't take the lead, so he could only be patient and fly slowly, occasionally bombarding downwards. Make a few big holes.

When chasing a forested canyon ahead, Ye Jing suddenly felt his hair stand upright, as if there was a huge crisis hidden in front of him, and he might devour himself at any time.

Immortal cultivators have a certain sense of crisis, and sometimes they can foresee some danger, but sometimes this hunch can be wrong.

Some ordinary people and animals can also sense it. The higher the cultivation base, the more obvious this premonition is, but there will still be errors.

Even some special spirits can make people feel this sense of crisis in order to scare away natural enemies and protect themselves.

In short, this hunch can be used as a reference, but it is not 100% reliable.

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