Over the years, the Heishui Town Gunpowder Factory has continuously produced tens of thousands of catties of gunpowder.

There has been no large-scale war recently.

However, Hunyuan Thunderbolt sounds mighty, but in practice, there are some flaws.

For example, it needs to be ignited, the size is too large to carry, and it will blow itself up. The power of a single explosion is too small, anyway, it is far worse than the fireball technique of the immortal cultivator.

Hunyuan Thunderbolt has obvious shortcomings and outstanding advantages. First of all, the price is cheap, and a three-year-old child can ignite it with a fire stick.

Therefore, the Hunyuan thunderbolt in Heishui Town was sold in limited quantities, and several thousand kilograms were still sold before and after.

The remaining gunpowder was stored in several warehouses in order to prevent explosions.

This time, Zhang He didn't alert anyone, sneaked into these warehouses quietly, and put all the finished gunpowder products stored in several warehouses into the space.

Then he used the evasion technique, opened a hole in the formation from the ground, and sneaked out of Heishui Town.

In the face of the possible arrival of Jindan-level powerhouses, it is definitely impossible to resist hard.

Although the small skeleton has reached the late stage of foundation building, it is still qualitatively different from the golden core.

Since the front is just right, then play the yin.

Zhang He now has 30,000 to 40,000 catties of gunpowder in his space. At the same time, he should be able to level a mountain.

He had inquired about it before, but he had never heard that a Jindan cultivator could level a mountain with one blow.

In this way, his tens of thousands of catties of gunpowder should be a little more powerful than the magical power of Jindan cultivator.

The most difficult thing now is that the Jindan cultivator is alive and can fly far away with a single escape technique.

For this, he had some ideas before, it is impossible to take out so many explosives to blow up in battle.

Cultivator Jindan is not a fool, and he waited foolishly for him to take out gunpowder, then set it on fire, and be bombarded honestly.

In this process, it was enough to kill Zhang He dozens of times.

Therefore, it can only be arranged in one place in advance, and the other party can be led to detonate the gunpowder.

Moreover, it is best to trap the other party for a while to prevent the other party from escaping, and also allow yourself to take the opportunity to escape.

The gunpowder exploded, but there was no distinction between enemy and mine, and tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder exploded at the same time, and the explosion range should not be small.

It is not easy to meet these conditions at the same time, and it is not easy to trap a strong Jindan.

After careful consideration, Zhang He finally chose a cave.

This cave used to be a hiding place for zombies, and was later exterminated by Zhang He. There are still one-third of the miniature spiritual veins left here, and the spiritual energy is much richer than other places.

Moreover, this place is sparsely populated and will not harm the surrounding civilians.

In his last life, Zhang He followed the adults to blast mountains and rocks with dynamite, blew fish with dynamite, and let go of artillery battles with detonators.

For how to bury explosives, but also a small experience.

He was busy working in the cave for a long time, and then quietly sneaked back to Heishui Town. No one knew that he had quietly done such a big thing.

When he returned to Heishui Town, Fugui and Fat Hu had already brought people back to Heishui Town.

"You came back just in time. Rich and noble, you arrange manpower to guard these formation eyes. Once the spirit stones in them are consumed, immediately replace them with new ones."

Now everyone is hiding in Heishui Town, looking at the transparent protective cover in the air, and feeling uneasy in their hearts, although this three-talented sword formation can block the Jindan period attack, after all, they have not tried it, and everyone has no idea.

The unknown waiting is the most tormenting, as if a sharp blade is hanging over the head, it may fall at any time, but it has not fallen.

I don't know how long it took, but a powerful aura came from far to near, hitting Heishui Town, and then I saw a stalwart silhouette standing above Heishui Town.

"The man's arm is the car! The mere formation is also delusional to stop the old man!"

Ye Jing was hanging in the air, and the pressure of the golden core was released, and the residents of the entire Heishui Town were shivering with fright.

"Since you dare to kill my Ye family, everyone should go to the funeral!"

Ye Jing had already decided that this time, he had to keep the tens of thousands of people in Heishui Town.

Their Ye family cultivators lost a third of their strength in Dehua County, and their strength was greatly reduced, like a wounded wolf.

If they didn't start killing people here, it would shock Xiaoxiao, and other forces might soon smell the blood and swarm over the entire Ye family.

So whether it is for revenge or something else, he must be absolutely strong at this moment, and he must be decisive in his shot. Even if he is very busy now, he must immediately shoot in person.

At this time, above Ye Jing's head, a huge ball of light gradually rose, like the sun in the sky, emitting a hot light.


With Ye Jing shouting loudly, the huge ball of light fell to Heishui Town below.


There was a loud noise, like a landslide, like a crack in the ground, like a sky falling.

At this moment, everyone in Blackwater Town could only close their eyes in despair, waiting for death to come.

In the face of a Jindan strong person, whether they are practicing Qi or martial arts, they are just like ordinary people, and they have no ability to resist.

People with big nerves like Fat Tiger were unwilling to die just like this, so he had to struggle no matter what, he pulled out the big ring knife, and the four iron rings on the back of the knife flew out and flew into the sky.

It's just that his mana and consciousness are too weak, he has exhausted all his strength by throwing out four iron rings, but he still hasn't been able to reach the transparent shield, and he has already turned back.

His mana and consciousness were simply not enough to attack so far.

Hu Ya on the other side also shot an arrow into the air with all his strength, but just like the fat tiger, he could only shoot into the air, and the arrow had already fallen.

In front of the strong Jindan, their resistance to this level is a joke.

The gap between Qi practice and Jindan is too big. Even if someone stands still and asks you to cut, you may not be able to cut him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Zhang He quietly watched the huge light group in the sky fall. In fact, whether the big formation can resist, he has no clue in his heart.

If he was trapped by the Mo family, he might not even have the chance to go back to the Mo family to settle accounts.

The moment the huge light group smashed down, it radiated even more dazzling light, stabbed people to the point of being unable to open their eyes, and even the consciousness released by Zhang He was hurt by the light.

The Sancai Sword Formation suffered this blow, the light curtain in the air shook violently, and the spiritual stones placed in the eyes of the formation by Zhang He burst into ash.

With the power of this blow alone, one-third of the spiritual stones on the formation's eyes were consumed.

The soldiers of the Black Water Army who were guarding the eye of the formation quickly swept out the dust inside and replaced them with new spiritual stones.

Zhang He's consciousness swept over. If it continued like this, the Great Array could support it, but his Spirit Stone couldn't support it for long.

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