"Don't know what's up with your friend?"

Zhang He stopped and asked.

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty. I sensed a spiritual riot here just now. I don't know what your friends know about it?"

The kind-hearted and kind-hearted old man asked with a smile. His immortal demeanor made it difficult for people to feel resentment at first sight.

"I also happened to pass by here, I don't know what happened."

Zhang He and the other party have never seen each other, and they will definitely not tell the truth.

"That would be a pity!"

The old man felt a little pity, and he didn't know what he was pity for. He stared at Zhang He with burning eyes.

Zhang He only felt that there was a strange light in the other's eyes, so he couldn't help but glance at it.

At this moment, the eyes of the old man were like a vortex, sucking all Zhang He's spirit into it, unable to extricate himself.

At this time, Zhang He suddenly felt that he was plunged into darkness, he could no longer sense everything around him, and his body fell from the flying sword like a piece of wood.

In a hurry, he only had time to release the little skeleton from the space, and then fell into a coma.

In a groggy state, Zhang He felt that he had turned into a ball of light, in a boundless darkness, unable to distinguish the upper and lower, east, west, north and west.

He scurried around in the dark like a headless fly, but couldn't find his way out.

"Give it up, let me devour you, I can live more wonderfully instead of you, and you will have no regrets in your life."

A vast voice came, which seemed very majestic, making people couldn't help but want to trust him.

However, since Zhang He practiced the nameless exercises he brought in his previous life, he has strengthened his body, strengthened his consciousness, and has a clear mind, but he was not affected by this voice at this time.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhang He couldn't make a sound, but with a move of consciousness, he could send a sound far away in this dark space.

"You can call me Lord Shadow Demon, this is the world I rule, and no one can walk out of the world I rule alive.

Your only way out now is to give up your resistance and become a part of me. "

The huge voice came again, still full of temptation, making people unable to help but give up all resistance.

"What good is it for me to be swallowed by you?"

Zhang He seems to have moved a little.

"You have no other choice now, being swallowed by me is your only way out.

After being devoured by me, your memory will still be preserved, you are not really dead, but just merged with me.

And the short lifespan of your human race is just a flick of a finger.

Our shadow demons have an infinite lifespan. Now you only need to give up a pair of fleshly bodies, and you can follow me to gain immortality. "

Shadow Demon makes a lot of sense, as long as the memory can be completely preserved, it seems to be the same as not dying.

If it can be passed on forever, it seems that it will really be immortal.

"How should I do?"

Zhang He's voice revealed confusion.

"You just need to stay still, don't resist, let me devour you, soon, just like sleeping, when you wake up, you are me."

At this time, Zhang He had already felt a sense of tiredness and was drowsy.

In the dark world, another light group emerged and was rapidly approaching Zhang He.

This light group was about the size of Zhang He, and after getting close, he took a bite at Zhang He's light group.

After Zhang He's light group was bitten, it immediately shrank a small circle.

I didn't feel any pain in this mouthful, but felt very warm and comfortable, and I just wanted to let the other party take a few more bites.

At this moment, Zhang He's light group suddenly bit towards the opponent. He used all his strength for this bite, more than what he was bitten away just now.

He was bitten just now in a circle that shrank, and now he is pregnant again, and it seems to be a little bigger than before.

"You...why are you still resisting?"

The light group was a little horrified. At this time, the other party should give up resistance and be swallowed by him with a look of enjoyment.

He didn't know that until now, Zhang He was still awake and not confused in the slightest.

Before, I just wanted to draw the other party out.

Zhang He took advantage of the moment when the other party had just been bitten and had not turned a corner in his mind, he took another big bite.

Originally, the light groups of the two were about the same size, but now Zhang He secretly took two bites in a row.

Now that Zhang He has received these two supplements, his light group is a little bigger than the other party's.

The bigger the body, the bigger the mouth, and the more meat you can bite at a time.

At this moment, the two light groups are in this darkness, biting and swallowing each other, you bite me, and I turn around and bite you.

Because Zhang He is a little bigger, his mouth can be opened a little bit bigger, occupying a slight advantage.

This advantage continues to expand over time.

Zhang He can bite a little bit more than the other in each bite, and a small victory is a big victory.

Gradually, the difference in size between the two was getting bigger and bigger. Now that Zhang He took a bite, the other party had to take several bites to grab back the light group that Zhang He had bitten.

At the end, when there was not much left in the light group, he no longer dared to confront Zhang He, and he turned around and ran away.

Zhang He was willing to let it go, and immediately caught up with him and swallowed the opponent.

After swallowing all this light group, Zhang He felt drowsy and couldn't continue, and finally fell asleep...

After sleeping for a while, Zhang He felt like he was in a dream, experiencing a personal life.

Among the people who had experienced the dream, except for the earliest shadow demons, the rest were ordinary people and immortal cultivators who were swallowed up by the shadow demons.

The dreams he is experiencing now are all the lives that these people have experienced.


I don't know how long it took, but after Zhang He had a lot of dreams, he finally woke up and turned around.

"It's so dangerous, I almost died."

Zhang He sighed, and then turned over and sat up. He had just experienced a battle for a house.

Fortunately, he has a strong sense of consciousness, and his heart is empty, otherwise he might have been successfully captured by the shadow demon.

Zhang He turned over and sat up at this moment, the little skeleton holding a dagger, standing faithfully beside Zhang He.

On the ground around the two of them, there were still several corpses of monsters~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It seemed that they were killed by small skeletons.

Zhang He rubbed his head, recalling everything he had experienced in the dream.

The one who attacked him just now and wanted to take him away was indeed a shadow demon.

Through the memory of the shadow demon, it is known that the shadow demon family has no physical body and no body.

When they were born, they were just a consciousness floating around.

When this consciousness encounters a weaker person, it will get into the opponent's head for the first time.

When this spiritual consciousness succeeds in seizing the house, he lives as the other party for a period of time, nourishing himself with the blood of the whole body that seizes the body.

When the host's blood essence is exhausted, and the Shadow Fiend cannot continue to practice in the host's body, it will retake the body and change to a physical body.


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