Zhang He returned to Heishui Town with satisfaction with two sets of Three Talents Sword Formation, and arranged the two sets of formations in Heishui Town and Qifeng Mountain respectively according to Professor Mo Sanye's method.

When the black water town formation was successfully arranged, a transparent light curtain rose up, covering the entire town within the city wall.

The residents of Heishui Town have never seen such a scene in their lifetimes. At this moment, they were shocked by this miraculous scene. They all fell to the ground and shouted, "Long live Young Master Zhang, the mana is boundless and so on."

Zhang He, who was debugging the formation, saw the reactions of the residents, and felt that he had become an old monster in Spring and Autumn.

The light curtain that just lit up is the defensive shield of this magic circle, which can be turned on or off.

When there is nothing to do on weekdays, the formation can be turned off. If it is turned on, it needs to consume a lot of spiritual stones, which is not worth it.

In addition, this formation is also equipped with an attack function.

In terms of attack, he has invested a lot of money. By consuming a lot of spiritual stones, the formation method can condense the flying sword of spiritual energy to hurt the enemy, and its power is equivalent to the level of the monks in the early stage of Jindan.

This function is too expensive for Lingshi, Zhang He has already tried the true and false with Mo Sanye's Lingshi outside Lu Lecheng, so he doesn't need to try again for the time being.

The news of the formation of the light curtain in Heishui Town quickly spread to the surrounding area. The Gu Liang family, who was relatively close, sent Gu Liangcheng to investigate.

Ye Jun, who was far away from Dehua County, also stepped on the flying sword and quickly rushed to Heishui Town.

Gu Liangcheng cupped his hands to congratulate: "Congratulations! Heishui Town has a formation protection, and it will be safe from then on Mount Tai."

Zhang He's ability to arrange a formation in Heishui Town is a manifestation of his great strength, which makes Gu Liang's family more determined to hold Zhang He's thigh tightly.

As for Ye Jun, his mood is a bit complicated at the moment. As the city lord of Dehua, the city lord's mansion does not have a spirit stone arrangement, and now he is still living a poor life.

So far, apart from selling the land and getting dozens of spirit stones, he has not caught any oil or water.

Ye Jun's mind always popped out one after another.

"Would you like to grab it?"

"The strength of the two sides is similar, and I don't seem to have the confidence to win, let alone within this formation, there is no advantage."

"Forget it, let's take a look first."

Ye Jun had a lot of messed up thoughts in his head, and Wei Peng had already led him to the living room.

Ye Jun followed behind Wei Peng. Since entering Heishui Town, he has seen more than a dozen qi cultivators and a large number of warriors.

Such comprehensive strength is no worse than his City Lord's Mansion.

In addition, he also saw the legendary Black Water Army, which was indeed an elite army.

Thinking about his city lord, he has not even been able to form a decent army.

It's true that the base-building cultivator is strong, but he can't do everything by himself. He has to support some capable people.

The moment he saw Zhang He, Ye Jun, who was a handsome young man of the Ye family, inevitably felt a little bit of inferiority and jealousy in his heart.

Zhang He looks very young, he should be younger than him. In contrast, this young man of him pales a lot.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is here to make Peng Di shine, please come inside!"

Immediately after sitting in the living room, someone served tea.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jun saw a servant carrying a large tray with several fruit platters on it.

There has been a drought year after year, and fruit trees in many places have either died from drought, or have been eaten by refugees who picked leaves and peeled their skins, so that fresh fruit has become a luxury.

Only the town of Heishui was less affected by the drought, and several orchards were well preserved and still produced several kinds of fruit.

The fruit bowl is adorned with sliced ​​pears, peaches, watermelons, and a few grapes.

What surprised Ye Jun and Gu Liangcheng was that the slices of watermelon in this plate of fruits were still spirit fruits.

As a foundation-building cultivator, Ye Jun came from a large clan. He had eaten spirit fruit several times before, and his performance was very calm.

Gu Liangcheng has only cultivated Qi and came from a small family. He usually searches for a piece of Peiyuan Dan, which is a piece of spirit stone, and he has never tasted a spirit fruit.

If it weren't for several pairs of eyes staring at him, he really wanted to eat the watermelon rind. This watermelon is delicious and contains a lot of spiritual energy.

After eating a few slices of watermelon that contained spiritual energy, Gu Liangcheng suddenly felt that a spiritual energy rose up in his body, which was more ferocious than Peiyuan Pills.

Gu Liangcheng was afraid of wasting the spiritual energy in his belly, so he quickly said goodbye to Zhang He, went out and got into the only inn in Heishui Town, and found a room to meditate and practice.

Ye Jun and Gu Liangcheng didn't stay in Heishui Town for too long, they just came to inquire about it, and what to do next.

After Zhang He finished debugging the three-talented sword formation in Heishui Town, he closed the formation and went to Qifeng Mountain.

The formation function of Qifeng Mountain only includes two functions: phantom formation and defense.

The main function of the magic array is to hide the sweet potato base of Qifeng Mountain.

At the beginning, Third Master Mo also introduced a fog-hidden formation, which could generate a thick fog and cover the entire Qifeng Mountain.

However, this plan was abandoned by Zhang He, and a large area was covered with white mist all year round. Even a fool would know that there was a problem here.

In the end, I chose this kind of magic array. The function of the magic array is to confuse, and Zhang He chose the third-order magic array. According to Mo Sanye, even the spiritual consciousness of Jindan cultivators can be confused.

After Zhang He had used it for a few hours and placed all the array plates in their corresponding positions, he took out a jade plate about a foot in size from the space, with many complex patterns carved on it.

This jade plate is the center of the formation. As long as this jade plate is in hand, you can easily dig the entire formation.

At this time, Zhang He hit the jade plate several tricks, and a spiritual energy rose up. At this time, if you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the environment of the entire Qifeng Mountain has changed greatly.

The thousands of acres of land that had been reclaimed and the more than 1,000 farmers who lived here have all disappeared.

It blends in with the surrounding woods, and there is no clue.

The Qifeng Mountain Base has completely disappeared!

But inside the guardian of the formation ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qifeng Mountain was still the same as before, and more than a thousand farmers didn't even notice any abnormality.

The illusion of this formation needs to be turned on from time to time, which requires a lot of spiritual power to maintain.

However, when the Mo Family Formation Master designed it, he left a hole for him to connect to the spiritual vein.

Continue to draw spiritual power from the spiritual veins to maintain the operation of the formation.

Zhang Heyi dropped a total of two spiritual beads containing miniature spiritual veins on Qifeng Mountain, and now there are two miniature spiritual veins on the mountain.

It is necessary to maintain the spiritual energy of half an acre of spiritual fields, and now adding a formation, the burden is a little heavy, and you have to add some spiritual stones to it from time to time.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to collect the spiritual veins. He has encountered the spiritual veins several times before, but he has not been able to collect them.

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