Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 152: .Small Skeleton Awakens

There is a remote corner of Heishui Town, where several factories have been built, and there are usually guards on duty, and outsiders cannot approach.

At this time, the workers are preparing gunpowder in an orderly manner. The finished gunpowder is then put into a clay pot, mixed with iron sand, and a lead is connected and sealed.

The whole process is very careful, as long as there is a little spark, it may cause a big explosion.

Recently, the gunpowder factories have been working overtime, and the finished products have been transported away and stored separately.

According to Zhang He's experience of using it several times, gunpowder bombs are still very effective, even some low-level warriors or cultivators can't resist the explosion.

As long as the amount of gunpowder is large enough, even if it is to move mountains and reclaim the sea, it will not be a problem.

If you want to quickly improve your strength, it is not an overnight thing to train yourself or train your subordinates.

Only gunpowder can quickly produce a large number of finished products, and now except for food and elixir, other materials are very cheap.

Zhang He had already returned to Qifeng Mountain at this time, the big yellow dog smelled Zhang He's scent, and ran over to greet him with his tongue out all the way.

After a year of not seeing him, this dog has grown a lot taller, with shiny fur all over his body, which is completely different from an ordinary local dog.

Zhang He threw a piece of dried sweet potato to Rhubarb, who took it and ran away.

There are still sweet potatoes growing in the Lingtian in the courtyard on the top of Qifeng Mountain.

When he entered the space, he found that the little skeleton woke up at this time.

Since the last time the little skeleton absorbed the black energy in Lu Bo's body, he has been in a deep sleep, and it has been several years now.

I don't know what the black energy in Lu Bo's body is. After the little skeleton absorbed it, Jing Ran was directly promoted to the navy in the later stage of foundation establishment.

In terms of cultivation, it has far surpassed Zhang He, the master.

The little skeleton was summoned by Zhang He and jumped up from the sarcophagus with a short sword.

The originally dark eye sockets now have a bluish flame that keeps jumping.

When the little skeleton woke up, he had already changed his guns to guns, and his cultivation had changed from practicing Qi to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

The short sword that lost spiritual energy in his hand has also become a top-quality magic weapon.

It's a pity that the last time I was injured, the bones were blasted away, leaving only one leg. Now I can only walk with one leg and jump.

"Master, what are your orders?"

The little skeleton's tone was dull, and he didn't seem to notice the huge changes that had taken place in him.

Zhang He circled the little skeleton a few times and found that the cracks on his bones had healed.

The small skeleton now looks like a piece of art carved from white jade, with a gleaming white luster.

"Go and help me turn this field over!"

Zhang He pointed to an open space in the space.


The little skeleton responded, found a hoe, and jumped up and down very skillfully to dig the soil and turn the ground.

Although the strength of this little skeleton has increased greatly, there is no sense of expansion in his heart. He asked him to dig soil, and he did not intend to resist.

It seems that intelligence does not increase with strength.

Not to mention, after the little skeleton was promoted to foundation building, the efficiency of this excavation was greatly improved, and it took only a while to turn the land over.

Zhang He handed over all the elixir purchased in Zhaoling County this time to Xiao Skull to plant, and he only directed it from the side.

"Master, everything has been planted!"

After the little skeleton finished all the work, he stood there firmly on one leg, the blue flame in his eyes beating, waiting for Zhang He's next instructions.

"You are so powerful now, can you show it to me?"


The little skeleton immediately raised his sword and slashed at the only peach tree in the space, so frightened that Zhang He moved the little skeleton out of the space.

The spirit peaches on this spirit peach tree taste very good, it is a rare delicacy, and it also contains aura, he doesn't want to just cut it down.

Use Escape to take the little skeleton to a remote and uninhabited place.

Zhang He let the little skeleton attack him. If he hadn't reacted quickly and quickly escaped into the ground, he would have been almost killed by the little skeleton on the spot.

This thing is relatively rigid. After getting the order, it will attack with all its strength, and I don't know how to keep a hand.

This method doesn't work, and the little skeleton can only use his strength to the mountains, rocks and soil.

Zhang He looked aside, the small skeleton fighting style is more suitable for close combat, with fast movement and hard bones.

Like a zombie, there is no pain, and there should be only one key point on the whole body, which is his skull, and the skull is extremely strong.

After the little skeleton slashed with the dagger for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of flame.

This flame is only the size of an egg, and like the flame in his eye frame, it has a strange blue color.

There was no trace of heat in this dark blue flame, and Zhang He even sensed an icy aura.

The blue flames fell on a tree, igniting the entire tree in an instant. The tree was wrapped in a layer of blue flames and burned roaringly.

The flames went out after a while, but the tree looked the same as before, without any burn marks.

Zhang He curiously stretched out his hand and gently pushed it, but the tree suddenly turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

Then he put the little skeleton on the stone, and tried the blue flame once on the chicken and duck.

So far, Zhang He has summed up some rules. When this blue flame burns, it uses all vitality as the raw material.

When the vitality of the item is burnt out, it will quickly decay, turning into dust like the previous tree.

This kind of blue flame should be regarded as the ultimate trick of the little skeleton pressing the bottom of the box.

Moreover, after the little skeleton used several blue fireballs in a row, he seemed to have become much weaker, and there should be restrictions on its use.

Zhang He put away the little skeleton and let it go back to the sarcophagus to continue sleeping.

The little skeleton awakened from the advanced stage, which greatly improved Zhang He's strength, making him a little more confident in the face of possible changes in the future.

Over the past year, a large number of mature elixir have been cultivated in the space, all of which have been stored in the space by Now the price of elixir has skyrocketed, and elixir in hand is a rare commodity.

He plans to use these resources to train a group of capable men, and then refine some medicinal pills to sell to earn spirit stones.

It is said that among the displaced people, in addition to many affected tenants, there are actually many more immortal cultivators or warriors.

In the past, this was simply impossible. Immortal cultivators and warriors were at the top of the food chain, and it was impossible for them to become refugees no matter what.

But the situation is different now. After Gongzijian's victory, in order to reward his subordinates, he must **** it from some traditional nobles.

Some of these traditional nobles were beheaded on the spot, and more old nobles have already fled.

The small amount of wealth that these nobles carried when they escaped, in this world of soaring food prices, it really didn't take a few days.

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