Duan Yongnian is now in control of the victory, and he is trying his best to vent the resentment in his heart.

After spitting out the resentment in his chest, Duan Yongnian felt relieved in his heart. When he was about to kill the killer, he saw that Baron Zhiyuan shot with him almost at the same time.


This must be another collision that hurts both sides. The two shot at the same time at close range, and they both hit each other firmly.

The two of them were blasted backwards at the same time and fell to the ground. At this time, many members of the Gu Liang family had heard the news and rushed to surround the courtyard.

Several of the Gu Liang family members also carried on their shoulders the kind of spiritual tool that was comparable to the power of building a foundation. The last time the caravan dealt with the demon bear, the Gu Liang family took out this kind of spiritual tool and used it.

"Catch the assassin! Don't let Duan Yongnian go!"

Baron Zhiyuan received two heavy blows in a row, and still had a little energy left, and loudly ordered his clan to surround him.

Duan Yongnian struggled to get up from the ground. He had just established the foundation, and he lacked the combat experience in the foundation-building period, not even a single weapon.

At this time, it was found in the consciousness that at least two dozen qi cultivators were surrounded, and immediately anointed the soles of their feet and ordered a flying sword to fly out of the small courtyard and flee for their lives.

He is injured now, and if he is not careful, he may be killed by the Qi cultivator of the Gu Liang family.

"Catch him! Don't let him run away!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Several attacks from the spiritual tool chased Duan Yongnian's **** one after another...


"Patriarch, how are you?"

Several core members of the Gu Liang family helped Baron Zhiyuan up.

"I'm afraid I can't do it... Gu Liangyu, the successor of the throne!"

Everyone present showed a look of horror. The Patriarch is the pillar that supports the sky of the Gu Liang family. Now that the Patriarch has an accident, their sky is about to collapse.

"Grandpa! Grandpa, Yu'er is only 18 years old, how can she take on such an important task!"

The young man with a jade-like face who had followed Baron Zhiyuan on his last expedition, was lying on Baron Zhiyuan's body with tears and panic all over his face.

He had only practiced Qi at the seventh level, and he was really not ready for how to manage such a large family, a Dehua county.

"Yu'er, you are the most talented of the younger generation of my Gu Liang family, and you practiced at a young age to the late stage of Qi training.

Originally, I should have supported you for decades, but now I can only let you accept orders in danger. "

Baron Zhiyuan took a few breaths and continued.

"I have a mutual benefit cooperation plan with Zhang He of Heishui Town, you can try to ask him for help..."

Baron Zhiyuan worked hard to explain the cooperation between him and Zhang He, and then explained some other matters. In the end, he kicked his legs and died.

Gu Liang's family and a lot of messes in Dehua County were left behind.


When Zhang He led his team back to Heishui Town, he was really taken aback.

There are too many refugees gathered outside Heishui Town, and the total number is at least over 100,000.

Because of the severe drought for two consecutive years, the land in other places has been dry and cracked, and even the weeds have been killed by the drought. Heishui Town is the only place where a bumper harvest of food can be achieved.

The land in Heishui Town was well irrigated, and the refugees who arrived earlier could still find some fallen grains in the wild.

Weed seeds can also be harvested for those who arrive late, and grass roots can only be digged for those who come later.

When they can't even dig grass roots, they will loot the villagers of Heishui Town.

Fortunately, the villagers in Heishui Town have all been trained, and each village has a militia organization.

Now Heishui Town is recruiting a large number of refugees to help Heishui Town make bricks, build walls, and recruit some young and strong militiamen.

As long as he can be recruited, he will manage two meals that are not rich.

And Blackwater Town recruits refugees, almost always.

Therefore, almost all of the more than 100,000 refugees Zhang He saw when he returned home depended on Heishui Town to survive.

"Master Zhang is back!"

"Young Master Zhang has returned in triumph!"

"Young Master Zhang has smashed the enemy army and is invincible!"

"Master Zhang is wise and martial, and with every gesture, the powerful enemy will be wiped out!"

"Master Zhang..."

When Zhang He led more than 100 remnants of the Heishui Army back to Heishui Town, he was greeted by the brainless fans who had been educated by the school.

That imposing manner, that proud expression, as if Zhang He would be sorry for their enthusiasm if he did not become king.

"Everyone has worked hard, everyone is working hard for the prosperity of Heishui Town."

Zhang He was riding on a horse at the moment, smiling and waving to the brainless fans on both sides of the road.

However, in terms of face, he was a little bit unhappy. They had just broken out of the encirclement and lost their troops. They were still discussing what posture would be better to surrender.

This warm cheer fell into Zhang He's ears, as if he was slapping his face, his whole face was hot.

After all, he is not a brazen person, all this is just to make it easier to govern.

Zhang He returned to Zhangjiazhuang, and he did not see him for a year. Zhang Yuan grew a lot taller, and became more agile when speaking and walking.

However, in comparison, Gun Gun grew faster, and in one year, he was already much taller than Zhang Yuan.

Seeing Zhang He coming back, one person and one bear in this round and round combination all rushed over together, pressed Zhang He to the ground, and their heads slammed against him for a while.

"Brother, I heard that you went to fight the bad guys. What do bad guys look like?"

At this time, Xiao Zhangyuan's innocent face was full of curiosity. She only had a simple distinction between good and bad in her small heart, and she couldn't understand the cruelty of the battlefield.

Zhang He thought for a while, and then slowly said:

"Actually, the enemies on the battlefield are not necessarily all bad people. Maybe they are the same people as Big Brother Fat Tiger. They were sent to the battlefield for various reasons, and they became our enemies."

"Brother, if the enemy is not a bad person, don't you have to kill him?"

Xiao Zhangyuan has only seen killing chickens so far. He has no concept of killing at all, and there is no psychological pressure to talk about it.

"As long as it is an enemy, no matter good or bad, kill it. If you don't kill the enemy, the enemy will kill you."

Since reality is cruel, he doesn't need to deliberately make reality so beautiful.

"Oh well!"

Xiao Zhangyuan nodded in understanding, and then asked him about other interesting things. Children's attention is always so easily diverted.

On the tenth day after Zhang He returned to Heishui Town, Gu Liangcheng came to visit.

"Junior Gu Liangcheng pays respects to senior~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't know Mount Tai before, please forgive me!"

Zhang He looked at the next man, with white hair calling himself a junior in front of him, which made him feel a little bit.

Gu Liangcheng was the first immortal cultivator he met, and he had given him some help. Zhang He counted Gu Liangcheng as half a friend.

It can also be seen from this that the Gu Liang family is showing goodwill to him.

"I don't know if your friend is here, what's your purpose?"

"Reporting to the seniors, a scum appeared in our clan, and he actually intended to assassinate the clan chief, but after the incident was exposed, he ran away.

As a result, the patriarch was injured, and now he is in retreat for healing, and he has no time to take care of him.

Now I want to ask the seniors to take action and help the Gu Liang family to kill this thief. "

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