Falling in love with youkanshu.com, cultivating immortals starts from planting sweet potatoes

After Zhang He watched Fugui lead the logistics team away, Baron Zhiyuan walked to his side.

"Master Zhang, I think you are quite rich in food and grass, and I want to borrow some military provisions from you, and I will return them to you when the army returns to Dehua County."

"I do have rations, but the logistics and transportation are not easy. You can only sell them and not borrow them! If the baron needs it, you can buy it with gold, silver or other materials."

Zhang He rejected Baron Zhiyuan without hesitation.

Dehua County is more than ten days away from here, and it takes a month to go back and forth. The transportation cost here is already catching up with the cost of food. In addition, the road is not smooth, so the cost is even higher.

Borrow it here and pay it back in Dehua County. Baron Zhiyuan has a good plan.

"I am now, as the city lord of Dehua County, collecting 20,000 catties of military rations from you. You must complete it within half a month."

At this time, Baron Zhiyuan changed his amiable image from the past, his demeanor became serious, and at the same time, the aura of a strong foundation-building man became stronger.

Since the toast does not eat and drink fines, Baron Zhiyuan has countless ways to handle a small qi cultivator.

But the scene in which Zhang He was trembling with fright in his imagination did not appear, but he still looked at him calmly and calmly.

"I said, unless you spend gold and silver to buy it, you won't have to talk about it!"

At this moment, Baron Zhiyuan has made up his mind that he must take back Heishui Town when he goes back.

I heard that the current Heishui Town has been tormented by this kid for a while. It has been built like a paradise, and the drought for two consecutive years has not been affected.

Now is a good time to pick fruit.

It's a pity that he can't do it here, otherwise he would have slapped this kid to death long ago, letting him know the gap between Qi training and foundation building.

This is a battlefield. If you kill your comrades at will, you will be severely punished.

After figuring out the joints, Baron Zhiyuan regained his gentle and harmless expression.

"Okay, what price? I'll buy it!"

"No. 1 military ration, 150 cents per catty."

The No. 1 military ration formula is various grains, with sweet potato vines, locust powder, salt, a small amount of soybean oil and maltose.

Because of the addition of sweet potato vine powder, the cost is similar to that of ordinary corn, but the nutrition is more comprehensive.

Grain prices have risen in succession in the past two years. Acorns that used to cost only a penny can now be sold for 30 cents a pound, and the price of corn has already risen to eighty or ninety cents a pound.

Many times, if you have money in your hand, you may not be able to buy food. Especially in the frontline battlefield, food is even more precious.

Now that the man who has food in his hand is the uncle, and he is on the battlefield again. It is not too much for him to double the price.

Zhang He has a lot of grain in his hands, so it is very cost-effective to exchange more gold and silver at this time. When there is a bumper harvest in the future, the price of grain will drop again, and the price of gold and silver will rise again.

With such a move in and out, he can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

The No. 1 military ration that I deliberately brought this time is intended to be sold here. First of all, it must be sold to their friendly troops on the rocky mountain.

The friendly army will not have enough to eat and the strength to fight. At that time, the Black Water Army alone will not be able to withstand it.

40,000 catties of No. 1 military rations were all sold out in just one day.

That night, the unique fragrance of Heishui Town's military rations wafted over the entire rocky mountain.

The garrison on the mountain has been hungry for a long time, and finally had a full meal today.

At the same time, on the other side of the Shuiyun Mountains, in the large camp of Bus Zijian.

A group of distinguished guests came today, led by the 36th son of Lu Bo, who has always remained neutral, Gong Zifei.

Young Master Jian and Young Master Su fought each other, and both of them tried their best. In addition to squeezing the people in their jurisdiction, they could only win over the big nobles who were watching.

Young Master Fei is one of the representative figures. The power he possesses is second only to Young Master Su and Young Master Jian. As long as he falls to either side, the balance between the two will be broken.

Therefore, Young Master Fei has become an important helper for the two Young Masters to compete with each other. Today you send ten beauties, tomorrow I will send a hundred cows, and the day after tomorrow I will have a bottle of rare elixir.

Anyway, since the start of the war, he has exhausted all kinds of benefits in the middle, but he has not made it clear which side he joined.

If others dared to take both ends like this, they would have been eliminated by the two young masters long ago, but his power was strong, and neither of the two young masters could quickly destroy him.

It may also cause him to completely fall to the other side, so neither of the two young masters dared to really offend him.

This time, Young Master Jian was bleeding profusely, including the thousand-year-old elixir he snatched from the uncle's mansion, and he also gave away half of the amount in his hand.

Perhaps it was because the treasures he gave out far surpassed that of Young Master Su, or perhaps because his domineering aura was stronger.

Anyway, Young Master Fei finally chose himself, and he was sure to win this time.

"Thank you brother 36 for helping me.

The beast, Young Master Su, was so rebellious and killed his father. I think of my father's tragic death day and night, and I wish I could invade his skin and eat his flesh, but I am not strong enough to avenge my father..."

The son was strong and emotional, and when he said this, his eyes were already red, and his voice was full of tears.

Gongzi Fei was infected and immediately cried out for his murdered father.

The two dutiful sons cried for a while, and all the other courtiers in the hall were also heartbroken, and accompanied the two dutiful sons to cry to the death~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After everyone cried for a while, Young Master Jian wiped away their tears and sorted them out. Grooming, stretch your hands forward, press your palms down, and make a stop motion.

The crying in the tent stopped immediately. After all, they were here to do serious business today, and the foreplay was almost done.

"Everyone, our army has been assembled, and today is the time for the general offensive.

The order went down, and all the spare food and grass were taken out and sent to various stations. Today, let the soldiers have a full meal, and then launch a general attack on Young Master Su to avenge Lu Bo. "

As the orders were issued layer by layer, the entire Young Master Jian's camp immediately burst into jubilation.

The soldiers here are also facing the problem of insufficient supply of rations and starvation.

After getting the food that Young Master Jian divided, I threw it all into the big pot and boiled it. No matter what happens tomorrow, I'll have a full meal first.

Even if you die, you have to be a ghost full of death.

They are already much better than the refugees as soldiers. Even if they are hungry and full, they can at least have something to eat.

Now all the refugees have eaten their last meal, and they don’t know when they will be able to eat their next meal. Maybe they are someone else’s next meal.

This meal was open to feasting. Hundreds of people died because they starved for too long and ate too much. I think this should be the happiest way to die for all tenants.

The abnormality of the Young Master Jian's camp has been detected by the sentinel, and the news has been passed back to Young Master Su.

Young Master Su did not dare to be careless, and ordered the entire army to pay attention to vigilance, and sent a team to make a tentative attack.

Then, as soon as the team went out, they saw the army from the opposite camp was already killing them.

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