Falling in love with youkanshu.com, cultivating immortals starts from planting sweet potatoes

Their army escorted supplies, and it took about ten days to travel by land, and they still marched in the way of looting along the way.

However, it is relatively close to the front line, and the villages and towns along the way have already been robbed by other troops, and those who can escape have already escaped.

So now it is not easy to grab food every time.

Only the Black Water Army has enough food, so there is no need to loot.

"Little friend, your Black Water Army is quite unique! I have seen countless armies, but this is the first time I have seen an army that does not plunder."

The old man in the late stage of foundation building who accompanied the team to **** the supplies was named Weng Shan. He seemed to be very interested in Zhang He and his Black Water Army, and he took the initiative to chat with him, a qi-training junior, several times.

"Senior Weng has won the prize. The rations carried by this junior are enough to eat, so there is no need to loot the people."

Zhang He made a random excuse. In this world where the world is dark, if he said he sympathized with the poor people, he would probably be regarded as a hypocrite, a fool or something.

"Haha! Little friend is a wonderful person. This year, the Great Zhou Dynasty suffered a disaster, and it was a sure thing that the grain production would be reduced or never harvested. Who would dislike too much grain?"

Aung San sat on the horse and stroked his beard, showing a meaningful smile.

At this moment, Aung San's expression suddenly changed.

"If there is a situation, pay attention to vigilance!"

He shouted loudly, and the mana came out. The entire army of more than 3,000 people could hear it clearly. The White Armor Army and the Feiyu Army at the forefront immediately stopped advancing and stood guard.

It was the first time that the miscellaneous army assembled from the towns in the rear encountered a situation, but at this time it was already in a mess.

These people are not necessarily afraid, mainly because they don't know what to do in case of emergencies, everyone does their own thing, and there is no unified rule.

Their leading landowner didn't even know how to command.

At this time, these miscellaneous soldiers drew their knives out of their sheaths, roaring and screaming, and a few reckless men, relying on their blood and courage, wanted to express themselves, and directly took their knives and rushed to the rocky mountain beside the road.

After Zhang He was reminded by Weng Shan, his consciousness was fully expanded. After careful searching, he discovered that there were a group of immortal practitioners hidden behind the rocks.

At this moment, he had to admire Aung Shan's strong sense of consciousness, because he practiced that nameless exercise to strengthen his body, his sense of consciousness was far stronger than that of monks of the same rank.

On the other hand, Aung San was able to spot the ambushing enemy before him.

Zhang He immediately ordered the Black Water Army to form a defensive formation.

There are only more than 30 people in the rock, but all of them are immortal cultivators. As long as the Black Water Army can protect themselves from death, it is enough.

At this moment, there were several screams from the rocky mountain, apparently the people who rushed in just now were dead.

At the same time, a dazzling brilliance flew from the rocky mountain, all of which were spells and magical weapon attacks.

In the face of this kind of attack, apart from the immortal cultivators, only the White Armor Army and the Black Water Army were able to resist, and the rest of the rogue army suddenly screamed again and again.

At the same time, the immortal cultivators in the team also made their full shots and attacked the rear of the rock.

Zhang He took out a mid-grade flying sword and slashed towards the back of the rock. Immediately, a Qi cultivator was cut into two pieces.

The Black Water Army brought this time is He Xiaoyu's team. In addition to her, the immortal cultivator, there are two other members of the team during the Qi training period.

The three of them did not attack at this time during the Qi training period, but were responsible for intercepting several attacks from the opposite side to the Blackwater Army camp.

At the same time, countless large shields were also erected in the Black Water Army, blocking the heads of everyone, and some of the remaining power of magic attacks were blocked by them.

The archers in the army also took the opportunity to shoot arrows from the gap in the shield to return fire.

Under this series of arrows, there were really two qi cultivators who were hit by arrows in the chaos.

However, the advantage of the Black Water Army was only a small partial victory. At this time, more than 30 cultivators of the opponent had already jumped out of the rocks. With their magical powers, the 3,000-strong army was instantly defeated.

The first one to escape was the farmer, and then the landlords of the towns fled with their family guards, not even the soldiers and property they brought.

The fat man Wang Cai, who once gave Zhang He ten taels of gold, was trembling with fright at this moment. He couldn't run even if he wanted to escape.

There were a total of five strong foundation builders on the opposite side, and Baron Zhiyuan and Aung Shan blocked a total of four.

The remaining red-faced base-building cultivator even dared to resist when he saw the Black Water Army, especially since Zhang He had killed several Qi-training cultivators in a row just now, he looked very arrogant.

The strong foundation-building man immediately took out his flying sword and attacked Zhang He.

Zhang He used 20% of his mana to envoy a mid-grade Feijian, and fought with the opponent's Feijian. Zhang He's Feijian was blown away.

The other party was a little stunned when he saw that the sword failed to kill Zhang He.

"Little Qi Qiuxiu, he's quite capable, take my sword again!"

"If you don't die with this sword, the old man's name will be written upside down in the future."

The foundation-building cultivator on the opposite side exerted all his strength, and the flying sword transformed into the size of Zhang Xu in the air, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, he pressed Zhang He.

"Protect the son!"

He Xiaoyu shouted loudly, and a hundred people from the Black Water Army, whether they were warriors or cultivators, rushed towards Zhang He, trying to protect him in the middle.

Zhang He could only temporarily throw out more than ten Lei Lingcao seeds, and at the same time, they slammed on Feijian, making Feijian unable to approach for a while.

At the same time that the Lei Lingcao seeds created a huge momentum, a small green needle instrument had already crossed Chen Cang and was quietly sacrificed by Zhang He.

Under the cover of the explosion of Lei Lingcao seeds, the red-faced cultivator did not realize that the crisis was approaching until the small green needle approached three feet in front of him.

He wanted to dodge eagerly, but at this moment, the speed of this thin needle suddenly increased.

At this time, the fine-needle instrument is far faster than the speed of the Qi training cultivator, unless the Foundation Establishment cultivator is fully motivated.

Could it be that the opposite is a deeply hidden foundation-building powerhouse?

It's a pity that the red-faced base-building cultivator was too late when he thought of this. He was forced to such a close distance by the base-building cultivator's magic weapon that his death was no longer in suspense.

The red-faced cultivator could only watch helplessly as the thin needle shot from his eyes ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ directly penetrating his head, and then he lost consciousness.

Zhang He fought the opponent twice, and before and after, there was less than a breath of time, and the guards' formation to protect Zhang He had not had time to move, but the battle was over.

However, the Black Water Army is an army that pays great attention to discipline. When it is ordered, it must be executed, even if the opponent is already dead.

The Black Water Army still carried out the order, placing Zhang Hehu in the middle three circles and three circles out.

In fact, with the attack from the base-building cultivator just now, even if they all stood in front of Zhang Heyi, they could only act as human shields, which would only increase casualties.

But none of the 100 of them executed the order without any hesitation, without the slightest hesitation.

After Zhang He successfully beheaded the red-faced cultivator, seeing this scene, he could only secretly feel ashamed in his heart.

With his strength, he naturally does not need the protection of the Black Water Army, but he is temporarily inconvenient to disclose it.

The opponent's five foundation builders attacked at the same time. Unexpectedly, one person died in the battle, and it was at the hands of a foundation builder cultivator.

The remaining four people were shocked and angry, and immediately one of them threw down their opponent, Weng Shan, and turned the flying sword that he had sacrificed and slashed at Zhang He.

"You dare to distract him while fighting with the old man. How much do you despise the old man?"

Aung Shan also had a late stage of foundation-building cultivation. He felt very unhappy when he was looked down upon by others. He took advantage of the opponent's distraction and attacked Zhang He, and suddenly cut off the opponent's head.

The beheaded monk burst into tears when he died and wanted to apologize.

"I really didn't mean to look down on you."

It's a pity that I can't go back, and I can't pick up the head that fell to the ground!

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