Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 113: .Iron Armored Corpse

Because of the need to consume a lot of money and food next, and Zhang He is unbearable for the wealth of the city of Jishui County.

Recently, he turned into a peach blossom fairy and went out. On the one hand, he naturally went to see if the property in Jishui County was still waiting for him there.

On the other hand, I would also like to inquire by the way, how is the Sui country now, and whether the demons have invaded the Lu country.

When Peach Blossom Fairy was covered in zombie feces and sneaked into Jishui City again, she saw another scene.

The bloodstains all over the ground had been devoured by the zombies, and white bones could be seen everywhere in the city, and the white bones were covered with tooth marks.

On the street, he also saw two white cockroaches, holding down an ordinary zombie to eat.

After the zombies in the city lost their food, they started to devour each other.

Peach Blossom Fairy sneaked into a big family house and found that many items were turned over in a mess. Obviously, it was artificial. Zombies have no such hobby.

It should be after they left last time, someone successfully sneaked in here.

It's just that there are too many ordinary things in the city, and most people can't take much with them, especially food and the like. Although it is important, it takes up too much space and is still abandoned in the warehouse.

Due to the existence of zombies, there is not a single mouse in the city now, and the food is well preserved.

Peach Blossom Fairy put all the food in the warehouse of this wealthy family into the space, and then went to the next big mansion.

When he was about to approach the City Lord's Mansion, a strong aura suddenly rose from it, so frightened that he shrank in the corner, not even daring to take a breath.

At the same time, he exerted the breath-holding method, and all the breath on his body disappeared without a trace, and the whole person was like a corpse.

At this time, he saw a tall, dark zombie walking out of the city lord's mansion, his skin exuding a metallic luster, as if his entire body was made of pig iron.

This iron-clad zombie walked out of the city lord's mansion and checked it outside. He didn't find any suspicious people. He was a little puzzled and roared a few times.


Immediately, all the zombies in the city became restless, roaring in the sky and approaching the city master's mansion.

At this moment, Fairy Peach Blossom has condensed her body's breath to the extreme, more like a corpse than all the zombies present.

It has to be said that the "Breath Conditioning Method" he got in Jishui County's City Lord's Mansion is really useful. In addition to restraining the breath, it can also hide the exposed cultivation.

Using the "Breathing Conditioning Method", he can disguise himself as an ordinary person without cultivation, or he can lower his cultivation into a rookie in the early stage of Qi training.

At this moment, countless zombies gathered around and wrapped Peach Blossom Fairy among them. He could only follow the zombies slowly.

When all the zombies gathered in front of the city lord's mansion, the armored zombie took a deep breath at the zombies.

After a long time, he still couldn't find any abnormality. This iron armored zombie could only walk into the city lord's mansion in confusion.

The rest of the zombies gradually dispersed after the iron-clad corpse left.

Peach Blossom Fairy finally breathed a sigh of relief and quietly followed the numerous zombies away.

In the future, he no longer dared to approach the City Lord's Mansion. After walking far, he filled the space with food in several mansions of wealthy families, and quietly left Jishui County.

On the way back, Fairy Peach Blossom deliberately took a detour and asked around.

It was discovered that such a big thing happened in the neighboring Sui country, and everyone in the Lu country was like nothing, and did not make any war preparations.

It is generally believed that the mere demons that appeared in the Sui Kingdom were nothing more than the itch of scabies, which was nothing to worry about.

Perhaps it was Chengping for too long, and everyone was already numb and lost their sense of crisis.

Only a few people like Zhang He who have experienced the catastrophe of the Sui Kingdom know how terrifying those monsters and demons are.

However, they are soft-spoken, and few of them will listen to the opinions of this minority.

Of course, it wasn't that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty was indifferent. Many high-level people still discussed these matters.

For example, at this moment, in a large hall, Lu Bo's thin fingers rubbed a string of human bone bracelets.

Every bone on his bracelet is made of the baby's first cervical vertebra, which has long been ground into pulp by his skinny hands.

This string of human bone bracelets was personally refined by the refining master, depriving the baby of its innate vitality and condensing it in this cervical vertebra.

Wearing this bracelet for a long time can prolong life and increase longevity.

It was because of the blessings of many life-extending things that Lu Bo's lifespan was forcibly extended by fifty or sixty years.

"Report to Lu Bo, the minister is on an envoy to Sui, and brings back a letter written by the Marquis of Sui."

Below the main hall, an official from the State of Lu saluted and presented a letter with both hands respectfully.

A boy next to him took the letter and sent it to the table in front of Lu Bo.

Lu Bo's hunched body straightened slightly before he took the letter and opened it to read.

Sui State had an accident this time. As a neighboring country, Lu State naturally had to pay attention to it, so he sent an envoy to Sui State.

If the State of Sui needs assistance, the State of Lu may also send some troops to support it.

If the Marquis of Sui were to die in this accident, then Lu Guomin would have to send troops to the Sui country to help the Sui country to pacify the chaos.

Taking the opportunity to let the army benefit greatly from the Sui Kingdom, it is even possible to directly divide the Sui Kingdom.

However, after Lu Bo read the letter, he gave up all ideas, and the Marquis of Sui wrote back.

He will handle the matter of the Sui country himself, so he will not worry about others. Obviously, he refuses the participation of neighboring countries, and does not want to be taken advantage of by A flame appeared in Lu Bo's hand, burning the letter to ashes .

If it is convenient for him, he naturally doesn't mind making a fortune, but now that the other party refuses, Lu Guo has no suitable excuse to intervene.

What's more, the State of Sui is a marquis, and the State of Lu is only an earl. Whether it is in terms of status or comprehensive strength in terms of national territory, it is weaker than that of the State of Sui.

Lu Bo Shouyuan has no more, and he still has a lot of troubles, and he doesn't want to spend too much effort on this kind of thing.

"Go on, order the checkpoints to strictly guard the border, and report back immediately if something happens."

At this time, Lu Guo can only defend his own territory.

As for the other neighboring countries of the Sui State, they were all eyeing the tigers, all thinking of taking the opportunity to take a bite of meat from the Sui State.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was divided into feudal feudal lords. Although they respected the Great Zhou royal family as their co-owners, they seemed to be a whole, but in fact they had already calculated each other internally.

The last time Zheng State openly sent troops to attack Song State, it was like opening a Pandora's Box and setting a wrong example for all countries.

Now there are various small frictions between the borders of various countries. Today, my soldiers accidentally lost their way and looted one or two villages and towns on your territory.

Tomorrow, my army may rush to Yi's territory in order to catch the bandits, kill some people by mistake, and get some goods.

The forces of all parties are testing each other step by step, and there is a possibility of a big fight at any time.

As for the demons that appeared in the Sui Kingdom, it was generally considered a trivial matter, and the races that were expelled 10,000 years ago had nothing to fear!

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