Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 987: Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon!

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The white light was very peculiar. After colliding with the dark flame, it was not like Xiao Lang had collided with Dao Qi before, and it was a turbulent flow, but it wrapped it weirdly for a moment. The dark fireball disappeared, but the white light seemed stronger than before. After hovering in the air for a while, it shot back quickly.

Xiao Lang hurriedly chased and looked, but actually saw that white light, and finally got into Wandong's body and disappeared.

Xiao Lang couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed and rubbed hard until Wan Dong's brows came to him in front of him, and he wasn't sure that what he had just seen was anything but dazzling or illusory.

"Yao Ting, you ... you ..." Pointing to Wan Dong, Xiao Lang seemed to want to say something, but he was unable to say it.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Wan Dong didn't allow Xiao Lang to finish talking, so he stared nervously at Xiao Lang and looked carefully.

"I ... I'm fine ..."

Xiao Lang certainly knows that his brother is more than an ordinary person, and there are endless stream of ghosts and gods on his body, but the scene just surprised him, and he couldn't believe it.

After being convinced that Xiao Lang was indeed not injured, Wan Dong ’s expression suddenly changed, very severe, and Shen said, "Brother, you see it. If you continue to stay, you can only share my heart. It ’s not just us. The brothers ca n’t live, Kunpeng, and this small world of common folks, will all fall into a catastrophe! "

"I ..." Xiao Lang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back. It now appears that his pinnacle of the earth wheel is indeed the burden of Wandong's mysterious pinnacle.

This makes Xiao Lang a little unacceptable, but it is an iron fact. He can't save Wandong, but Wandong can save him, then he is the burden of Wandong. The excitement that was originally surging because of the breakthrough to the top of the earth wheel was instantly frozen. Under such circumstances, the earth wheel peak is really nothing to be proud of, so excited.

Seeing Xiao Lang's complexion, Wan Dong coughed softly and said, "Big Brother, I am not saying that your cultivation is bad, but in front of Kunpeng and the deep pit monster, your cultivation is even higher It also does n’t make any sense. At this time, what you fight is not cultivation, but means! ”

"Means !?" Xiao Lang raised his head fiercely, staring blankly at Wandong.

Recalling the white light that only the black fireball swallowed up, of course, it cannot be caused by Wan Dong's cultivation, but a means possessed by Wan Dong. Regardless of what this method is, it has just proved to Xiao Lang that this method can completely allow Wan Dong to survive here. But Xiao Lang had no such means, so he could only leave, otherwise he would have become a burden to his brother.

Blessings are shared, difficulties are shared, this is naturally the duty of brotherhood, and Xiao Lang's greatest perseverance. But this is also the scoring situation. For example, Xiao Lang's departure is the biggest help for Wan Dong! He can use his heart and soul to display his means without any concern!

Xiao Lang finally figured this out, took a long breath, and said solemnly, "Well, I will take a step first, but I will wait for you until the last second!"

Wan Dong opened his mouth to speak, Xiao Lang waved his hand to interrupt it, and said, "You don't need to talk anymore, this ... this is also my mood!"

Wan Dong nodded heavily, and said in a condensed voice: "Okay! If something happens here, I will rush to meet you immediately. Just in case ... if I don't arrive, my brothers please You have taken care of it. "

"Oh ... These nonsense needless to say! Even if you didn't arrive in the end, we will wait for you in the test treasure." Wan Dong's smile is somewhat bitter, no one knows, he is different from Wan Dong. , Will it be a parting of life and death, can we meet again in the future.

Wan Dong yelled, removed a storage ring from his finger, and left the forty pieces of transport stone, leaving only one piece of his own. The rest were all stuffed into the storage ring, and there were also special for Wang Yangde. Refined two thousand Qi Qi Dan and Gu Soul Pill, as well as Amethyst, and a large number of Bai Jing from the Yuntianmen Treasury, all handed over to Xiao Lang.

"Going out, you have to rely on your brothers, but you also have to rely on yourself. You give me all these things for Yangde and let them use them at their discretion. If it's not enough, then you will have to spend money on your brother.

"Stinky boy, if you talk about these **** again, I'll beat you!" Xiao Lang shook his fist at Wan Dong, his nose straight and sour. Who can be a brother with Wandong in this life is definitely a blessing.

Wan Dong smiled, and took out the hot sun stone that Xiao Lang gave him before, and said, "This hard sun stone is hard to come by, otherwise, you take it back and keep it for yourself."

"Fart! You keep this hot sun stone for Lao Tzu. When you see you next time, you must cast a hot sun warrior for Lao Tzu!"

Wan Dong didn't say more, nodded, and put away the Lieyang Stone again.


Xiao Lang still had something to say to Wan Dong, but suddenly a trembling roar made Xiao Lang's face suddenly change. His eyes were full of horror and he looked in the direction of the roar, only to see one foot It has a hill-like size, the whole body is black, and only the huge and scary faucet with **** eyes is protruding out of the deep pit.

At the moment when this grim leader tapped out of the deep pit, Xiao Lang only felt that his heart was as if it had been pierced by a sharp arrow, and he almost stopped beating, and at the same time an extremely terrible and evil atmosphere, the madness spread out, Xiao Lang feels as if he is crushed under a huge mountain, but he can't move.

"This ... what is this?" Xiao Lang asked dumbly, even he felt his voice tremble as if being blown by the wind.

Wan Dong shook his head. At this time, the thing only protruded one head, and it was impossible to determine its identity, but it looked like it was a dragon. Wan Dong's heart is also beating wildly, you must know, but if it belongs to the dragon species, the worst is the sub-beast, which has completely surpassed the level of the fairy beast. No wonder Kunpeng is so afraid of it!

"Yao Ting, otherwise you and I will be together ..."

"Brother, time is running out! You're going!" Before Xiao Lang finished his speech, Wan Dong suddenly pushed him hard and pushed Xiao Lang back a dozen steps.

The giant faucet seemed to notice the sound here, and a pair of big scary dragon eyes glanced over here. With just a glance, Wan Dong and Xiao Lang felt as if they had fallen into Abi Hell, and there was a flood of fear in their hearts, and the whole person was cold and stiff.

But the faucet apparently didn't put the two in their eyes, just glanced away, then looked away, staring at Kunpeng hovering in the high sky, showing endless fighting intentions.

When Wandong tried his best to resist the fear that swelled in his heart, the dragon head made a violent upward move, a huge dragon with a length of one hundred feet and more than ten feet thick. Roaring in the air.

In contrast, the white fire dragon in Wandong's body is only ten feet long, at best it is a small loach.

The dragon was very weird. The whole body was as dark as ink, and a third of his body had a pair of huge meat wings. At this time, he spread out in the air and was comparable to that of Kunpeng's wings. The whole body is covered with dark flames, like a protective cover, which makes the whole body more terrifying.

"Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon !?"

Wan Dong could not help but screamed out, and a message quickly emerged from the memory of Xuantian Daming God.

The Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon, a kind of dragon, was born underground and leads directly to the nether world. It is an absolute sub-beast! The dark flame shrouded in him is the Nine Nether Fire, but a spirit fire born naturally. It does not burn human bodies, but only burns human souls. It is evil!

Xiao Lang had never heard of Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon, but he also knew that as long as it was a dragon, there was no one to deal with. At this time, a heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Brother, if you don't leave, I'm going to kill myself!"

Seeing that the Nine Nether Fire Dragon emerged from that deep pit, Wan Dong couldn't let Xiao Lang stay here anymore, and looking back, he screamed at him.

"Brother, I ..."

Before Xiao Lang finished his speech, Wan Dong took out a purple gold soldier directly from the storage ring and pressed it against his neck.

"Don't don't, I ... I'll leave now!" Looking at Wan Dong's decisive look, Xiao Lang is really not sure whether he will really kill himself. There is no other way but to stare deeply at Wan. After a glance at the east, the figure turned into a streamer and left quickly.

It wasn't until Xiao Lang completely disappeared in his sight that Wan Dong let out a long sigh of relief.

The Nine Nine Yin Fire Dragon is the most evil, and especially likes to devour the human soul. If it is allowed to be in the ordinary world, I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire ordinary world will be transformed into a world of purgatory. Wan Dong immediately made up his mind. Even if he died, he would keep the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon here forever.

Wan Dong's mind immediately sank into his body, and sent a thought directly to the white fire dragon.

Just before the attack, Wan Dong was already desperate. Unexpectedly, the white fire dragon suddenly ejected a white light from his body, shooting five or six shots to the black flames before him and devouring it completely. It was still in crisis. At the juncture, Xiao Lang was saved.

This surprised Wan Dong. He didn't expect that the white fire dragon would have the ability to suppress the Nine Nether Yin Fire besides the alchemy. To deal with the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon, the White Fire Dragon is undoubtedly his biggest reliance.

Wan Dong sent out his thoughts, and wanted to let the white fire dragon come out to show his might, but what surprised him was that the white fire dragon actually curled up into a mass, and ignored his thoughts, and did not mean to launch at all.

"I'm relying on this! Isn't this white fire dragon afraid?" Wan Dong sank in his heart and released several ideas one after another.

But the result is still the same, the white fire dragon does not respond at all, and even curls up the body even more tightly. What does that look like?

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402481->

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