Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 806: Back to Shenlei City!

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Minister Se Li chose the day of enthronement for Xu Tianlong seven days later. Wan Dong took this opportunity to accompany Xu Tianlong and Xu Wenchuan. Not all websites are the first launch, search + you will know. The family of four stayed together every day, as if there were too many words to talk about, and enjoyed the joy of a family.

At the same time, Wan Dong also took advantage of this opportunity to properly adjust the body of Mrs. Xu. Mrs. Xu is not willing to practice martial arts, and Wan Dong is not reluctant. She can only comb through her with Dao Qi, which greatly strengthens her physique and prolongs her life.

Xu Tianlong is good at platoon formation, and his attainments in martial arts, although not weak, are not outstanding. Without the talents like Xu Wenchuan, and even without Xu Wenchuan's heart of martial arts, it is destined to be impossible to achieve the achievements like Xu Wenchuan. After he ascended the throne, he was entangled in political affairs, fearing that he would spend less time practicing. However, this happened to be paired with Mrs. Xu, and the two died together with the old man. Therefore, Wan Dong did not deliberately improve Xu Tianlong's cultivation practice.

But Xu Wenchuan was not so good to deal with. He accidentally heard from Xu Tianlong's mouth that the magic of Qi Qi Dan and Gu Soul Pill, and immediately couldn't sit still. Wan Dong didn't refrain, anyway, he didn't need to contribute. On the contrary, with the opportunity of alchemy, the white fire dragon in Wan Dong's body grew a little bit more. However, Xu Wenchuan and Sun Daobai, who were refined into this batch of panacea, achieved great success, and it was even more difficult to achieve.

Xu Tianlong's enthronement ceremony was very grand, and Wan Dong also dipped in light, and somehow became the crown prince of the Qingyun Empire. The title of the crown prince, Wan Dong could not be pushed anyway, who asked Xu Tianlong to be his son! However, Wan Dong is not bothered. Xu Tianlong was very prosperous and he had no problem in the last 20 or 30 years. As for what happens two or three decades later, who knows?

Wandong always cared about Shenlei City and Luo Xiao, and the next day Xu Tianlong became emperor, Wandong said goodbye to Xu Wenchuan and left Yunzhong City.

Starry night and journey without delay, three days later, Wan Dong stood in front of the gate of Shenlei City.

Wandong, the city owner of Shenlei City, is full of money, and has only been in office for three months, but somehow, when he sees the three words of Shenlei City, Wandong will unconsciously surge a sense of intimacy in his heart. It's not because the Thunder City is very close to the Heavenly Kingdom.

Entering Shenlei City, Wandong did not immediately rush to the city's main palace, but moved to Zhu Cai's inn. This person-to-person relationship is really wonderful. Wan Dong and Zhu Cai have no blood relationship at all, but Wan Dong is close to Zhu Cai's child, but it seems to be born and cannot be blocked. live.

"Guest, are you eating or staying in the restaurant?" As soon as Wan Dong stepped into the inn, a man walked over with a smile on his face.

Wan Dong looked up, and there was a smile on his face. "Are you Brother Zhu's brother?"

Wan Dong's question made the man stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wan Dong subconsciously. With this measurement, he recognized Wan Dong's identity, his face was excited and surprised, and at the same time he was a little more conscientious Cramped, his voice trembled, "Yes ... It's the Lord of the City, with small eyes, and I didn't recognize you. Don't be surprised ..."

Wan Dong laughed a few times and patted his shoulder and said, "Brother Zhu is my elder brother, then you are naturally my elder brother, so don't be polite with me."

Wan Dong's kindness made Zhu Cai's elder brother really relieved and quickly extended his hand to invite.

Wan Dong nodded and walked into the lobby of the inn. Looking up, the inn's business was very good. Before it was time to eat, it was already full. Zhu Cai was lying on the counter, continually dialing the abacus beads, and could not lift his head.

Zhu Cai ’s eldest brother was about to greet him, Wan Dong shook his head gently and stepped forward to the counter.

"The shopkeeper, good wine and good food, let us have a table."

"No problem, our inn lacks everything, but it does not lack good wine and good food."

"But I have no money, what should I do?"

"What? You ..."

Zhu Cai was stunned for a moment, and then he raised his head. At first sight, it was Wan Dong, a thick color of surprise, and he immediately filled his entire face, looking in Wan Dong's eyes, warm Straight into my heart.

"Well, you are a stinky boy, your courage is fat, and your big brother is playing around?"

"Acai, this is the lord of the city, you can't pay attention to it when you speak?" When Brother Zhu Cai heard this, he was immediately anxious, blinking at Zhu Cai, blaming him.

Zhu Cai laughed and said, "What city owner is not the city owner, I don't know, this is my brother, what can I pay attention to?"

Wan Dong likes Zhu Cai's strength, and feels cordial. His face is full of smiles, and he nods again and again.

"Brother, don't stop here, hurry to go to the kitchen, and let the sister-in-law cook a few more dishes. I'm going to drink a few glasses with my brother. I haven't seen you for so long, but I want to die!" The financial account was not counted. Once the abacus was pushed and Wandong's hand was held, he refused to spread it again.

Seeing that the two were intimate, Wan Dong didn't mean to be angry. This was the heart of Brother Zhu Cai's heart. He happily responded and trot all the way to the kitchen.

Zhu Cai took Wan Dong to a secluded seat and sat down. Wan Dong smiled and asked, "Why, now the elder brother and sister-in-law are helping you?"

Zhu Cai sighed and said, "The dog thing in Yu Qinglin completely destroyed the house of my elder brother and sister-in-law. One of the villagers and villagers in their village died in the hands of Qinglin. My older brother and sister-in-law felt very sad as soon as they went back. A good village was stunned. I left them. My inn is small, but it is enough to feed them. Furthermore, my Sister-in-law, you have a good dish, you see, how good my business is now! "

"Hehe ... that's really congratulations to Brother ..."

Before Wan Dong ’s words reached the ground, Zhu Cai waved his hand and said, “Do n’t hurry to congratulate me first, I just have something to tell you. Xiaodong, during this period of time when you ’re not here, we ’re in the city But it ’s not great. "

"Ah? No?" Wan Dong frowned.

This **** Leicheng has Chu Yunyan, Ma Yunliang is in charge, it will only be more and more prosperous, getting better and better, how can there be a security problem? Besides, Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and Ding Shanwei are now in place. There are even more complete and complete Hidden Swordsmen sitting in the town. They are strong and powerful. Who dares to make trouble here?

"Why, don't you believe it? Without concealing you, even my little inn has been smashed several times."

Zhu Cai said that Wan Dong was even more puzzled. Now in the whole city of God Lei, who does n’t know that Zhu Cai is his elder brother, Wan Dong personally ordered Ma Yunliang to take care of Zhu Cai and his inn It's hard to imagine that there are people who have such courage to make trouble in this inn. If, as Zhu Cai said, there are people who dare to make trouble in his inn, then the security of God Leicheng is not only a problem, I am afraid it is still a big problem.

Seeing Wandong frowning and not talking, Zhu Cai looked around and suddenly unbuttoned his clothes at Wan Dong. Wan Dong was shocked and was about to ask him what he wanted to do, but he saw Zhu Cai ’s chest, which was wrapped around The thick cotton cloth looms bloody.

Wan Dong was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Brother, are you injured?"

Zhu Cai smiled bitterly and said, "I was unlucky too, and I pulled myself out of the rack."

"Is it serious?" Wan Dong leaned over to look carefully.

Zhu Cai smiled and put on his clothes, shook his head and said, "It's not serious, just a little skin trauma, and it's almost ready."

"Brother, do you know who did it?" Wan Dong asked Shen Sheng.

"It seems ... it's someone from a place called Ascension Continent. It's fierce."

"Ascension Continent? Brother, how do you know this place?" Wan Dong raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. Although the Ascension Continent is no longer a secret to him, to ordinary people, it is still.

"How can you know, they said chanting! Look at them like this, arrogant, all look at people through their nostrils." Zhu Cai was a little indignant.

"Why did people from Ascension Mainland come to our God Thunder City?" Wan Dong was puzzled.

Zhu Caidao said: "It is said that they all went to Bailong Snow Mountain. They came to our **** Leicheng just to take a break."

Listening to Zhu Cai's words, Wan Dong understood something. The people of Ascension Mainland are fancy with the fairy beasts and heavenly treasures that appear outside the Bailong Snow Mountain. Ascension Continent is located in the hinterland of Bailong Snow Mountain, although there are also fairy beasts, but the level must be very high, and it is not easy to kill. Fairy beasts appearing outside Bailong Snow Mountain, although the value can not be compared with those of high-level fairy beasts, but they have a low risk factor and a lot of numbers. For them, they are also quite tempting.

From the hinterland of Bailong Snow Mountain to the outskirts of Bailong Snow Mountain, the journey is difficult. It is not easy to come out. Compared to the recovery of the mainland and the supply of supplies, it is obviously more convenient to come to Shenlei City.

It is not surprising that these people from the Ascension Continent rely on cultivation as high, with a deep background and natural arrogance. It is not surprising that they do not take him as the **** thunderlord.

"Wow, they used my **** Leicheng as the back garden." Wan Dong sneered and said quietly.

"Brother, the people in Ascension Mainland are really not easy to provoke, all of them are martial arts, and they are all scary. I saw with my own eyes that more than one hundred officers and soldiers were disbanded by their two or three lives. It was really ... what!"

Wan Dong nodded softly, without doubting what Zhu Cai said. He also had a lot of dealings with Yuntianmen and Dan Xiazong. Up to now, the worst he has seen is the Eightfold Realm, and the Eightfold Realm is only a good part of the two major schools. The peak of Ninefolds, half-step perfection, and even the state of perfection are endless, and nothing is new. Although the Ascension Continent is different from the Daomen World, Wan Dong fully believes that there must be a powerful presence that has exceeded the scope of the warrior and promoted to a monk. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402292->

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