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Looking at Xuanfeng's body, Marriott Martial King raised a sigh and shook his head and said, "If you knew today, why should you be?"

Wan Youqi put away her swords and said, "Brother, why do you feel sorry for such a person? If he doesn't die, the world doesn't know when it will be chaotic. +"

Marriott Marquis nodded his head slightly and moved his eyes away from Xuan Feng's body. Huo Tong and Fei Yang, just at this moment, patted the horse and walked over. Feiyang first expressed his greetings to Marriott Marquis on behalf of Xu Tianlong, with very respectful words and no arrogance.

Marriott Xiong was quite fond of Xu Tianlong. Now, by chance, he has added a layer of relationship with Xu Tianlong, and he feels close to him. Pulling Feiyang and inquiring about Xu Tianlong's situation, he was full of concern between words.

Although Huo Tong did not know what the relationship between Marriott Martial and Wandong was, a letter from Wan Dong would let Marriott Marquis dispel doubts and cooperate with people he did not trust without any reverence. The relationship between them is great. For those who have a close relationship with Wandong, Huo Tong does not dare to be negligent. His attitude towards Wandong is more cordial than Feiyang. Coupled with the age of Marriott Marquis, the three-party commander has formed a situation that is headed by Marriott Marvel.

At first, Marriott Marvel was somewhat flattered. After all, compared with the Iron War Dynasty and the Qingyun Empire, Tiandu Kingdom is really small and pitiful. But I thought about it, it was all the light of his son, and he calmed down.

"Yuan Wanshuai, how should these Xuanfeng Yudang be dealt with?" Fei Yang asked in a bow.

Marriott Xiong looked up at Huo Tong. Although Huo Tong put on a pair of heads to listen, all the appearances of Marriott Xiong were respected, but the tension that emerged from his eyes was not difficult to see. Still very concerned. This is not surprising. It was not easy for the Iron War Dynasty to cultivate such a large army.

Marriott Xiong smiled and said, "I promised Xuan Feng, and his lower part belongs to the past. I see, just spare their lives. Today's killing is enough, don't add blood to this great world."

"Ha ha ha ... Marshal is kind and really admirable. I will bring these people back to the Iron War Dynasty and let them refresh themselves!" Marriott's words let Huo Tongxin relax and laughed.

Marriott Xiong nodded again and again, praised "so best!"

"Oh, Marshal Wan, I am not only here to sweep Xuan Feng and his rebels, but also have a mission, that is, to represent the Emperor of the Kingdom and formally sign a truce with Tiandu Kingdom. , Attack peacefully, never end the war! This believe our general has already stated in your letter to you? "

Marriott Marriott nodded and said with a smile, "Yes! If this is the case, it would be a blessing for life! Wanmou is here representing the emperor of our country and our millions of people in the kingdom of heaven.

Under the testimony of Feiyang, the agreement signed between Marriott Marquis and Huotong was extremely smooth.

After several times of martial arts retention by Marriott Marquis, Marriott Marquis and Wan Youqi had to personally send Feiyang and Huotong out of Breeze City. Seeing the two armies moving in different directions, gradually moving away, Marriott Martial couldn't help but spit out a long sigh of breath, as if he had removed a heavy stone in his heart, feeling a long absence of lightness.

"It's over ... it's finally over!" Such an iron-clad man such as Marriott Marquis, when expressing this emotion, a wet mist condensed in his eyes.

Wan Youqi's feelings are even more rich, and her tears come directly out of her eyes, looking at Marriott's choking voice, "Brother, can we finally return to the teacher?"

Marriott Marquis made a serious resignation and said with a loud voice, "Yes! If you pass the order, tomorrow we will return to life. Then ..."

Seeing Marriott's eloquent silence, there was an inexplicable excitement and excitement in his eyes, Wan Youqi couldn't help but ask curiously: "What then?"

Marriott Xiong looked at her and suddenly smiled in the sky, "Then we will go to Shenlei City to find Xiaodong!"

"Look for Xiaodong !?" said Wanxiong, Wan Youqi was also excited, his voice trembling straight.

Marriott Martial said awkwardly, "Yes! I'm going to find him and tell him about his mother's affairs. Since he is so capable now, I should bring his mother to me!"

Wan Youqi couldn't help but chuckled and asked, "Why, don't you worry anymore? You need to know that the person who took the sister-in-law is the power of Daomen Dajie!"

"How about Daomen Dajie? Xiaodong is my son, can he still be afraid of them? Hahaha ... I can see it, this world, there is nothing that my son can't do! Hahaha ... "Huangxiong Xiong went away with a series of extremely bold smiles, leaving Wan Youqi alone, eating and eating there with a smile.

"Brother Zong, do you feel it?" The Wujin Soul, who was carefully tasting the fragrant tea in the medical sanctuary, seemed to be trampled on the tail, suddenly jumped up, and looked up to the sky in shock.

Zong Tianwei's brows were also tightly wrinkled, and his expression was full of surprise.

The spirit of heaven and earth that originally walked peacefully between heaven and earth, did not know what happened, and suddenly rushed towards this side like a madness. Just like the whole world of Qi and Qi, all the brains are gathered here, the surrounding Qi and Qi are suddenly full to a level that seems to be liquefied.

They stood in Wujin Soul without even deliberately urging their minds and spirits. These heaven and earth spirits scrambled into their bodies one after another, making the true Qi in their bodies grow spontaneously.

Under the enveloping spirit of such a rich world, even if nothing is done, I am afraid that after three or five years, I will be able to achieve perfection. Such a bizarre scene, Wu Jinhun and others have not experienced it, but never dreamed of it.

"How could this happen?" Zong Tianwei shouted in surprise.

Wu Jinshun's eyes suddenly turned to Xu Wenchuan where they closed their doors, because of the excitement, their voices trembling slightly, "Master, they ... I am afraid they will break through!"

"Breakthrough?" Zong Tianwei looked shocked.

At this moment, a strange aroma suddenly burst into the air, and it smelled refreshing. At the same time, in the sky, a colorful glow of light, peaceful and warm, filled with a sacred and vast atmosphere .

Although Wu Jinshun has not experienced such a scene, he has seen it in ancient books. This is clearly a heaven and earth vision that can only be born when a high person feathers up.

"Masters are going to fly?" Wu Jinhun shuddered involuntarily, his face full of unbelievable horror.

This feathering ascension is not the same as the achievement of completeness, and even the achievement of great completeness. Achievement of the Great Consummation is still a mortal, and it is difficult to break away from this small world of vulgarity, but if it is feathered soaring, it means that entering the big world of Daomen, according to the understanding of the people in the vulgar world, is from this rank. What is the difference between the two?

If Wan Dong can make Xu Wenchuan's breakthrough in a short period of time, Wu Jinhun has no doubt at all, even if it is said that they have achieved the Great Consummation, Wu Jinhun will not feel strange. But to help them soar, this is too amazing.

"Brother Wu, what are you talking about, what is soaring?" Zong Tianwei looked at Wu Jinhun with a horrified expression, and asked repeatedly.

Wu Jinhun shook his head like a rattle, his mouth opened several times, but he couldn't even say a word.

This bizarre scene lasted for nearly an hour. Thousands of colorful flowers suddenly burst into flames, just like u Yantou Lin, rushing to Xu Wenchuan in droves to their retreat. For a time, a colorful ball of light formed, covering the entire room.

The extremely pure and sacred breath radiates all directions, making Wujin soul and others all trembling and instinctively produce a heart of worship.

At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and the four fluttering old men stepped out. Under the shadow of the colorful flowers, the four are like living gods who have fallen from the sky. Their temperament is more than extraordinary, and they are ashamed!

Until the colorful Huaguang completely dissipated, the heaven and the earth returned to normal, and the Wujin Soul and others were as if they were in a dream, but they could not come back to God.

Sun Xiaoya stared blankly at Sun Daobai, and Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi fixedly stared at Leng Shuangrong. They were obviously the closest relatives, but they just dared not rush up and shouted grandparents. It's hard to imagine that when the granddaughter's daughter will feel inferior in front of her grandparents, but at this time Sun Xiaoya is in this mood, they always feel like they rushed up like this, they will profane the four old people.

Even Sun Xiaoya, Leng Yuecui are still the same, and even Wu Jinhun, Hu Jingqi and others needless to say, standing there dumb like chickens, and they couldn't react for a long time.

In fact, Sun Xiaoya and Wu Jinshun's feelings are still second. At this time, Xu Wenchuan and Leng Shuangrong themselves feel the most.

When Xiuwei reached their level, they didn't know how many times they had closed their gates and how many times they had broken through. However, the feeling of the retreat and this breakthrough brought them the most shock.

At the end of the retreat, as soon as I stepped out, I suddenly realized that the world I was familiar with was gone, and replaced it with a brand new world. Looking around, it ’s so strange everywhere, full of a strong sense of freshness and endless temptations, many of the original doubts that made you dream, puzzled, as if falling into the boiling water, the snow melted in an instant. Dissolve, the real solution is in front of you, within reach.

This kind of excitement and lightness after experiencing confusion, sudden epiphany, and the shock and excitement brought by this sudden and infinite magnification of the world can't be experienced unless it is personally experienced. And this kind of experience is precisely the search for ups and downs and the pursuit of martial arts to the bumpy road. It is the most beautiful and most attractive scenery ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402289->

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