Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Asshole, the old body fights with you!" Leng Shuangrong was proud all his life. Why had he been humiliated like this? An old face swelled with redness, his eyes full of anger, and his hands were like a wind blowing knots of various, various handprints. Not all websites are the first launch, search + you will know. There was a lot of real energy, which was tumbling around in layers, layered, seemingly messy, but it was intrinsic, and the wind blew towards Lu Peng like a storm.

Leng Shuangrong's talent is extremely high, and she is also a martial arts. After learning the Spirit Rhythm Seal from her own, she has not abandoned it for a day. She keeps practicing hard, and she has almost mastered the Spirit Rhino Seal. Among the four, her cultivation base is the highest, and she is very close to the perfect middle level.

Being close to is not the same as that, not to mention Lu Peng is not only the perfect middle level, but also has touched the edge of the great perfection. Compared with each other, the gap still exists, and it is not small.

Lu Peng has made several moves with Leng Shuangrong, and he is not in a hurry at the moment. Until Leng Shuangrong's offensive comes to him, he smiles coldly and waves his hand. Rumbling palms, like the ascension dragon, directly hit the layers of handprints. Innumerable fine qi, tumbling everywhere, like a rain of bullets, leaving traces of mottle on the ground.

Leng Shuangrong's body trembles, and his feet seem to be out of control. He retreats back five or six steps in a row, and then he panaches and stands firm. A red blood stain slowly flowed down from the corner of her mouth, setting off her complexion, becoming paler.

"Fire Dragon!"

"Sanqing is one!"

"Luolei Suiyue!"

As soon as Leng Shuangrong retreated, Liu Yunxi, Sun Daobai and Xu Wenchuan threw up with a roar. The offensive of the three turned into three colors of red, white and yellow, like three colorful dragons pouring towards Lu Peng.

"Hahaha ... You're still far away!" Lu Peng laughed loudly, his figure jumped suddenly, and rushed to the sky. Then the sky covered the cold mountain like a storm, and the three colorful dragons were incomplete and incomplete. After struggling for a while, they turned into clouds and smoke.

"Go back to me!" Lu Peng's offensive was launched before Xu Wenchuan had slowed down. Rapidly like a beast of floods, it seems completely unstoppable.

Xu Wenchuan and the three of them only had time to make an exclamation, and they flew out one after another, vomiting blood.




Seeing Xu Wenchuan lose again, there was a burst of exclamation immediately. Looking back, Sun Xiaoya, Leng Yuecui, Leng Yongsi, Ye Ye four daughters, trapped there by the five flowers, all the faces are full of heartache and grief.

"Hahaha ... Sovereign Lu Zu's cultivation is really unmatched. In this way, I can finally rest assured!" Sun Xiaoya's cry just fell, and Bai Zhenshan's laughter rang.

At this time, Bai Zhenshan was sitting high after the Dragon case. That was a cheerful one, because he was too excited, and his face was straight pink. The princess white butterfly stood behind him, her eyebrows were slightly tufted, and her face faintly showed an unbearable look. Even so, Bai Die seems to have no intention to stop all this.

"Sister Bai Die, please, let me go of my grandpa, don't kill them!" Sun Xiaoya was helpless and could only pin her hope on Bai Die. Thinking about the relationship between them in the past, Sun Xiaoya thought that Bai Die would plead for Bai Zhenshan for her, but Bai Die only moved her lips slightly, but she didn't say anything, and dropped the worms randomly.

There was a desperation in Sun Xiaoya's heart, and the tears instantly wet the eyes.

Leng Yuecui took a sip of fragrant foam and said, "Xiaoya, don't beg her, she is like her father, her heart is black!"

Leng Yuecui's words shook Bai Die's delicate body, seeming to be touched, but soon, Bai Die's face calmed down again, and there was no more waves.

"Sister Bai Die ..." Sun Xiaoya murmured, a pretty face full of heartbreaking disappointment.

"Okay! Originally, I kept these girls and used them a little bit, but now it seems that there is no such need at all! Come on, send them to the court and execute them with Wu Jinhun and Hu Jingqi. "" Bai Zhenshan waved his hand and said coldly.

"No! Don't!" Sun Daobai shouted in a hurry, his eyes were red.

"Bai Die, have you forgotten how Xiaoya treated you? You are the best sisters. How can you not save her at this time?"

"Father Emperor ..." Bai Die finally couldn't bear it, looking at Bai Zhenshan.

But before she could finish speaking, Bai Zhenshan did not wave her hand and said, "Die'er, don't say it anymore. Have you forgotten the previous lesson? You can't be a woman!"

"Bai Zhenshan! You beast, don't forget, who saved your life!" Unexpectedly, Bai Zhenshan would say such a desperate words, Sun Daobai was so angry that he almost vomited blood and shouted loudly.

Bai Zhenshan chuckled softly and said, "I know, you must regret saving me at the beginning. But don't forget, things can't be blamed on me when it reaches this stage today. It's because you are so deceiving and forget the prince's gift! So you ca n’t blame me! Take these girls away! "

"Slow!" Just when Sun Daobai was helpless, Lu Peng said suddenly.

Bai Zhenshan did not dare to offend at all to Lu Peng, and quickly asked with a smile, "Why, what else do you have?"

Lu Peng pointed to the four Sun Xiaoya and said, "Don't rush to execute them, I will keep them useful!"

"Hehe ... it turned out to be the case, then listen to His Holiness." Bai Zhenshan said with respect.

Lu Peng nodded and turned his head to look at Sun Daobai's four words: "The mentality you cultivated seems to be unusual! So, if you want to save these four girls, you will exchange the mentality you cultivated for !how is it?"

Based on Lu Peng's cultivation behavior, even if he could not kill Sun Daobai in seconds, he would never allow them to entangle themselves for so long. Lu Peng had long suspected that Xu Wenchuan's mentality he had cultivated was unusual, and his mind had already changed his mind.

"Don't dream anymore! Like wicked people like you, if we teach you the way of heart, wouldn't it help us to abuse?" Leng Shuangrong snorted bitterly and shouted.

"So, are you going to watch these four girls go to death? Okay! Then kill her first!" Lu Peng pointed at Sun Xiaoya, and immediately there was a disciple of Yuntianmen, who was murderous towards Sun Xiaoya. Walked over.

"Stop ... stop!" Seeing that Sun Xiaoya's life was only in Xu Yi, Sun Daobai's heart was about to break apart, and there was a cry of pain, old tears.

"Why, you agreed to the conditions of this seat?" Lu Peng sneered and asked quietly. That look, as if everything is under his control.

"Grandpa, don't believe his words. It is impossible for someone like him to keep his word. You let her kill me, Xiaoya is not afraid!"

Don't look at Sun Xiaoya's appearance of being thin and weak, but at this critical moment, he was also unambiguous and shouted softly.

"Xiaoya, what are you talking about? What kind of person is Lu Zun? How can you say nothing?" Bai Die said suddenly.

Sun Xiaoya glared at her fiercely, but did not answer her mouth, showing how disappointed she was with Bai Die in her heart.

"Isn't that the way of mind, you want it, although you can take it!" Xu Wenchuan said suddenly.

"Brother Xu, you ..." Leng Shuangrong was in a hurry.

Xu Wenchuan shook her head at her and said, "In any case, I can't just watch these four girls die here! Bai Zhenshan, come with pen and paper!"

"Hahaha ... Well, it's a smart person! You can rest assured that as long as you hand over your mind, I will never kill these four girls!"

"I hope you still have a bit of humanity, can speak words!" Xu Wenchuan took the lead in taking the pen and paper, and started writing hard.

Seeing that Xu Wenchuan had already compromised, Leng Shuangrong, Liu Yunxi, and Sun Daobai no longer insisted, and each wrote their minds silently.

"Take it, let it go!" Xu Wenchuan slammed the ink-stained paper to Lu Peng.

"What's the hurry? I have to look at it first. Is it true that you wrote it?" Lu Peng smiled and carefully watched the thunderstorm method written by Xu Wenchuan.

Lu Peng still has some insights as to who is from the Ascension Continent. As soon as he caught his eye, he discovered the subtlety of the thunder collapse tactics, his face moved with emotion, and he could not wait to look down. The more I watched, the more excited I was, and in the end, I was a little difficult to hold myself, and my body shivered.

When Lu Peng saw the seal of spirit rhinoceros, he was united, and Huo Xiujue's mentality turned into a flush of excitement. I didn't know what to say in my mouth, my lips were trembling, and my eyes seemed to be rooted in those papers, and I couldn't move anymore.

"This ... these four minds are actually more delicate than one. It is no wonder that with my cultivation, I can't help you in a short time. Hahaha ... I didn't expect, I didn't expect, in this small world of vulgarity, I can find such a treasure! With these four minds, I do n’t say Yun Tian Men dominate the Ascension Continent. Even if I climb to the top of the Dao Men World, I am afraid it is not impossible! ”

Lu Peng seemed to be stunned, and he laughed while watching, like crazy!

"You've got what you want, don't you let it go?" Xu Wenchuan shouted sorrowfully.

Lu Peng did not even raise his head, but waved his hand.

Seeing that Lu Peng really wanted to let Sun Xiaoya's four daughters leave, Bai Zhenshan hurriedly said, "Sovereign, letting them go at this time is like putting a tiger back to the mountain!"

"Huh?" Lu Peng turned his eyes away from his mind when he heard Bai Zhenshan say this, and he smiled and said, "I just said I wouldn't kill them, and I didn't say you couldn't kill them. What should I do, you Although you can do it yourself! "

"You ... you shameless beast!" Although Xu Wenchuan had expected that Lu Peng would not keep his promise, when he really repented, he couldn't help but fill up with a burst of righteous indignation, and only wished to give Lu Peng raw food! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402279->

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