Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 323: Join hands and cooperate!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Wan Dong laughed bitterly and said, "No need to thank you, you will be satisfied. I just hope that the sword's front edge will not be contaminated with too much blood from the soldiers of other countries! If it can become a sword of peace, Then I will be happier, "

"Sword of Peace?" Duan Lengyan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head bitterly. As far as the current situation is concerned, it may be impossible to maintain peace.

After a long while, Duan Lengyan looked at Wan Dong's eyes and said solemnly, "I dare not promise you too much, but I can guarantee that I will never let this sword get infected with the blood of innocent people."

"Good! I believe you!" The sword has reached Duan Lengyan's hands. Wan Dong has no choice but to believe it. However, looking at Duan Lengyan's solemn and serious look, Wan Dong was very confident. Duan Lengyan could definitely do what he said.

Putting the sword away, Duan Lengyan smiled slightly at Wandong and said, "Speak, you come to my Tianbao Pavilion today, won't you just make trouble?"

Wan Dong touched his nose and coughed a few times, saying, "Actually, I came today to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Duan Lengyan's eyebrows flickered, his mind could not help but throbbing, secretly, is it looking for me?

While Duan Lengyan's thoughts fluttered and her mind was messed up, Wan Dong nodded and said, "Yes! I'm looking for a guy named Yu Yan, who was your iron war dynasty, and a master. I think Duan should know this person Right? "

"Jian Yan?" Duan Lengyan's heart immediately cooled down, and was a little disappointed. Just in the face of Wan Dong, Duan Lengyan naturally refused to reveal it, his expression slightly startled, and asked, "What are you doing with him?"

"So, do you really know this person?" Wan Dong's eyes lit up, and he knew to find Duan Lengyan.

Seeing Wan Dong's expression, he seemed to be eager to find Zhan You, and Duan Lengyan was even more curious. Nodded and said, "Yes! I know, and I can tell you where he is, but you have to tell me first, what are you doing with him?"

"I want this miscellaneous dog's life!" Duan Lengyan asked, and Wan Dong's body immediately erupted like a volcanic eerie terrible murder, which made her shudder involuntarily.

"He ... he offended you?"

"It's more than an offense! Duan girl, I know that Ju You is a man of the Iron War dynasty, and it must be inextricably linked to you, but I really hope you don't cover him, otherwise ..."

"How about otherwise, even I killed together?" Wan Dong said with a sudden stop, Duan Lengyan's mouth immediately swelled with a slightly sly smile, a pair of big eyes, staring at Wan Dong, Full of heat.

Wan Dong frowned, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to say that Yu Yan must die, and no one can protect him!"

Duan Lengyan smiled a few times and said, "Understood! Fortunately, I am not familiar with Yu Yan, otherwise I will be miserable, giggle ..."

Wan Dong's expression shook up and said, "That is to say, are you willing to tell me where is Yu Yan?"

Duan Lengyan looked sullen, and he said: "Of course! But you have to be careful, the cultivation of the cultivator is very high, and it is not so easy to deal with. Moreover, the cultivator is the Jin family, if you kill him Now, we must consider the crazy revenge from the Jin family! "

Wan Dong sneered. "Don't I kill Renju, will the Jin family retaliate against me? Hum ... The Liangzi I formed with the Jin family is already endless, and I'm not afraid to add this one!"

Duan Lengyan has forgotten that the Jin family originally came to Wandong.

"Perhaps ... maybe with him, you can get rid of Jin Xidao, Fu Chuanjing, and the Twelve Beastmasters!" Duan Lengyan's heart suddenly moved. The thought flashed through her mind like lightning. Packed up and quickly flooded.

If this is really the case, the sub-order will be destroyed, and the remaining small shrimps are completely insignificant! Moreover, the death of Jin Xidao will also severely damage the Jin family, greatly weakening the strength of the Jin family, and perhaps the political structure of the Iron War dynasty will undergo earth-shaking changes immediately.

Can this be done? Jin Xidao, Fu Chuanjing, and the Twelve Beastmasters are all first-class masters. Together, they won a medium-sized city. Duan Lengyan's appetite is big, but not only his appetite but also his teeth!

Looking up at Wandong, Wandong looked awe-inspiring, full of vitality, just like a towering peak, straight to the sky, letting people look up. The doubts in Duan Lengyan's heart disappeared in an instant, and she bit her red lips hard, and she made up her mind to "fight!"

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