Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 317: Some poor Pixiong!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Come on!" The table turned into pieces all over the floor, and Duan Lengyan seemed to be on fire, suddenly making a scornful reprimand.

Fu Chuanjing snorted coldly, stepped in front of Jin Xidao, blocked it behind him, and looked at Duan Lengyan with a vigilant look.

Wow! The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and Duan Lengyan's guards poured in like a tide, one by one, fierce and murderous. It seems that in the past few days, they have suffered a lot of frustration from the side of Jin Xidao. At this time, they have reached the point of unbearable and outbreak!

Jin Xidao frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Three Princesses, what do you want to do? I advise you to think clearly and don't mess up!"

Duan Lengyan's tight face, a sudden loose, and a cold face, immediately burst into a brilliant smile, squinting and said, "Where does Sanye Jin think? Going here, go and move Sanye Jin Come to a firmer table! "

"Humph!" Inadvertently played by Duan Lengyan again, Jin Xidao's face was even more ugly.

"Cough ... Grandpa Jin, our Tianbao Pavilion, nothing else, just rich! If you like to clap the table and play, even if you are happy!"

"Three Princesses, you are fine!" Jin Xidao's city palace was not very deep. At this time, he was so angry that his face was blue, and he screamed at Duan Lengyan and gritted his teeth.

"Thank you Sanye Jin for complimenting! If there is nothing wrong, then the palace will go first." Duan Lengyan took the words and took the guards away.

As soon as Duan Lengyan left his forefoot, he heard a roar filled with anger, which sounded from Jin Xidao's mouth, and the whole room shook slightly.

Hearing Jin Xidao's roar, Duan Lengyan's lips sneered, and he had to use such extraordinary means to deal with such people. But soon, Duan Lengyan's smile froze, and some could not laugh.

Although it was a bad breath in his heart, besides that, Duan Lengyan could no longer take Jin Xidao. However, the Jin family's threat to their Duan family is actually increasing day by day. As the saying goes, the winner is the winner! As far as the current situation is concerned, it is likely that the Jin family is the last one to laugh. Duan Lengyan's mood was as heavy as lead water, where could he laugh?

Just as Duan Lengyan and Jin Xidao were struggling against Maimang with their needlepoints, Wandong stepped into Tianbao Pavilion with a cold, iron-like step.

The last time Wandong made trouble in Tianbao Pavilion, he literally took thousands of pieces of blood steel from Tianbao Pavilion, causing Tianbao Pavilion to suffer heavy losses. Wu Qiujun and Duan Lengyan successively became angry.

Pi Xiong was unhappy, and the people under his hands naturally couldn't get any good fruit to eat. He was either beaten or scolded, and some who didn't give power were directly driven out of Tianbao Pavilion by Pi Xiong. Today's Tianbao Pavilion, there is no one who does not know Master Xu's family. Mention Xu Yaoting one by one, both hated and feared, and in private, he was directly called Shaxing.

At this time, Wan Dong stepped into Tianbao Pavilion one step at a time, and was immediately recognized by others. In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire Tianbao Pavilion changed dramatically. The original vocal sounds disappeared immediately. The employees of Tianbao Pavilion had long forgotten the work in their hands. The customers in front of them looked at Wandong blankly, and the expression looked like they had met the king. .

"What are you looking at? Are you still panting, come up!" Wan Dong's mood was already bad. At this time, his eyes were swept, cold electricity burst, and the temperature around him dropped a few degrees at once, letting go The few people couldn't help but shivered.

Master Xu is still the dexing, and it seems that Tianbao Pavilion is in trouble again.

Wandong's feat in Tianbao Pavilion had already been rumored before. At this time, the customers in Tianbao Pavilion all showed excitement and intuitively told them that there must be a good show to be staged today. So I didn't buy anything, just stood quietly and waited intently to watch the excitement.

At this time, someone told Pi Xiong the news of Wan Dong's entrance. Pi Xiong had already suffered a loss. Where did he dare to neglect and greet him in a hurry? Although Pi Xiong hated Wan Dong's death, he had to put up a full smile at this time and greet him with a smile.

It is said that reaching out does not make people smile, but this vulgar rule does not seem to work well here in Wandong. Pi Xiong smirked up, and hadn't had time to speak yet. Wan Dong's eyebrows suddenly rose, and said coldly, "Are you kidding, Master Ben doesn't laugh, dare you laugh?"

Pi Xiong's breath suddenly stagnate, the smile on his face, the time in the blink of an eye became more ugly than the cry, three points.

The employees of Tianbao Pavilion, no

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