Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 309: The strange energy in Bai Zhenshan's body!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Qiu Wanli suddenly stopped, turned sharply, and his sharp eyes immediately seemed like a knife stuck in Qiu Yunchong's body, which made him tremble involuntarily.

"If someone wants to kill you, then I will be more arrogant and more fierce than Xu Wenchuan! The three generations of the Xu family single pass, Xu Yaoting is a single seedling, but you want to kill him, will Xu Wenchuan not be angry?" Said Qiu Wanli , Turned to ghost worry, sharper. To Qiu Yunchong, Qiu Wanli can't be too ruthless, but to the ghost, Qiu Wanli has no scruples, just a dog. The gaze seemed to put ghosts and sorrows to death at any time.

Ghost worry is not only as simple as trembling, the large drops of cold sweat, like a broken bead, slide down.

"Ghost worry, I found out today that you are not easy!"

When I heard Qiu Wanli's cold tone, I was trembling with fear, "Master of the National Teacher, I ..."

"You are holding a person's head, but it's a pig's brain inside. I see the whole world, and you are the only one!" Qiu Wanli's voice suddenly rose by eight before he finished talking. Degrees, rumbling like thunder, the shaking ghost's head buzzing. "Don't you dare to move Xu Wenchuan's grandson, you are so brave! Since you are so bold, why not kill Xu Wenchuan together?"

"Guardian Master ..." Where can ghost sorrow stand? With a thud, he knelt in front of Qiu Wanli and said bitterly, "Master Guosi, I ... I don't really know that the kid is the grandson of Xu Wenchuan, and that day, that kid was to save Luo Xiao. Hand to me, I'm really not ... "

"Shut up! What's the use of saying this now? I really don't know if I chose you between you and Luo Xiao. Is it right or wrong?"

"Dad, Luo Xiao is now a waste person. What qualifications can be compared with Guixu?" Qiu Yunchong has always leaned on Guixu as a confidant, and at this time he will naturally stand up and speak for Guixu.

Qiu Wanli glared at him and said angrily, "Although this world is a martial art, no one can ignore the role of the mind! Luo Xiao's cultivation base is abolished, but his mind is still there! Today we look down upon him , Tomorrow we are likely to plant a big head in his hands! "

"In this case, it is simply to do nothing, and to kill Luo Xiao! I don't believe that he will stay in the palace forever!"

"Master Guoshi, leave this task to me. I will definitely put Luo Xiao's head and hands in front of you!" Qiu Yunchong's words just fell, and the interface of grief and anxiety could not wait to say, his eyes were full, full of Anxiety about venting.

Qiu Wanli frowned, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Qiu Yunchong hurriedly said, "Dad, it is always a scourge to keep Luo Xiao, let the ghosts get rid of it, once and for all!"

Qiu Wanli looked up at Ghost Sorrow and said in a deep voice, "When you do it, you must be clean!"

When he heard the ghost, his expression shook up immediately, and his eyes showed a glorious color. "The national master is assured, ghost will not humiliate!"

Qiu Wanli nodded, not very worried. How to say ghost worry is a master who has reached the Qi Qizhong, and Luo Xiao is now a waste, even if someone is sheltering, then what? Ghost worry about killing him, effortlessly! But in Qiu Wanli's heart, there was still a kind of indignation that was difficult to resolve.

Qiu Wanli really put a lot of effort on Luo Xiao. In the future, he would have to rely on a heavy responsibility, but now it is better, completely contrary to his ideas. Speaking of which, this is all about ghosts and worries, and actually revealed a flaw in front of Luo Xiao, it is simply a human-shaped pig brain! Thinking of this, Qiu Wanli couldn't help but glared at Ghost and Sorrow, thinking in his heart. When he had settled down the river, the Ghost and Sorrow had to be settled as soon as possible, otherwise no one would know if he would add chaos to him again.

"Also, what happened to that Xu Yaoting? Isn't it just that he is a shit, just knowing the mischief?"

"Don't ... isn't he?" Qiu Yunchong asked in reply.

Qiu Wanli's brows were suddenly screwed together, his eyes just softened, and he suddenly became sharper again. Qiu Yunchong is highly talented and capable, but he is too self-righteous and unpretentious. They both ate twice in the hands of others and lost their attention, which was a bit stupid.

"You listen to me, this Xu Yaoting will definitely become your biggest opponent in the future. If you despise him like this, one day, sooner or later, you will not even know how you died."

Qiu Wanli's expression was extremely severe, Qiu Yunchong didn't dare to talk back, he obeyed, but he could know by looking at him,

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