Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 301: Arrived in time!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

After a hurry of ink, Qiu Yun grabbed a piece of yellow paper dedicated to edicts and threw it in front of Bai Die, sneeringly said, "His Royal Highness, please move your ink!"


As soon as Bai Die was about to speak, Qiu Yun was interrupted with disdain. "His Royal Highness, don't waste any more time. If you refuse to write this edict, then we really can only go to His Majesty the Emperor."

Bai Die bite the shell teeth fiercely, and put all his strength into it, only to suppress the anger in his heart.

Weighing the pros and cons, Baidie can only write this edict. Although this will cause a serious blow to the reputation of the royal family, perhaps no one will come to the royal family in the future. The royal family will undoubtedly become more isolated and weak, but this will at least allow the father and son of the Qiu family to have no reason to harass Bai Zhenshan. As long as Bai Zhenshan can stand up again, everything lost today will always be recovered. Only in this way, I am afraid that Luo Xiao will be sorry.

Bai Die, with some guilt and helplessness, looked up at Luo Xiao, just hitting Luo Xiao's eyes.

From Baidie's eyes, Luo Xiao immediately understood everything, and was deeply overwhelmed by deep depression and resentment in his heart. After all, he still couldn't fight against the father and son of the Qiu family. After all, he couldn't avenge his dead parents. Luo Xiao couldn't think of it. When he got there to meet his parents, what should he say to them?

Tears of anger and guilt, like springs springing out of his eyes, came out of his eyes. Large drops of tears slipped across the cheeks and melted with the blood, making the tears blood red. With such **** tears, who sees can't help being sad?

"Write not yet !?" Bai Die was looking at Luo Xiao's absence, and Qiu Yun burst into a roar, and throbbed the table.

Bai Die turned back and gave him a fierce glance, slowly picked up the pen on the table. A pen that was as light as a feather was now in Baidie's hand, but heavier than a catty, making her hand tremble straight.

"Qiu Wanli, I'll fight with you!" Just when Bai Die was about to draw ink, Luo Xiao didn't know where the power came from. He stood up from the ground like a **** mad tiger, and threw himself directly at Qiu Wanli. In the past.

"Look for death!" The ghost on the side immediately flew up, lifted his palm and slashed towards Luo Xiao's back. Ghost worry is extremely ruthless, this palm can be said to leave no effort, terrifying palm strength, when the sky is blasted, the wind that curled up swayed Baidie's hair.

Bai Die suddenly glared her eyes, and her face was full of intolerance, she would not know, the palm of the ghost worry, even if Luo Xiao was hit by iron, he could not escape. Thinking of Luo Xiao, such a rising empire star would fall like this, but he was powerless, and Bai Die's heart did not mention how sad.

Facing the ghostly appalling palm strength, Luo Xiao didn't seem to see it, and ignored it completely. A pair of staring eyes stared directly at Qiu Wanli, as if in this world, only he and Qiu Wanli were left, and everything else no longer existed.

Luo Xiao was injured in the end, no matter how fast he was, he was not too worried. When he was still a few steps away from the national teacher, he was already behind him. The fierce palm strength is like a mad dragon, and it will hit the back of his heart heavily at the next moment.

Bai Diezhi couldn't bear to close his eyes, but at this moment, a burst of sound suddenly sounded from outside the temple, a dazzling golden light, as fast as a meteor, lasing, and the speed was unparalleled. In the moment when the ghost-stricken palm front was about to split on Luo Xiao's heart, he squeezed in and collided with the ghost-stricken palm front.

Ghosts were unprepared, and I didn't expect this golden light, the power contained was so powerful, the figure shuddered immediately, and he stumbled back out involuntarily.

Luo Xiao didn't notice all of this, his figure remained unchanged, and continued to pounce on Qiu Wanli.

"Humph!" Qiu Wanli let out a cold hum, his right palm swept out suddenly, a deep purple light, immediately burst out of the air, and slammed into Luo Xiao,

"Not good!" There was a soft whisper from the oblique thorn, a figure was faster than the ghost, and the swift came to the front, grabbed Luo Xiao's back heart, and at that moment before the purple light came, it was abruptly Pull him aside.

Ziguang fell to the ground and finally hit a bookcase. The bookcase is made of hardwood, very strong, but under the purple light, it instantly turned into a pile of flying debris. It can be seen how powerful Qiu Wanli is. If he hit Luo Xiao, he would definitely end without a dead body!

Even someone could save Luo Xiao under his palm, which made Qiu Wanli frown

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