Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Yeah, Chen Tiande, Chen Yi, don't you want to continue this contest? If not, just obediently confess, as a traitor of the Chen family, kneel down to the Chen family ancestral hall and ask the ancestors of the Chen family for guilt Confession! "Chen Tiankai immediately echoed Lin Rulong and shouted at Chen Tiande's father and daughter. \\

"Who is the traitor of the Chen family? You are the traitor of the Chen family!" Where can Chen Yi endure such insults?

"Since that is the case, let's compare again. There are still two games, who is a traitor, let's talk about victory or defeat!" Chen Tiankai was afraid that Chen Yi would suddenly admit defeat and terminate the contest. In that case, there would be no legitimate reason to kill Chen Jiping. Seeing that Chen Yi was emotional and full of anger, Chen Tiankai knew that his radical act had worked.


Chen Yikai was really lived by Chen Tiankai! Of course she wanted to fight again, but now she has no chance of winning. Chen Jiping will never fight again, as long as he is not blind, he knows everything. But Chen Tian put them on the side, and Chen Hao and Chen Chu did not appear, and the two of them were also the two of the seven sons who were the highest cultivated, especially Chen Chu, as a disciple of the Sanpin family It was a rare breakthrough to the first stage of the earth wheel, not to mention that Chen Jiping was no longer able to fight at this time. Even if he was in a state of full prosperity, it was difficult to catch Chen Chu's move.

In this competition, it was said that their seven sons were fighting against each other, but in fact, Chen Chu had no intention of shooting. At this time, he sat quietly beside Chen Tianfang, his expression relaxed, as if the young disciples of Chen Yi's veins were not in his eyes.

Not to mention Chen Chu, even if Chen Hao, it is an extremely difficult character. Even if it is not the first stage of the earth wheel, one foot has already entered the first stage of the earth wheel. Among the young disciples of Chen Yi, no one can match it.

"Grandpa! Please let grandson Chen Hao play! Sun Zi will break Chen Jiping's body and avenge his brother!"

Chen Yi hadn't waited for his position yet, and Chen Hao stood up on his own, kneeling in front of Chen Tianfang's brother, gritting his teeth, shouting murderously.

"Good boy! Worthy of Biaoer's brother!" Chen Tiankai breathed a sigh of breath, nodded with excitement and joy.

This round should have been Chen Hao's battle. Chen Tianfang didn't speak. He looked up and said to Chen Yi and Chen Tiande. "Do you want to continue this contest? Your father and daughter will give a happy talk!"

"Huh! Of course it is better than that, it is very early to discuss the outcome!"

As soon as Chen Tianfang's words fell to the ground, Chen Jiping stood up swaying from the ground. Although it was difficult to stand, he stood up after all.

"Jiping, can you fight again?" Chen Yi asked with heartache.

A smile appeared on Chen Jiping's face, looking very tragic, but also full of admirable pride and courage.

"Housekeeper, this is no longer a fight, but a fight! I must not let everyone bear the infamy of the Chen traitor to die, I ... I have to fight, and ... and I have to win!"

"Hahaha ... What a big talk, look at how I cut your head!" Chen Hao laughed loudly, carrying a long sword, and Fei jumped into the ring.

Chen Hao's figure was clean and neat, and he was very beautiful. If everything else is left aside, this Hao Chen is indeed the last young talent!

"Master, please let me fight in place of the master brother!" Seeing Chen Hao's murderousness, Chen Hong rushed in front of Chen Yi with an arrow and shouted loudly.

"Chen Hong? Hahaha ... You can't! You were my men's defeat a few years ago, and now it's even untouchable! I advise you not to come up and die!"

Both grew up together. Chen Hao and Chen Hong also knew each other. When Chen Hong asked to tassel, Chen Hao's face immediately showed a contemptuous smile, waved his hand, and said coldly.

Although Chen Hao's words are unpleasant, they are irrefutable. Compared with Chen Hao, what is the difference between Chen Hong and Chen Hao?

Patting Chen Hong on the shoulder lightly, Chen Yi said bitterly, "Boy, we all understand your heart, but you are not Chen Hao's opponent. As the head of the family, I can't ..."

"Homeowner! I am indeed not Chen Hao's opponent, but I am not injured at least, I have at least one battle strength, but what about the master? He is hurt so badly, he is afraid that it will be very difficult to move even now. Although Chen Hong is incompetent, I am always stronger than the brothers at this time? Also ... the master, the brothers are our hope for the future, I can die, but he cannot die. As long as he is alive, then we have Hope to rise again! Homeowner, you will send me to fight! It is more terrible to live in humiliation than death! "

"Good boy!" Chen Hong's remarks made Chen Yi burst into tears. He didn't know what to say, but just nodded in praise and wiped tears.

"Which one of you is playing, make a decision as soon as possible! We all have no time to watch you play bitterness here!" Chen Tianfang waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Lin Rulong also turned his head to look at Wan Dong, and said with a smile, "Elder Xu, what are you still doing on the stage? Go ahead, don't delay them to compete."

Wandong looked up at Lin Rulong and sneered, saying, "You seem to be very willing to see Chen's flesh and blood."

"Ah? Elder Xu, what are you saying? This seat is invited today to be a notary." Lin Rulong said with a look of consternation.

"Ha ha ha ... Then I am really a long-time acquaintance. I saw it for the first time, with Feng Guanxia and Dahong sedan as notaries." Wan Dong laughed loudly and said aloud, the sarcasm and coldness in his words, Do not hide at all.

"Elder Xu, what do you mean !? Are you accusing the uncle of being unfair?"

Song Shixiong immediately stood up and rushed to Chong Wandong.

"Song's name, what are you, are you qualified to speak to Elder Ben? If you don't want the Song family to die, then you shut my mouth!"

"What are you talking about? Uncle, did you ... did you hear what Elder Xu said? I, Song Shixiong, led a Song family at Nuo University, and after busy working for the Lin family, it was just like a dog and a horse. A result? "

Lin Rulong frowned and said in a deep voice, "Elder Xu, although you are an elder, you can't talk nonsense. Master Song has made a huge contribution to my Lin family. Even I have to be polite to him. Not to mention you? "

"Yao! Listen to you, Elder Ben seems to be lower than you. I ask you, what is your identity?"

"Nonsense! Uncle Lin, don't you know?" With Lin Rulong backing up, Song Shixiong's courage immediately became stronger.

"I only heard that the Lin family has owners, elders, first-line disciples, and second-line disciples of various identities, but I don't know what level this" Uncle Lin family "is?"

"This ..." Although Song Shixiong knew that Wan Dong's stuttering was terrible, he did not expect Wan Dong to be so daring, that he didn't even give Lin Rulong even a thin noodle.

Seeing that Song Shixiong couldn't speak, Lin Rulong looked so blue, Wan Dong snorted coldly, and then said, "As far as I know, your status as Lin Rulong is the same as me and an elder, but you are the eldest son of the old man, so you have an extra uncle. Title. Am I right? "

Lin Rulong coughed heavily, although he didn't speak, but it was not difficult to see from his expression, even if he used the term 'righteous indignation' to describe his mood at this time, it should not be an exaggeration.

"Lin Rulong, someone respects you 'Uncle Lin', maybe I'm afraid of you, but I Xu Yaoting called you 'Uncle Lin'," that is to give you face, nothing more! ! Here, he is the only dog ​​who can only beg his pity to the owner! "

"Xu Yaoting! You're enough!" Hearing this, if Lin Rulong could still hold back, then I'm afraid that he would leave the saint 20 years ago and go to Xianting. However, Lin Rulong was able to endure until this time, and it was really not easy.

Although Lin Rulong is misbehaving, he can't be underestimated as a person. The middle level of Shinto is enough to become a nightmare for most people present. Lin Rulong burst into shock at this moment, his body burst into flames, within a few tens of miles, as if he fell into the cold winter in an instant, letting the people in it all felt trembling and trembling.

"Xu Yaoting, don't think that relying on Huangfu Xun to support you, you can't be lawless! In Daomen World, it's useless to just pat on horses, it's useless, you have to have real skills! Look at the face of Master Huangfu Xun. , I can not kill you this time, but if you dare to be rude to this seat again, I will let you head somewhere different, and see if the Huangfu family, because of you, a kid who can only beat the horse, will let me be like Lin Long condemn."

Lin Rulong was really given gas by Wan Dong, and several times of anger superimposed together. Lin Rulong finally decided to give Wan Dong some color to let him know that he was a great uncle of the Lin family.

Lin Rulong's momentum is really ridiculous, thanks to the fact that Wandong is only a little closer, he can break through to the top of the earth wheel, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand the impact of this momentum, even so, Wandong seems to be at this time. It is a boulder carrying thousands of pounds, and it is extremely painful.

"Slitting the horse?" Even though it was painful, Wan Dong was unwilling to show signs of even a little softness in front of Lin Rulong. This is a breath, he must fight!

"Huh! Isn't it? With Master Tianfu Xun's talented genius, if it's not that you're extremely good at walking and beating horses, I'm afraid he won't give you one even with his right eye, how can he be as intimate as you are? I admire you, although the shamelessness is a shame, it is indeed a skill and a means. "

Lin Rulong said with a sneer.

Chen Tiande and Chen Yi looked at each other, and they were taken aback.

When they turned away from Chen Tianfang and turned to the Lin family, they spent a lot of thoughts, but Wandong was good, and quietly joined the Huangfu family of the Yipin family. Listening to the meaning of Lin Rulong, Wan Dong ’s relationship seems to be quite intimate with Huangfu Xun, which makes the father and daughter feel incredible and at the same time, they are also extremely surprised ... -by: dad856 | 55634 | 15023116->

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