Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Dad! Looking at their posture today, they are not going to give our father and daughter a way of life. Since that is the case, why not worry about the rest, and simply fight with them to break the net!" Chen Yimeng stood up at this time, screaming loudly.

"Shameless face! Chen Tiande, this is what you are looking for, look at the palm!" Chen Tiankai's eyes are red, and he has been blinded by reason with hatred. Cleave to Chen Tiande.

In the end it was a brother-in-law, and now such a life-and-death fight makes Chen Tiande's heart very uncomfortable. Facing Chen Tiankai's turbulent palm power, Chen Tiande didn't want to fight back immediately. When he was about to dodge, he unexpectedly saw a figure. At this moment, he was rushing like a rush, and he didn't wait for Chen Tiande to react. , That figure had collided with Chen Tiankai's palm.

"Ouch!" With a cry, Wandong's figure fell heavily from the air onto the ring.

Chen Tiande hadn't responded at the beginning. After seeing clearly that the figure was Wan Dong, he was shocked, happy, and anxious!

The sudden appearance of Wan Dong, of course, surprised and delighted Chen Tiande, but what was anxious was that it was not where Wan Dong appeared! Chen Tiankai's palm strength is not covered, and if there is a failure, it is to be killed. Today's Chen Tiande, however, regards Wan Dong as his heart, and treasures his palm. Even if he died ten thousand times, he would never allow Wan Dong to have trouble. Can't take care of Chen Tiankai, and with a hurry, jumped straight to Wandong.

Seeing Wan Dong's suffering, Chen Tiande's heart seemed to be split, tears were swirling in his eyes, and he was about to ask about Wan Dong's injury, but Wan Dong suddenly blinked at him, and at the same time, he was indifferent. The voice came into his ears: "Grandpa, grandchildren are all right, you just sit by and leave everything to me."

"What?" Chen Tiande froze, his eyes full of suspicion and surprise.

"Where's the wild boy, find death!" But Chen Tiande didn't have time to ask in detail. Seeing that his palm was actually blocked by Wan Dong, Chen Tiankai was greatly annoyed, and he rushed up and raised his palm high. , I wish I could slap the **** Wandong to death.

"The second son!" Chen Tiande hurriedly roared, trying to stop Chen Tiankai, but Wandong was faster than him, a grunt jumped from the ground, and greeted Chen Tiankai's palm again.

This is simply suicide. Chen Tiande was so shocked that he could not hold his breath.

But contrary to Chen Tiande's expectation, Chen Tiankai's menacing power was actually settled at a distance from Wandong, and it looked like he was being blocked by an invisible barrier. .

What makes Chen Tiande even more strange is that Chen Tiankai's face was full of anger, and at this moment, all turned into deep consternation. His eyes are rounded, his mouth is angry, like hell.

Chen Tiande looked back in a daze, only to find out that Wandong had no more golden brand in his hand. When he saw clearly, the words on that brand, the whole person was shocked in his heart, and the whole person was completely overwhelmed by an incredible.

In the hands of Wan Dong, this elder token became a "killing license", and it took only a long time for him to die, and several of them died under his palm.

Looking at the startled Chen Tiankai, Wan Dong sneered, and said quietly, "Crack, you are cracking!"

"Lin ... The Lin family actually has ... There are elders you are so young? This ... this is impossible!" Although Chen Tiankai is the head of the Chen family, his status is undoubtedly a lot worse than that of the Lin family elders. . What's more, at this time, the Chen family is in a very special period, and it is in urgent need of the Lin family's asylum. Not to mention the Lin family's elders, even if it is the Lin family's second-line disciple, Chen Tiankai does not dare to offend easily. Need to know that if something goes wrong, the whole family will be unlucky!

"Yaha! You old man is quite skeptical! Now, Uncle Lin is there, you can come to him to prove it."

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, Chen Tiankai immediately turned his attention to Lin Rulong. At this time, Lin Rulong's face sank like water, and the ancient well had no waves. It seemed to be calm, but in his heart, there were waves. Lin Rulong did not know why Wan Dong appeared at the Chen family at this time, but he knew that as long as Wan Dong appeared, that thing would definitely become very tricky.

Forcing a smile on his face, Lin Rulong slowly stood up and said, "Chen Tiankai, don't be rude, this is Elder Xu!"

"Ah !? This ... Chen has no eyes, he clashed with Elder Xu, and asked Elder Xu to come down!"

Chen Tiankai was shocked by the cold sweat, and he stepped back three times without hesitation, and said to Chong Wandong.

Wan Dong waved his hand and sneered, "Since you take the initiative to ask for guilt, that's good, you punish yourself!"


"What !?" Wan Dong's remarks were all shocking.

Chen Tiankai froze there on the spot, dumbfounded, and couldn't believe his ears.

Zhang Quanhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and turned to look at Sister Zhang Xueru. Na Na said, "He is the Xu Yaoting that your sisters admired?"

Sister Zhang Xueru glanced at each other, and nodded, smiling like flowers. I don't know what happened. The sisters seemed to have a superstition for Wandong. They just felt that no matter how big the matter was, as long as Wandong was there, it would be no big deal.

Zhang Quanhao nodded when he saw it, and sighed, "This is really extraordinary!"

"Uncle, this ..." Chen Tianfang looked back at Lin Rulong with a shocked face. He did not expect that the young elder of the Lin family was so fierce.

Lin Rulong's brows were also wrinkled at this time. After having dealt with Wandong several times, every Wandong's move will always be beyond his expectations, and he will be caught by surprise and tired of coping.

Suddenly learned that his grandson turned out to be the elder of the Lin family of the second-class family, which was shocking to Chen Tiande. At this time, Chen Tiande was even more shocked. He only felt that his baby grandson was more than his grandfather, but he was a cow x too much.

"Dad! This Elder Xu ..." Chen Yi's heart has been pounding non-stop since he came to power on stage. At this time, he finally couldn't hold back and whispered directly to Chen Tiande.

Wan Dong revealed his identity, and Chen Tiande's mind was greatly relaxed. He can't cure Chen Tiankai, can't even Lin's parents be old? Hearing Chen Yi's call, he jumped off the ring immediately. Although Chen Tiande wanted to take Chen Jiping with him, he was stopped by Wan Dong's eyes.

"Dad, he ... he is ..." When Chen Tiande swept beside Chen Yi, Chen Yi's body was trembling like an electric shock, and his face was full of excitement, even the words were not so neat.

Where did Chen Tiande continue to hide, he nodded heavily, holding Chen Yi's hand and said, "Yier, he ... he is your son, my good grandson!"

Chen Yi was craving this answer from the beginning. At this time, this answer was finally revealed in Chen Tiande's mouth. Chen Yi's inner excitement climbed to the peak instantaneously, so that she couldn't bear it, her eyes turned black, and her body straightened. child.

Chen Tiande was taken aback and quickly took her in his arms and asked repeatedly, "Yi'er, what's wrong with you, you must hold on."

After taking a few breaths, Chen Yi eased over, waved his hand at Chen Tiande, and signaled that he was okay. Then he could n’t wait to turn his gaze to Wandong, looking at it diligently, even blinking his eyes. , That look, as if she was admiring a rare treasure.

Chen Tiande understands Chen Yi's mood best, and sighs a little, no longer disturbing Chen Yi.

"Elder Xu, Chen Tiankai did offend you just now, but that was an accident, and it was not out of my own heart. I also asked Elder Xu to have a lot of people and be generous!"

Wan Dong's age is much smaller than that of Chen Tiankai, but Wan Dong is wearing Lin's old hat. Chen Tiankai must be subdued and hurriedly ask Wan Dong for his smile.

Just now, the arrogant one wants to put people to death, and in a blink of an eye, the figure is so low. This is also Chen Tiankai's skill.

It ’s just that Wan Dong did n’t buy his account at all, and said coldly, “What an accident, I think you know it ’s intentional! You Chen Tiankai did n’t even take my Lin ’s family into consideration. My Lin parents are always in your opinion. I ’m afraid it ’s as cheap as a ant? ”

Chen Tiankai put his posture extremely low, but Wan Dong did not intend to let go of him at all. He snorted directly and fixed the whole thing directly. His tone was decisive and could not be refuted.

When Chen Tiankai heard it, he almost did n’t cry on the spot. He even said, "Elder Xu, Elder Xu, I can swear to Tianmeng. I absolutely do n’t have any disrespect for you. I ’m just offended. It was an accident, and ... "

Chen Tiankai really wanted to say that, and you just ran into it yourself just now, but he asked for it, but he really didn't have the guts to say it at this time.

Wan Dong sneered, and squinted. "And what, you continue to say."

"And ... and the unknowing person is not guilty, Chen Mou first arrived, did not know ..."

"It's all an excuse! Since you haven't sinned, why did you just ask the elder Ben to sin? Why, in front of so many people, amuse me to play?"


Wan Dong is just arrogant, and Chen Tiankai doesn't know what to say even if he is a sin. Who does n’t know that what he said just now is just a polite set, but Wandong just wants to take it seriously, what can you do with Tiantian Chen?

Seeing that Chen Tiankai's forehead was cold and sweating, he completely lost his square inch. Lin Rulong said openly, "Elder Xu, I don't think you have anything. If you are good, don't be too prosecuted. As an elder of the Lin family, you should be generous. Are you right? "

"Yes? Ha! According to the meaning of the uncle, I deserve to be slashed to death with the palm of his hand just now?" Wan Dong sneered with a sneered voice. -by: dad856 | 55634 | 15023114->

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